Anyone else watching the live hearings of the impeachment process and other nonsense the Democrats are trying to string...

Anyone else watching the live hearings of the impeachment process and other nonsense the Democrats are trying to string together?
So far the Republicans are slapping down everything these Democrats are bullshitting, they're fucking destroying this so called Ambassador too; Democrats are fucking foolish to think this will go through.

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go back to red_dit cut jewfag

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I'm watching. Either the Republicans or Democrats are full of shit here. I'm leaning towards the Republicans.

How are the Republicans full of shit? Democrats are blatantly making things up as this goes on, it's absolutely pathetic.

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If I waste my time like that I get fired.

Egg on the face of democraps after Mueller should have been enough.
Good thing they have CNN and others for their propaganda machine.

All for naught. The autistic screeching of the libtards the night of Nov 3rd 2020 is going to be epic.

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>Republican Asapie REEEEing
>Wont even let the Ambassador finish
>Acts like a fucking child
You sure showed him Republicans

Can't tell if troll or MAGAt

Fuck off, Yakov.

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>So far the Republicans are slapping down everything these Democrats are bullshitting
so you are not watching either?? LOL. how delusional are you?

You know who agrees with you? RT

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Why are you libtards so dumb as to insult your lgbtqp masters?

What solid examples of guilt worthy of impeachment are you getting from this that no one else is?

That's the best meme in your folder?

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You're legit dumb if you think Democrats have, even for a second, any feasible means to impeach or even get anywhere near impeaching the President.
So far everything they've mentioned or tried to use have fallen through and is just absolute bullshit.
Take this LIVE hearing, see how Democrats just keep spewing bullshit and bullshit out of their mouths; their immature attempts to try and point fingers, it's fucking pathetic user

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Lol it must be rough being this pants on head retarded.

At this point you're just trying to troll me kiddo and bait me into continuing. If you can't even properly defend your opinion or my post, it shows how inept you are in comprehending what's at hand in this live hearing bucko

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do you have any actual argument, or are you just going to keep saying republican bad until trumps second term is over

Wheres all this incredibly damning evidence for impeachment all I see is alot of stuttering and double talk whenever facts are actually brought up?

There is none, it's all been bullshit from the start. They have nothing at all

>their immature attempts to try and point fingers

This sounds vaguely like someone else we know who's currently in power. I wonder who it could be?

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This a thousand times over. If they have evidence, slam that shit on the table and put an end to this. The only reason to continue to drag this out is that they literally have nothing to show. Sick and tired of hearing about this dumb shit every day.

t. didn't read the transcript
t. didn't watch the mulvaney press brief
t. russian paid bots/brainlet fox-fed cocksuckers

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Man Swalwell's questions were garbage, poor show.

>mfw im not even watching or give a shit, but the constant melt downs the last 3 years has been lulz

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>So far the Republicans are slapping down everything these Democrats are bullshitting

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Ot has been funni

>so called ambassador
Nigga you dumb or something. Even I a Republican know that the guy is an actual ambassador. You're a embarrassment to actual Republicans. And Nunez fake greedy 'ill meet you constituent if you donate 3200 to my campaign' or Jordan pedoass.

>So far the Republicans are slapping down everything these Democrats are bullshitting
All the Republicans have done is desperately attempt to raise doubt about the narrative. That's it. Their whole defense is as follows:
1. The Trump admin was just trying to get to the bottom of corruption, therefore Trump did nothing wrong.
2. The Ukranians never followed through on investigating Biden, therefore Trump did nothing wrong.
3. Zelensky said he didn't feel pressured, therefore Trump did nothing wrong.

Now let me tell you why that's retarded:
1. Corruption in Ukraine is rampant. Of all the corruption going on IN UKRAINE, Trump is fixated on getting them to publicly announce the investigation of the Bidens?? It doesn't require many brain cells to understand why.
2. It is utterly irrelevant whether or not the Ukranians succumb the pressure to investigate the Bidens. It's the intent behind Trump's actions that's at the center of this whole scandal.
3. The Ukranians are in desperate need of our military aid because they're at war with the Russians. Naturally Zelensky is going to say what he thinks Trump wants to hear when it concerns whether or not he was pressured. Not only are his statements unreliable, THEY'RE NOT RELEVANT.

