Give me one good reason why billionaires should be allowed to exist

Give me one good reason why billionaires should be allowed to exist.

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Stop being an envious little bitch and go become one yourself retard

What's the point of working together if nobody gets to experience the best that humanity can offer?

Not a great argument but it's better than "motivation for entrepreneurs"

Because theyre better than you

Oh whoops, somebody pretty much already used the motivation argument.

Because thanks to them you have a job! Stop being poor little bitch

Because people dont want to acknowledge that currency is finite and not infinite and think we live in a meritocracy when we dont

If you dont want to eat the rich you're a boot licking cuck

There's no reason OP. Any innovation performed by a billionaire would also have been performed by a millionaire and in fact it usually was on their way to becoming exploitative.

Kys boomers

Not everyone wants to be the donkey trying to get the carrot, retard.

Not true at all. I have a job because there's demand for my work, no other reason.

Because we are better than you and we know it.

that's fuckin baller

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Geez you're a genius!

You can't just 'become' a billionaire. You need to either be born into fabulous wealth as the result of an ancestor being extremely lucky, or, be extremely lucky yourself. It is impossible to earn a billion dollars.

It's a doggy dog world.

Didn’t realize you were the entrepreneur who created your job and put up all the risk of starting it

other way around, bro

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dog eat dog world dumb ass

Capitalism, stop crying poor fag

so if you take away all the rich people thats it? nothing else would need to get done? people still wouldn't need shit? want shit?
if anything it's the rich that prevent more entrepreneurs from taking the risk than anything

What risk? People need solar panels. We install solar panels. There's zero risk involved. The only time risk exists is if there's no market for your product. If you start a bad company that doesn't respond to the market and it fails, that's not risk, it's error.

Why shouldn’t they? Why should NEETs like you be allowed to exist? It’s natural, almost like human dominance hierarchies mirror those in the animal kingdom. Some alphas get the majority share of things, and people like you die in the cold, only we are the only species that protects the useless and helps them out rather than letting nature take its course.

Oof, right over your head user.

So let me ask you some questions, why does your job has demand? Why do your clients have demand so they need to hire you? Who hires your clients? And keep asking yourself that until you reach the millionaire or billionaire who makes your job part of the scale economy.

Your philosophy is cringe lol

Because freedom. To seize their money without a reason just pointlessly increase gov power. Do you wanna increase tax, ok. But you can't disallow people from being RRRICH

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People like you should be murdered in the street.

You definitely can when it impedes others' freedom by monopolizing markets or exploiting people.

Why are you so cucked for billionaires? It's weird that you defend them.

What about when it doesn't?

Hello Jordan Peterson, glad you have your own original ideas.

billionaire should die

there is enough wealths that nobody should have to starve to death in the world in the year of our lord 2019

It’s better than “Waaahhhhh people are rich and I’m not so I’m just going to throw a tantrum on a taiwanese sawmill board. Down with the upper class!”
Life isn’t fair. Most people learn this in their formative years but you leftcucks were told by your parents that you are wonderful and amazing despite having done nothing and now you expect to be rich and admired again, despite having done nothing. Grow up.

It always does. Zero exceptions. That's how you BECOME a billionaire.

Fix lobbying.
Senate term limits.
Fix Super packs.
Increase infrastructural expenditures.

^- I want that. I don't care if someone can buy up an entire city.

You do know that the alpha male concept was debunked in almost all species right? You did bother to look into that, right?

Peterson advocates for social programs. I do not.

first shouldn't you give a good reason why you should be allowed to exist? Just so that we can all see at least one example of what a "good reason" looks and sounds like...

Except in primates which we descend from. :thumbs:

Exactly fucking this.

Its so retarded when people go 'hurr freedom' in regards to this kind of shit.

Yeah fucking great i guess the super rich are completely free to fuck with everyone else's freedom cuz freedom.

>Give me one good reason why billionaires should be allowed to exist.
Give me one good reason why poor people should be allowed to exist. also your mom will get raped tomorrow if you don't reply to this post

So that dumb people like
Can keep working to give me more money while i sit on my fat lazy ass

no pls not my mom

that seems like circular reasoning or some such thing to me.

when I'm hungry I eat. I need food (demand) farmer grows food and we exchange. neither of us need to be rich for this exchange.
>but one farmer can't handle it all!
>and multiple farmers woukd be too complicated? too much competition?
>but it's fine if a rich dude owned it all and hires the farmers
the lonely cooperative waves in the distance.

Yep. They act like there's no point where wealth inequality is wrong. If one guy owns everything and everyone else on the planet have a penny each would that be ok? lol
Imagine being like 'guys the king really deserves all our money, after all would we wouldn't have jobs out here pulling turnips in exchange for rotten beef bones without him'

So people like Elon Musk and Bill Gates who have endlessly added value to the world through their ideas and work, should just have their money taken away by force? Money isn't a zero sum game. Any dollar that they earned was not *taken* from you. Their projects have been voluntarily paid for by businesses and people, nothing wrong with that. They already pay out their asses in taxes and most are involved in charity as well.

>Life isn’t fair.

Kek i have to laugh when people say this asif if they were robbed and assfucked in the street they'd just go "ohh well life isnt fair i suppose im fine with this".

Every one knows 'life isn't fair' you retard the idea is there is shit we could do to make shit significantly fairer that would benefit all of us rich and poor.

Jesus fuck just as a simple example think how much better it would be for practically everyone if we treated our millions of fucking addicts properly, it would be so much less fucking shitty.

what exactly did they both so again?

