His wife fucks niggers

His wife fucks niggers

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Sounds like he must be an upstanding guy then. Sort of like a lot of guys on Sup Forums

I see the Trumpian brain trust is monitoring this site.

His wife has the new super aids


And niggers fuck him too

At least he has a woman. How about you son.... you can call your left hand waifu yet?

He read the transcript with the embellishment because he knows libcucks will glom onto anything that fits their autistically screeching narrative.

you don't "have a woman" if she fucks other men

Awww looks like a widdle Twumpcuck is watching the hearing and needs his blankey

So your hand then? What do you charge for a hand job on the corner? $5, $7,gram crack, smack in the face?

>My side is lossinnnggg because my guy is a criminal WAAAHHHHHH

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You read the transcript but lack reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

and my niggers fuck his wife

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I love that this is the best zoomers have. "Okay, hrrrr."

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looks like you and your wife get fucked by black men

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Hmmmm...who think was him...?!

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Yes. Also, Nancy Pelosi is used to run trains by Niggers, minimum 20 at a time!

I outclass you in every important demographic you little internet faggot cock sucker.

Keep autistically screeching, you have 5 years to go. Maybe, most trannies off themselves, follow suit.

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You fuck dogs.

>I outclass you in every important demographic you little faggot cock sucker.
Did you also graduate in the top of your class in the Navy SEALS?

>He read the transcript with the embellishment
Not a transcript, an edited memo produced by the WH

“ALL I WANTED WAS RUSSIAN COCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

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Can everyone just admit this is what kevin spacey would look and act like if he was actually in politics.

I mean, I've seen him coming out of the Green Lantern club once or twice. D.C. is a weird place.

yet libcucks wave soviet flags

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>His wife fucks niggers
So does your mom.

Libtards are so dumb they aren't even aware of insulting their lgbtqp leaders with posts like that.

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Go back to spacechan, you drooling fuckin retard.

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going back to sucking nigger cock you cum drooling faggot

and his niggers fuck wives

>going back to sucking nigger cock
So, retarded and gay. What a combo.

Enjoy the nigger cock and complimentary AIDS, astro.

It's funny how conservatives have to resort to cherrypicking from the radical SJWs to make liberals look dumb. All liberals have to do to checkmate is point to the President you dipshits elected.

That was Paul Manafort, your stupid fuck. You know the Trump stooge who is now in prison, who drugged he wife for interracial gangbangs? It's pretty telling that conservicucks are projecting their own lust for nigger cocks. Watch no one refute me.

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They are you leader libcuck. Serve your lqbtqp masters accordingly and don't post such dumb shit.

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