The evidence is pretty clear. You can use all the diversionary tactics and mental gymnastics you'd like, but any reasonable, honest, non-brainwashed cultist can see that Trump has committed a campaign violation. He's abused his power and violated the public's trust, and that is grounds for impeachment.

all this (thank you) plus BUT OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA

You triggered the republicucks

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Oh stop it. What is he going to get impeached on?

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You mean removed from office, and abuse of power of the office of the president. They are proving he basically tried to extort the Ukraine.

Who's triggered? It's just a hoot watching the Dems embarrass themselves and faggots like you desperately holding onto hope they'll get him on something.

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Russia, Russia Russia.....

Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine......


How so?

You mean they're trying to get him on something Joe Biden and the Obama administration actually did?

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You know you dont have to deep throat it all the way to the laces right?

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Go play with your Legos or something

You're a dense retard if you really think the republicans are going to vote to remove him in the senate, an utter moron clinging to his hopes and feelings, nothing tangible in facts

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The people united will never be defeated! impeach the peach!!!

The republicon tears are delicious, the paid shills are having to work overtime on social media, and I'm anxiously awaiting Trumps latest tweet rant, should be funny as hell. Good times.

All it would take is 3 Republicans to vote to hold the vote in secret, and I bet you they would get 60 votes to remove. The right had been getting fisted in elections since hes been in office. Hes a moron that just cant help but to keep fucking up.

one democrat hoax after another.

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You're an idiot.

You can't point towards bad behavior to justify not pursuing others' bad behavior.

Using your rationale, not all rapists and murderers are prosecuted therefore no rapists and murderers should even be prosecuted.

Further, Trump's subjective motivation has no bearing on the objectiveness of whether or not Biden is a criminal. If the Bidens were up to no good, it doesn't matter why Trump wanted them investigated.

You fucking idiots are like the cheating husband who blames the wife for catching him cheating. Stop deflecting.

you fucking utter idiot they need a super majority in the senate to remove him from office EVEN IF HIS IS IMPEACHED THATS WHAT COMES NEXT, you dont know your own fucking government, please kys

President Zelensky: “… I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps, specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes…

President Trump: “I would like you to do us a favor though..."
Withholding defense aid (already allocated by the government) for a personal favor against a political rival is an impeachable offense. Furthermore it helps Russia occupy (attacking) an allied nation that helped us fight in Afghanistan further eroding our soft power and our credibility as a nation you stupid fucks.
You traitorous cucks deserve the noose along with fatty in chief

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I don't think you retards understand the violence that would result. Half the country views this as an attempted coup. The armed, distrustful of government, served in the military half, at that.

You and your ilk will die.

trumps a traitor to the USA, "LOCK HIM UP"

All we are missing is the coordinates guy. One of you brain dead fucks go wake him up.

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I know you can do better than that faggot. Earn those shekles.

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I'm completely baffled at the levels of autism being displayed right now, do you fucking retards really think if hes impeached in the house he automatically is removed from office?
It goes to the fucking Senate, and you need a super majority (2/3rd's) to fucking remove him from office, again THE REPUBLCANS OWN THE SENATE, THIS IS ALL SMOKE SCREEN TO DRIVE YOU APES INSANE AND ITS WORKING holy fucking shit you're a bunch of uneducated retards that parade themselves as "educated" liberals, you must of skipped basic civics to study traps fucking homos

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the 4 horsemen of is me mark Emma and Alison, they asked me I can only save 4 people I started to think about it and realized that we were bringing forth the demise of the world

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“Ambassador Sondland responded that President Trump cares more about the investigations of Biden, which Giuliani was pressing for,” Taylor testified, referring to Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani.

