Whats ur favorite movie guys?

whats ur favorite movie guys?

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The one with your mum in it

shutter island

Mary Poppins

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

Great movie
Great movie
Never seen pirating now

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Batman The Dark Knight with Christian Bale

Shameless samefagging

It’s either TDK or Avatar (not the shitty TLA live action)

The Birth of a Nation

End Of Eva


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Its pretty good but scorsese has done way better

the box by takashi miike

I'm real big on John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)

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Ip Man

The correct answer

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You're killing me, Smalls!

I just got disney+ last night for mandalorian. Saw that the sandlot was up and decided fuck star wars im watching this. Was not disappoint.

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Is it better than say, netflix prime or hulu
Netflix fucking blows, they have tons and tons of stuff and literally less than 1% of it is good

God no theres nothing on it. The selection is dogshit. Once mandalorian is over im unsubbing immediately

Oh i think you know it very well HAHAhahahaHA !

>posted by Jokerw33dg4ng hononary member #245964

Please tell me pic related is on there.

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The Digimon Movie

Terminator 2

shawshank redemption

Alien - 1979 - Uncut

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Gulliver's Travels with Ted Danson.

In Bruges


The Godfather

I've seen this film an autistic amount of times.


the big lebowski

this all time classic

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What happened to Bambi?

His mother was shot by a hunter. Very sad.

Pic related.

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Hmmmm...who think was him...?!

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blade runner

>He say you brade runna

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I think we're going to look back on 1979-2001 as a golden era of moviemaking, sure there are huge media conglomerate blockbusters now like marvel and joker was quite good, but look at all the unique IP's produced through the 80's and 90's
It's exceedingly rare in 2019 that a movie comes out with an original IP. All the cost of making a move means that studios only fund sequels, prequels, reboots and spinoffs and occasionally an adaptation of a popular bookseries

Starship Troopers, obviously

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but aliens with the extended edition cuz marines
Also blade runner

Strike witches the movie

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get the fuck out you goddamn weeb degenerate

blade runner 2049

So it must have been pretty good yeah? I haven't taken the dive yet I hear it's like 3 hours
How does it stack up to the original you like it better then?