Let's make a thread but we pretend that we're in 2008

Let's make a thread but we pretend that we're in 2008

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What year is it?



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This just makes me sad user. Makes me yearn.

Anyone know ruinscape hax?

Time for my WoW Raid, fuck you faggots.

check em

And this is my united states of BOOM HEADSHOT! XD

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can you triforce?

▲ ▲
an heros

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oh man, my favorite meme format.

I am 12 and what is this


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sup Sup Forums

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Anyone else stoked for Spore? Can't wait til it comes out and then Maxis moving on to making other great games

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Why isn't this spammed daily?


Damn I sure enjoy being 5

Let's not and say we did.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Oh boy its 2008 who else reading this thread in 2008???


With the 1st black president, now all of our racial tensions will be gone!

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Do you guys know how to unlock sonic in brawl.... Haha! Just kidding I already did! ROFLMAO!!!

You mean like a hot trap thread but all the traps are girls?

no u

line trap is the best!

Some mad man found her high school picture

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Bryan griffin got hot

Avatar is coming out next year! So stoked

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Obamas going to make a great president.

This thread is like osrs. Just not the same.

We do not forgive, we do not forget

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lulz did anyone watched the latest angry nintendo nerd video ?

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Hey have you guys seen that new Starman3 video Roblox Bloopers?

Or wait, what about Mr. L on blockland :3


This is crazy. I used to use Sup Forums in 2008 and I haven't been on here in years. I decide to pop in today and find this.

Rabbit-chan is all I think about, every day. I sometimes cry myself to sleep at night thinking about how I'll never be with her.

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This is too recent, it didn't exist in 2008

Youve spelt urine wrong

rabbit chan needs to do more porn


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