Asked by Adam Schiff, the committee’s Democratic chairman, if that meant Trump cared more about the investigations than about Ukraine, Taylor said, “Yes, sir.”

welch just shut down that whole whiny rant

Stay off Sup Forums then cause retards make these kinds of threads and threads that bash him all day every day. Literally solving nothing, not getting shit done. Just starting troll battles between each other like little fucking babies. I wouldn't know shit about this impeachment crap if it wasnt for retards like OP and the fags who oppose his view points. They should all line up to suck trumps dick cause if it wasnt for him they wouldn't have shit to bicker and squabble over like hookers in a back alley arguing over who can swallow the most cum.

bring it on you obese fucks, during civil war 2.0 history will repeat itself and you chuds and fox grandpas wont stand a chance. Good luck getting your rascal-planted ass past the mason-dixon line

>you must of skipped basic civics to study traps fucking homos
based dubs

Do you think you're the first person to observe this?
Does impeachment require conviction to be effective?

>You can't point towards bad behavior to justify not pursuing others' bad behavior
What?? It's irrelevant whether we should or shouldn't be cracking down on corruption in Ukraine. You're missing the point. The fact that Trump took the specific course of action that he took is the reason why he's going to be impeached.

But yeah, I'M the idiot

>Using your rationale, not all rapists and murderers are prosecuted therefore no rapists and murderers should even be prosecuted
Not my rationale. And again, missing the point.

>further, Trump's subjective motivation has no bearing on the objectiveness of whether or not Biden is a criminal
This seems to be the root of your misunderstanding. His motivation absolutely has something to do with it according to the FEC. The law does not support your dimwitted defense.

>You fucking idiots are like the cheating husband who blames the wife for catching him cheating. Stop deflecting
Now That's What I Call Projection: Volume Magatard

ready your soldiers, then

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This is about showing that Republicans are compromised, that we get it on record that Republicans attempted to install a facist in the United States, and that Republicans don't want freedom in the United States, they want party-rule

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So.....a witness gets to assign motive? Let me guess....reads Tarot cards?


There are plenty Americans who are patriotic, own guns and have a functional brain, bring it on sister fucker.

Clinton was impeached and then won reelection, you really want to go there?

OMG!!! How horrible!!!

TOPKEK. You faggots have lost it. Biden bragged about withholding funds from Ukraine unless they fired the AG. Didn't see little fucks like you running and calling him a traitor. Just stop it, you're embarrassing yourself. You lost the election 3 years ago. Time to move on faggot.

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We know he won't be removed.

He will be impeached however. No doubt about it

Impeachment is and always has been political in nature.

Im pretty sure democrats know the difference but if you read comments here it's trolls reeeing that he won't be impeached. (He will be)

hahahahahaha, holy fucking shit this is a joke right? With the short attention span the majority of Americans have they'll forget it even fucking happened 2 weeks after impeachment -- IF it even happens! Talk about a nothing burger

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You're a faggot talking out of your ass as well, you literally have no basis to show he WILL be impeached, even Pelosi is toning down her rhetoric and saying things like "it could backfire", both of you red and blue faggots remind me of a house full of rednecks yelling out bullshit about your football teams on the television set, your guts hanging out being the armchair athletes that you are, how about you take a tall glass of shut the fuck up and watch what actually happens, your opinion is neither valid or needed.

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Lemmme guess......tomorrow?


I honestly do not understand how some of you folks can defend the fact that Trump withheld funding to the Ukraine in order to gain political favor.

Choices made when you are acting in the role of the president should be what is best for the US and have nothing to do with personal gain. The Ukraine being strongly backed by the US keeps Russia from any more forced military incursions and allows the Ukraine to negotiate from a position of power which is ultimately good for the US and the western way of life.

More than the principle of it all, I am honestly more concerned with how dumb and absent minded you would have to be to get caught doing this. If Trump was as genius as some of you people claim he is, he would of never gotten caught up in all this and could have had his cake and eaten it too. If Trump is so blatantly careless with personal initiatives, I cannot even begin to fathom how foolishly he handles things with no personal impact like, say, the choices made running the country.

