Nice things americans can't have

Nice things americans can't have

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there's literally no reason to drive a stick shift anymore. automatic transmissions are better in every aspect.

Fuel economy in real world conditions is still shit, since it can't predict what you want from it, especially in city traffic. (Unless we're taking CVT, or eCVT)
Reliability is shit, because you have dozens of unnecessary computers and electromechanical device and sensors, all this in oil, which gets clogged with friction pad material and yuck. Especially true for CVT and DSG.
Only thing they had fixed is acceleration.

Why does man with two legs and two hands even need an automatic? Masturbate his fellow gay shotgun rider?

automatic cars get the same mileage as manuals these days

On highway with cruise control. In city - nope.

Good air conditioner

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free healthcare

>cant have
You can get a manual transmission here retard.

cool castles

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I prefer the level of control that manuals provide.
Can’t clutch dump an automatic. Can’t chill in overdrive in an automatic without it trying to down shift every time to even slightly touch the accelerator. Can’t rev more or less aggressively on command with an automatic.
Those open gates look perfect to accumulate garbage.

Go get a car with manual on a $14 000 shitbox, new.
>pro-tip: you can't

history in general

Manual transmissions are the way of the future.

Electric cars without transmissions are the way of the future.

If you’re driving a shitmobile why the fuck does it matter? Your fuel economy will be shit anyway.


>If you’re driving a shitmobile why the fuck does it matter?
Because you're already fighting with cheap ass automobile, and last thing you want to fight is shitty automatic transmission, which will break your neck in city traffic.
> Your fuel economy will be shit anyway.
Cheap shitboxes have high MPG, cuz they are light, and air conditioner is an option.

Own a bald eagle.

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House that can withstand a tornado and earthquake

Or just buy a decent car to begin with and enjoy your 35 mpg automatic without having to worry about using the AC. Might be a foreign concept for you but here in America it's pretty standard.

Yes, in a city there is theoretically still a difference, but we are talking about a 1 or 2 mpg difference here. Maybe outside of America that is a substantial difference but here in the US the average mpg is like 26.


Build ICF &id bet you could.

This, everyday theres ameriturds here asking for medical help. Kek.

this is called a gate shifter. not a "manual gearbox". you utter fag.

Public healthcare.
Gun control.

And pretty much most things that all civilised nations have.

nobody will steal your car if it has manual gesr shifting in murica.

I bought a manual Honda Fit for $18k.

Woah right out of the gate we have a tard. Even CVTs still have torque problems

Cant clutch kick when you want to drift a corner either

Nice trips, but unfortunately CVTs are the way of the near future and electric cars after that

>Public healthcare.
Goes to doctor, gets treated even if in crippling debt
Sounds pretty public to me
>Gun control.
Only country who respects natural born rights
Major export is entertainment which stems from culture
Can't make movie, music, art, or anything without culture being involved.
>And pretty much most things that all civilised nations have.
Still the most free country on Earth

A lot of people dont want to drive boring whatevermobiles user

Dont forget that getting treated puts you into the crippling debt no matter where you started unless you're a millionaire

Cope harder, ameriturd. See how you talk about freedom in 20 years

g8 b8 m8

Left not forget about health insurance being offered is required by law for full-time employees or that private health insurance almost as cheap as company insurance and will pay for the debt crippling doctor bills

what is a gate bait?

an intelligent president

Don't listen to this fag.
I'm American and driving a standard car will always be better.

>nice things

lol,cars with manual transmission are shit.op is obviously some 3rd world poorfag who's country cant make automatic transmission cars

See if you are allowed to speak out of term in 5 if America is going down in 20. Sad that no one else has the right to criticize or discuss issues without being jailed for hate crimes.

Gate shifter from an f360 Modena

britfags can't afford them, they're going to lose everything re no-deal Brexit (most corporations have left already, their economy has shrunk 35%).

We had Manuel e60 m5s tho

you're either a fucking retard or you live in the middle of fucking nowhere

comon now



What about the pleasure you get from driving a manual? Automatics are boring to drive

American here, I just bought 2019 Corolla hatch 6spd and I also own an 89 Silvia What are you on about ?

I live downtown Tampa Florida. Drive standard in everyday Traffic. You're a fucking retard if you cant handle it and you're probably a shitty driver.

