Random number texted me, dubs decides what I say back

Random number texted me, dubs decides what I say back

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It's a scam, they send this message a lot and change the town

just give them your bank information now user and get it over with

I have a confession to make babe.. I'm cheating on you.. :(

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That figures.

Depends. Do you live in Phoenix?

Send dick pics!

I do not

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get on it OP

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New one

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horse cock is the biggest I’ve ever sucked


Maybe legit wrong number?

Jesus loves you

Damn send more baby, even if it’s just a silhouette of your nipple. That would be alright

more dick pics

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powerful stuff in this thread

Well, I think I’m going to stop it here because all the responses are automated

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Post the number pussy

and if you reply it adds it to the database as an active number. like they did with phonecalls and emails back in the day. spam scammers havent changed that much. theyre still the scum of the earth.

its a fucking scambot

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Just tell her you're hanging out with friends and you were debating if this was a scam...see what happens

your first reply should be been "Tits and timestamp or GTFO"


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Oh shit I didn’t even realize

This is shit

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prove you're not a robot


couldnt agree more

Keep going OP

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I’m just going to say that dubs with no texts don’t count

Why in the fuck is OP continually having gets?

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Just send a dick pick, pussy.

Send a dick pic faggot

Send tits and or ass

Send pic of a micro penis

This OP
Even just get a random one online.


My friend got that same exact pic about a week or two ago. She's going to end the conversation by telling you to go to a cam site

They always do, don't they? They're never real. Usually it's easy to tell

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Send it a pic

How are you all this fucking stupid in 2019? Name the last god time you texted the wrong number while adding a contact? The replies alone prove its a fucking bot, they just keep trying to bait you for more information, you keep the conversation going long enough they'll move you to a pay site, you fucking retards
-retired spammer

They picked an ugly ass girl too

Save the pictures and post them so we can image search them

I'm legally obligated to inform you I'm a convicted child molester.
Don't do it anymore, man that shit was kash



Attached: C7A11371-93E7-48E1-AA45-CA884BC2B97D.jpg (1242x2148, 1007K)

well that pretty much seals it

sorry I am retarded


Bears repeating

By design.

nah, that's automated response, pretty generic, works for "sorry, wrong number"

Suite quads on a shitty thread.

Give us the full image faggot.

The scam may be that they want you to masturbate in front of the camera so that then they can blackmail you

Yea, this happened to my friend and he got all scared and messaged me for advice. We laugh about it now, but never show your face!


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fucking lost it

seems legit

IT happened to me too. They moved on without using the blackmail later though.

But yeah, these scams are weird because I can't see anyone being this dumb