I hate women for wanting to have sex with me since it makes them a whore. I don't fuck whores so I don't have sex

I hate women for wanting to have sex with me since it makes them a whore. I don't fuck whores so I don't have sex.
Simple equation but it's frustrating. How do I get out of this loop?

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=madonna whore complex&s=g

punch ur mum

stop being retarded maybe

Stop buying into the idiotic fucking Madonna/Whore Complex.
Were you raised Baptist, Catholic, or Muslim?

Stop caring. I realized it’s pointless to have morals. If it’s not you, its going to be someone else. It’s so easy for women to get laid its not even funny. So yeah, just use and abuse them because if its not you its gonna be someone else. They like being whores anyway.

what is this madonna complex exactly?

simple, only fuck women who DON'T want to have sex with you

Baptist. How'd you know? Q_Q

Just don't pay her for sex u stupid incel fool, then she can't be a whore. Was that too hard for u to figure out? Dumbass motherfucker

seek therapy, clearly you are fucked in the head

I wonder what it takes to become this much of a faggot. Grow up.

nobody wants to have sex with you

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but user, that would be rape!

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Stop lying to yourself. No one wants to have sex with you. You can justify it all you want, but you’re just a normal incel.

Marry a bitch

rape? is that the answer you're looking for? fucking kike

even has the le troll face

You should be thankful that anyone would want to have sex with you.

the guy with the camera showed up just to photograph some titties

that girl isn't wearing underwear

>simple, only fuck women who DON'T want to have sex with you
I agree you should start rapeing the females you are interested in.

Guess you ain't never gonna have sex then
Cos all women are whores haha

Not to say they're bad people. Just whores. In the same way all guys are dicks.

raised in Christian family with asexual mother who always was telling us stories how we are spoiled because when she was young her father was telling her to go to sleep on a kissing scenes when she was 16 yo.

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Since no one is answering, the Madonna-Whore complex is where someone either sees women as perfect sexless angels or disgusting prostitutes. They, much like OP, can't imagine a world where women can be great people and still enjoy sex (but somehow men can).

Sex isn’t a bad thing. Sex is a good thing. Women like sex(unless you are doing it wrong). Men like sex. The only people who don’t want women having sex are gay men.

Men can't have sex neither. They become pathetic animals with no morals as soon as they stick a dick inside of a female who they didn't marry.
Actually looking at how world is changing and how we fight sexism maybe my hate is a good thing. It makes social interactions non-sexual and non-offensive. Maybe it's the future. Sex is not that important anyway, everyone who has it regularly will agree. I just need to keep reminding myself of that.

Does a piece of paper change the makeup of the vagina? Why would being married affect whether it turns a man into a degenerate

have sex with men

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I'm with ya, OP. There is a worldwide orgy going on whereby the participants' bodies are separated only by time.

Because marriage is the highest of agreements, two adults can do. If she married you it means she is likely not lying about loving you and thus is not a whore who just wants to have sex.

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Plenty of, women and men too, marry for reasons other than love.


I wouldn't have sex with any of them.

why don't create new conditions that would lead to woman wanting sex from you, within a particular situation that would not make them whorish...

You must be pretty retarded if this hasn't occured to you, or if your too stupid to engineer and plan such an eventual scenario, or some kind of process and procedure to eventually make it so.

It did occur to me but even thinking about it is so stressful that it seems like a wrong thing to do. No one is even talking about sex anyway, must be a reason.

fuck... your a retraded religious prude...

well, having arbitrary boundaries because you have developed the sophistication to develop a nuanced whore-filter means you deserve to stay in your self-made safety zone of self-imposed mediocrity.

You know how many Godly men had pre-marital sex??? its not adultery, as long as its not base fornication.

edit: have = haven't

have sex lmao

lmgtfy.com/?q=madonna whore complex&s=g

This site has some info on it.

Go see a therapist.
>dont go see the rapist


It’s only a contract user and one of the lowest standards of one, for example retards can get married where the can’t enter into other forms of contracts. Hell NDA are higher contracts than a reproduction and income dividing contract (which is all marriage is).

Judging women who want to sleep with you makes you a massive cunt. In reality women are not whores just because they want to get fucked. Whores fuck everything.
2 facts:
- Most women do not want to fuck everything.
- You are a cunt.
What's worse? Go slap your parents for me..

I do see a therapist but I always make a regress when I start visiting Sup Forums, everyday.

She said I should go out, start doing things and I'll meet women along the way. Just thinking about it makes me realize they are whores because they were having sex all this time while I didn't and they probably think I'm fucking funny in an amusing way because of it which is not, I just have a condition and people shouldn't laugh at it.
I'll join yoga one day, just to try it out. Probably some horny women out there. I just hope I'll not get a random boner after all these years. I hope it's fits the standards there.

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Life is judging, nothing you can do about it.
You are judging me right now and I don't feel offended. I know you want good for me.
I'll slap my parents for you tho.

Moar of her

>How do I get out of this loop?

Get married?

You must think pretty ill of animals and trees. “Nature is full of whores, bet that oak loves big black walnut seed”.

Keep jerking off to hentai.

Watch out... I can relate, was super selective about girls. Instantly excluding sluts etc. Finally found a shy & cute gf (still together). After 3 years of relationship, I find out she was biggest slut of them all...

Well, when I see dogs getting sexual I feel disgusted and I want to kick them with full force.
But anyway, it's about free choice people make. Animals and plants can't commit that "sin".
I think I'm similar to Sheldon Cooper in this matter. People are slaves to their sexual needs and it's pathetic, it's lack of self control and it clearly means they have nothing better to do lol.

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in what way? She had plenty of partners or she didn't have standards? Or did she let all of them fuck their ass and cum in her mouth?

plenty partners + some random slut exhibitions, such as being invited to some guys pool party, got drunk and stripped naked + fingered by the whole damn basketball team... I lived in a lie of being her 2nd maybe 3th guy... Was shocked