OP is rarted and that's exactly why poor people don't deserve any freedom if they choose to live in the comfort of the modern world

Because forming economic policy based on envy is a path to failure ?

Billionaire oligarchs vs murderous sociopaths that rise to top of any Marxist bureaucracy. Vote #Trump2020

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>They already pay out their asses in taxes

Yeah those poor fucking guys.

Look people like that are going to keep doing interesting shit and adding value to the world.

In fact considering the amount of creativity Gates brutally fucked over in other companies with his aggressive monopolising, wed probably have more innovation in the world if he hadnt been allowed to do that.

>“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very kindness stings with intolerable insult. To be "cured" against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

>― C.S. Lewis, God in the Dock: Essays on Theology (Making of Modern Theology)

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Why is joel osteen on stage with Bernie and the she-witch?

They have added zero value. What did they do that was special? The only thing bill gates did was bundle software and hardware. Anyone would have figured it out. He lost several antitrust lawsuits. Elon Musk bought Tesla from someone else. You know that right? You know there are plenty of other successful electric car manufacturers and the reason he's a billionaire is financial speculation?

>Any dollar that they earned was not *taken* from you.
actually it fucking was.
or maybe you don't remember the time when you actually couldn't buy a computer that didn't force you to buy Microsoft.

because stealing it from them would be immoral

>murderous sociopaths

Holy fucking shit are you actually trying to suggest that the system with have now doesn't encourage murderous sociopaths to rise to the top? Fucking kek....

Musk helped make:
>Paypal, which we probably all have benefited from at least once
>Tesla, which is the most popular electric car now in a time where everyone wants to be eco-friendly
>SpaceX, which is probably our best shot at going to Mars in our lifetimes. And all the other cool shit they do (self-landing rockets), kicking NASA's ass

Gates has made Microsoft which virtually every business in the world uses, both the OS Windows and the Office pack. I'm okay with him being a billionaire for all that productivity he makes possible.


Give me one good reason why they shouldn't.

amazon started from a garage book store and the apple computer was made from salvaged parts ;) keep being a failure or unexist your existance

>The only thing bill gates did was bundle software and hardware.
>Anyone would have figured it out.

But they didn't. He did. Some of the simplest ideas have caused huge changes around the world and that's just one example. Don't discount an idea because it's simple.

They just wave this INNOVATIONS wand without knowing what they're talking about at all.

You're just not working hard enough. You might not get a billion dollars, but a million or three isn't impossible with a little bit of elbow grease. Why are liberals so lazy?

I don't want to be a Billionaire. More money more problems. I just wanna be comfy.

>helped make:
you mean bankrolled.
he played the stock market made some money and rolled it over and over till he was rich.
that's all

>It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies


I had to read that first sentence a few times before "of all trannies, a tranny" became "of all tyrannies, a tyranny" and it started to make sense.

because they worked hard and within ethical restrictions of universal morals to be able to sit on their bounty of billions of dollars

>admits you can't just become a billionaire through hard work
>thinks a million and a billion aren't three orders of magnitude apart


There is none

you assuming liberals (progressives) only advocate for what they advocate for because they're poor is borderline retarded. they advocate for getting rid of billionaires because it would create more innovation and a better general quality of life, that's it

They're close enough. If billionaries really just sit around hoarding their money and using it, becoming a multimillionaire should be more than enough. Stop being a lazy, freeloading piece of shit and work your way up through the ranks.

>that's all
do it if you can nigger

Prove it

Fuck off Warren.

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What the fuck would I do with a billion dollars?

*and not using it

And yet, I've never met a rich, successful, or hard-working liberal.

You think a dollar is a thousand dollars good job retard.

I don't want to be rich

What is the point of working together if one person then hoards wealth at the expense of millions of others?

This thread makes me wanna be a billionaire. That's not cool, I wanted to be a millionaire tops. Billionaires are in fucking hell compared to our relaxed middle income. Look at Jeffrey Epstein, who would want to live like that?

apparently being a pedo is the big thing for billionaires these days

i don't have to prove it. their wealth speaks for itself when it comes to merits. only industry men with a full understanding of the market know how to grow their funds beyond their means. i would suck off Bezos just to gain a little fraction of his level-headed business sense.

please god just look up the definition of "liberal"
also, Theodore Roosevelt wasn't hardworking?

>created your job
>this is what boomers really believe

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>Give me one good reason why billionaires should be allowed to exist.
OP no one is perfect
i have it all and all
and at that same time i don't
>no happiness

yeah that's not the case with everyone, if you want power you get it and you seem to know how, if you want to unexist wealthy people go for it and let's see how your lead pipe stand to their military grade defenses

My favourite thing about the nature argument is that it implies that there are a handful of chimpanzees who almost all other chimpanzees collect fruit for.

Prove they earned it ethically or fuck off with your bullshit.

...and this is why I don't want to be rich. in duking video games I find myself hoarding massive suns of game currency that I could never ever spend but seeing that number climb is intoxicating in the worst kind of ways.

lmfao is this dude larping as a billionaire


There's really not that much of a difference to someone who works hard.

But why would we eat if billionaires weren't there to design the idea of food CHECKMATE LEFTIE

uhm, have you heard of Amazon? homeboi started from nothing. how do you go from nothing to Bezos without being ethics?

bro you could make me set for life if you just give me £1,000,000. Wouldn't that make you happy? To give somebody a gift like that?

HMU on kik at Deets85 if you want to make my dreams come true.