Would you suck this yeen's pseudopeen?, why or why not

would you suck this yeen's pseudopeen?, why or why not

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Yes because I love her


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Yeen Peen Queen

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You Expected as much?

didn't understand the reply user

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You expected a new Poster



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Is there even a why not?
Damnit i was gonna post that!

Attached: 2454845 - Jasiri Sirkus-Pandemonium The_Lion_Guard The_Lion_King.png (774x900, 172K)

shit this is a new one for me, thanks user, you in our group right?

dont think so?
so like discord or what?

Attached: 3248995 - Janja Jasiri The_Lion_Guard The_Lion_King xxgato.jpg (1477x1271, 591K)

My only problem with all of this yeen, is the pseudopeen. Like, what is is good for if it can be used to dig into some guts? It's just there to suck? And it doesn't even give a reward if a good job has been performed? This makes no sense, and I want no part of it!

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>2 weeks later
Are you the same hyena poster?
If so, thanks for the movie recommendation it was pretty good.

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Fuck yeah Shenzi

yeah i really like jasiri but i LOVE shenzi

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Nope, yeen OP specifically mentioned that it can't be used. It's just there, mostly for show, and cannot penetrate. It's just a giant, floppy clit. That doesn't sound like a practical evolutionary trait. It sounds more like a pointless evolutionary abnormality, like downs.

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If your task is to get said yeen off, you can do, but no way is it gonna fuck you in return.

Didn't think I'd ever type that out.

Then what is the fucking point?! I don't want this straight shit. I want a pseudopeen that can rearrange some intestines. If she can't go from taking to giving in a split second, then it might as well not be there! I want to be able to run a 2 person (1 person, 1 yeen) train. If yeen and man peen don't look like a deformed yin yang, then this bullshit can fuck off already.

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Have I finally found you?

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you like this yeen?

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That's nice!

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Is this Yasiribro?

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I don't know who that is, but we are all running in the same pack, right?

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yeah man, feel free to join us, we got all the content related to her there

i gotta go for now though, i'll be free in like 8 hours

its a clit user, if you're looking for semen to come out you're looking at the wrong demographic here

technically female yeens can fuck, but its rare, even rarer for them to fuck females, but it happens

trying to spread false shit about me, tsk tsk tsk

also you really think i'm a woman?

Attached: sweet yeen girl -o.jpg (837x675, 52K)

yeah, we definitely are, i still would suggest for you to join our discord, it would make your life a lot easier


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...but I like discussing our queen here.

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Yeah, that's right! Everyone should hear about our Yeen Queen Jasiri!

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No, but I do want to nut on her butthole.

Thought you worked ten hour days?
Your on SSDI, aren't you?

Even if I was, you'd be paying the government to pay me, so... Thanks!

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