Male sex toys. I'm in my 40s and tried a cheap silicone pocket pussy and wasn't really thrilled...

Male sex toys. I'm in my 40s and tried a cheap silicone pocket pussy and wasn't really thrilled. This venus for men toy claims to be the worlds best but it's fucking $1,000. I don't want to be out a grand and not like it.

I've never stuck anything in my ass like you faggots but i figured why not. I'm an adult and its my ass. So i was looking at prostate massagers to but know nothing about them.

Anyone here have experience with male sex toys? What are they like?

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What I Wonder about is wich perk in life would make male dildos unseen and unpunishable forever

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I’m 41 and just bought a $20 cheap light from amazon. It’s ok but I feel gross and weird cleaning it in the sink after I bust in it. I’ve only used it twice and considering throwing it out because it makes me feel weird using it.

Use condom if you dont like cleaning.

Why would I use a condom for a flesh light? It’s not like it can get pregnant. Tf

Damn. I figured i would have the same problem.

You might want to take a look at the ANEROS prostate massagers. Work well for me.

I'd pay extra for one I could impreg.

Thanks user

The best sex toys can be found is sleazy bars, usually drunk.

I used an onahole on my ex before. He came hard in it. I think he enjoyed it quite a bit.

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You are in your 40s.
I assume you make decent money.
Have your own place.
Drive your own car.
Just go onto adultfriendfinder and set up a profile.
Fucking women are desperate.
AFF is mostly a fuck buddy site.
Plus there are multitudes out there now.
Tinder, snapchat..etc.
There has never been a better time to be a guy than now.

I do this as well, just because I don't like the cleanup. Mixing water and semen leaves a sticky mess.

Pic related: Fleshlight flight is decent. Still, the best sex toy I've ever used was the "hot octopuss", a vibrating thingy.

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Women are not always available + at least for me, using a sex toy during foreplay is a lot of fun. ;)

Are your hands broken?
I get that women might need sex toys but unless you've got mechanic's callouses or some shit your right hand should do the trick?

Thanks but I'm married. The wife decided to try out some new toys recently and suggested i try some also. We do alright financially i guess.

What i wouldn't give to have had tinder 15years ago. We actually had to drive out of town and have game. Now all you need is a face and a phone. Lucky fuckin kids.

I was thinking of something like this to start and would like to keep it under 100 bucks. I guess 150 maybe if it's got really good reviews

If you dont like cleanup DIY a fleshlight with latex glove and throw it out afterwards.

Sometimes. But a lifetime of tripping pipe and banging wrenches plus calloused hands gets old.

Yeah fair.
I don't like anal penetration but do like the stimulation so I press the first knuckle of my (or gf's) finger into my butthole then massage the ring around a bit.

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Thinking of copping a cock ring, I have off and on ED and I'm told they can help keep you hard.
Anyone used one?

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Yep and yep. I got sore from it tho

What happens if you cum while its on?
In my head I'm imagining it could hurt trying to push past the ring.

It was a bit tight I guess but not more than a firm grip.

USE NOTHING SOLID. 0 metal rings or your fucking cock will die

Soo...nice one Elon.

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Right, thanks for the advice.
As for the OP question, I recently tried putting something in my ass, skipped the baby steps and went straight to ramming my girlfriends 7 inch dildo up there, all the way. With lots of lube it went in fine but I could literally feel it pushing the shit and it actually hurt my intestines to push it any further up. It didn’t do much on its own but if you kinda jiggle it around while your cock is also being stimulated it slightly heightens the sensation, that’s how I found it at least.
I don’t think I found my prostate, I read into it later on and apparently it’s only like 2 inches deep anyway so. I guess advice for anal is try to take a big shit before you start, maybe with some laxatives or something.
I also learned that anal is very easy and only hurts if you physically push shit the wrong way up your intestines and every woman who’s ass I’ve fucked was just being a whiny little bitch.

Holy shit, this is the most pathetic thing I have ever read. Just kill yourself if you arent getting laid and fucking a peice of plastic. Seriously do us all a favor.

Don't remember what it was called but once upon a time for $50 i got a bj simulator, it was a mouth and the tongue had a vibrator in it that spun around my dick. Felt great. Used it til it broke then kept using it manually.

I bought a cheap Tenga Egg off Amazon. It's disposable for the price, but I have yet to break mine. Feels pretty good, makes the cleanup super easy as you cum in the silicon. Walk over to the sink and rinse it off.

If you use it hard enough it will supposedly tear but mine hasn't after a dozen uses.