I have 10 hits of acid

I have 10 hits of acid
Dubs decides what I do with them this weekend

Attached: h8axoq3zy7001.jpg (720x1280, 92K)

All at once of course.

Attached: 1559858247608.jpg (720x751, 127K)

Put in a random strangers drink lmfao

stick them up yer arse

Are you mentally strong? If so take at least 5 tabs if they're 100ug.

I took 25 tabs of lab grade LSD in 2017 and it was great. I've taken 1-3 tabs of LSD from multiple sources and it was never enough.

I was actually thinking of going to my parents house and putting a couple in my dad's drink
Hes been an asshole lately and he needs to learn not to fuck with me

>all 10 hits
>at drag queen story hour

Don't do that. LSD affects your body too and can give people heart attacks, especially if they have medical conditions like high blood pressure.

Don't wanna go to jail for murder. heh

I'm not sure the actual potency but I've taken some from the same batch and they were pretty darn good
And yeah I feel you 2 tabs and I'll barely get anything out of it but my friends can take 1 and say that it's too intense I dont get it


Yeah you're right that wouldn't be good lmao

Sell it and get some sweet profit


Shove them all up your ass and hopefully die without harming others in the process


spend the next few days preparing yourself for a trip and take 2 tabs.
bonus points if you go camping innawoods or on a beach with a best friend and take 2 tabs each.

Send them to me.
Jesus fyucking Christ 6 capthchas to resolve.

That's 55 hits you scum bag.

Get your best buddy and do 2 tabs each every 4 hours until you run out or die. You probably wont die btw.

Probably not his pic.

He probably had to split it between other buyers after the photo.

Put inside your anus/pussy (if you're a girl) then, put salt. It will be delicious

Put one in each eye, and the rest up your ass

rollin for a bad trip

That's just a pic from the web lol I was too lazy to take a actual picture lel

Microdose every day for a month and be productive

Take 5 on Saturday with 5 more hits during the uptake.

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I can't even imagine what that would be like lmao

Take all of itm 10 hits won't kill ya


Put them in your ass

last attempt

unironically this.

Flush them down the toilet

Stick all of them up your ass for the trip of a life time.

Sell it on ebay.


Rub them on your dick and balls.
Post pictures when done

do eeet

Deliver, OP. Send link.

make electric kool aid shots

op won't deliver

Take 1 or 2 with someone and have a good time. Give some away make some friends

nice voids, boof em

Lol this pic is hilarious, never seen that before.

on a serious note, this

up your butthole

ayy u got some nice voidrealms

Mail directly to me

56 actually.
9x6 + 2.
I hope you're more careful than that when you dose

>death by LSD

Attached: smug girl.jpg (209x252, 7K)

Nearest beach by public transport

>I have 10 hits of acid

No, you have TWO hits of acid there, my lad.

lick the whole thing and wrap it around your dick and leave it there for at least an hour