Democrats have the majority in the house. They have the votes already.

You can sling insults and blabber all you want. It doesn't change the facts above.

why is Zuckerbergbot 2.0 there?

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It was Clinton's second term, retard.


No not tomorrow. What kind of question is that?

Yet it hasn't actually happened, you're just basing all this on some seething hatred you have for the man and hope your team huddles up and all vote to impeachment, spoiler alert, its fucking politics and votes can be swayed

>I honestly do not understand how some of you folks can defend the fact that Trump withheld funding to the Ukraine in order to gain political favor.
Because he didn't. Not everyone watches CNN.

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Republicans have no exculpatory evidence. All they're doing is trying to create holes, but they're failing.

>Biden bragged about withholding funds from Ukraine unless they fired the AG
Yeah, just ignore the fact that he wanted the AG fired because their was substantial evidence to suggest that he was corrupt.

I'd say YOU'RE the ones who've lost it, but you've never had it. You've always been the morons. You will ALWAYS BE the morons. And I'm enjoying every minute of what seems to be the last gasp of the dumbest, most corrupt political party on the fucking planet -- and for the record, since you're a bunch of brainwashed dipshits, I guess I need to point out the fact that the party that I'm referring to is the colossal Republicunts.

Yes it hasn't happened yet because it just started. There is a hearing occurring right now and will continue to be on going.

Are you listening to yourself?

one made from ignorance and bad faith just like every republican talking point in the inquiry so far.


Watching it live and I need to know who she is for science

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I haven't been watching any of the hearings.
Is "Biden did something wrong too" still the main defense the Republicans have been going with?

Now they are saying it's Obama's fault too.

I honestly hope they kick him out of office

We need a civil war already

No shit theres a hearing asshole, libtards haven't shut the fuck up about it like it was the boxing match of the century, everyone and their deaf grandmother knows its happening, thing is i don't fucking care

No. So far their defense is "read the transcript" And saying that attempted, unfinished crimes are not crimes. (Protip: they are)

one democrat hoax after another.

>Yeah, just ignore the fact that he wanted the AG fired because their was substantial evidence to suggest that he was corrupt.
Please. The Dems spun that bullshit weeks ago. Why is it the job of the Vice President of the United States to get rid of foreign corrupt leaders?

>I'd say YOU'RE the ones who've lost it, but you've never had it. You've always been the morons. You will ALWAYS BE the morons. And I'm enjoying every minute of what seems to be the last gasp of the dumbest, most corrupt political party on the fucking planet -- and for the record, since you're a bunch of brainwashed dipshits, I guess I need to point out the fact that the party that I'm referring to is the colossal Republicunts.
Not an argument. Try not to get triggered so hard next time.

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Keywords and phrases; how I understand, what I understood, how he meant, what I think.

Probably more but I words this ambassador is pussy footing around with. Nothing direct. It should be yes or no not how I interpret, what I think, what I understood, what he meant.

It's just them shitting out (fox news) talking points which is all they ever do
>So you never met the president in person and heard him profess his guilt? THEN HOW CAN HE BE GUITY?!?!
>Jim Jordan Smug Face After Not Saying Anything Relevant.jpg

Then why would you ask if "it had happened yet"(impeachment) when you yourself are aware that it is currently underway?

What fucking crime?

>Is "Biden did something wrong too" still the main defense the Republicans have been going with?
It's been brought up a few times, but there hasn't been much emphasis on it.

This pretty much sums up what's been going on

God, I see you're still screeching. Five years to go

Your image means jackshit to me. I'm not a liberal.

I just watched the Ukrainian ambassador say just that. The words came out of his mouth and no anyone on CNN.

Hi Sergei. One side is calmly and rationally asking questions and getting calm and rational answers. The other side seems to be getting excited, not even asking questions - just making statements. The guys with the (R) seem to be getting spicy and maybe even a little ... triggered.