
that is all

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how the fuck does that even happen?

okay what im i looking at? i wanna research this shit. how does it happen?

Imagine the smell

Dude's probably paralyzed with no feeling below level of injury. You can see where it's all red from sitting, skin breaks down from pressure, most likely infected from fecal e. coli.
It should never get this bad.


Steeling pics and post that same pics one day later, good job OP you have proved your laziness.


Can anyone smell this just from looking at it

Bed sores from sitting. Very common in nursing homes. Pus filled necrotic tissue is the best meathole.

No. No, that is physically impossible. The ability to imagine smells is usually encompassed by a simple but feeble mind.

So, uhm. Guys, how long are you supposed to be sitting on the toilet when taking a shit?
Might start speed pooping now.

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How to fix this? Is it impossible?

Is this what transgender > genitals looks like?


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Okay yeah im off this site for today

No, not impossible, antibiotics, surgery, skin grafts, wound care/hyperbaric chamber and a high protein diet. Takes a long time and great care.

Growing old really is hell on earth...

It's a pressure ulcer (also known as pressure sores or bedsores) are injuries to the skin and underlying tissue, primarily caused by prolonged pressure on the skin. They can happen to anyone, but usually affect people confined to bed or who sit in a chair or wheelchair for long periods of time

May as well be