You assume too much Eurocuck.
I grew up driving a standard.
I drive a standard today in an american car.
I taught my children to drive a standard.
I will admit that there are some people who cannot drive a standard.
I believe it is a common life skill that everyone needs to learn.

Clean DNA results

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like the free healthcare in Britain where you have to wait for a day in hospital emergency waiting room, even when you arrive with a knife in your back?

I was going to say, the fuck if that's manual

To the retards jerking off to how amazing manuals or automatics are, both of you are fucking dumb as a bag of hammers with a hole in the bottom.
If the vehicle can get you from Point A to Point B in a timely and comfortable manner, who gives a shit?

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we're dealing with low-IQ britbongs, sadly

Some people, get this.. .some people enjoy driving and are interested in the mechanics behind it.

And some people pop their collars

cant get prostitutes nor girls under 18

Bullshit; if you have crappy insurance you will get out-of-pocket costs out the ass.

The fuck is a standard? Do you mean manual?


Getting stabbed on the street
Getting acid thrown on your face
Having your plastic knives confiscated

If you cheap out on insurance then sure but why would you cheap out on insurance if you are getting it at all.

>murricanfag here
i love my manual transmission. i refer to it as my 'anti-theft device'

>but we are talking about a 1 or 2 mpg difference here.
More like 3 liters per kilometer

Lol my house has central air. And was makes you think we can't those units?

Your HVAC niggers can't service or install minisplits. I had to get a license and service shit myself.

>manuals have better fuel economy.
Only if you shift at 2000rpm or lower, and also not compared with the newer autos that have like 15 gears

Manuals never got better mileage unless you shift at very low RPMs.

So I assume you can't drive one? I waited for my local Kia dealership to have one in stock and now I've got a 2019 6spd. Have fun with your transmission issues, faggot.

This is what I do all the time, engine must fucking work hard. But no, automatic goes into red zone during city driving too often.


I have a 2019 Forte with a 6spd. Wtf you talking about "you can't"?

your mother fugging negroids at a church sponsoring a cultural house event with a subsidy from the municipal govment


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Im an eurofag but I never understood the appeal of driving a manual. Live with an automatic for more than a month and I guarantee you wont go back to manual.

Enjoy that 200 mi range

You can't guarantee that. Drove manual for three years, got an auto and drove that for two years, and now I'm back to a manual

Autos scare the fuck out of me. Like oh you dipped your foot 1mil lower? I guess it’s time for a sudden downshift in this curved on-ramp.

that's where you're wrong faggot

>automatic cars get the same mileage a myth perpetuated by EPA which never tests manual-trans cars any more

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Well I guess I'm not American, my 69 Charger R/T has a stick shift.

Good cheap weed, tobacco, liquor, beer and free college

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There were only two automatics I really liked. First one was on Nissan X-trail, a CVT, but second automatic was a Prius.
Everything else is garbage and you're better with manual,



And yet every movie you watch is American. The self hatred is strong with you.

No. People who aren't degenerates who contribute nothing to society have insurance. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Strange way of saying that you have no point...

Ok europoor

Nice but really don't need them. And kind of expensive to maintain.

I'm an hvac nigger and install and service those all the time. They're pretty much standard equipment in little server rooms.

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A world free of people constantly finding fault with your nation as a way declaring the superiority of their own.

Kinder eggs

i used to drive in automatic and gas lasted ATLEAST 3 times longer in my manual, it was the same model car as well, just different transmission. mazda 6 2006.
the automatic version would put me in fucking 5th gear at 30 mph. and when in manual, 3rd gear at 30 mph delivers faster braking (because of engine brake) much better traction, especially while turning, and the ride was 10 times smoother.
the purpose of an automatic is to get people who otherwise suck at driving a way to get to work without causing endless accidents, simply because they suck at timing the gears.

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have the eurofags forgotten that they are the original world-renown cousin fuckers. all my white friends tell me stories of some fucked up family sexual shit.

>First HVAC nigger
Made shitty flares, never used oil on flares, kinked lines
>Second HVAC nigger
Overcharged the system with gas (to the point compressor became louder than jackhammer and shit didn't cool anything, and I had to take a poking stick and release some gas into the air to make it work), and never found a leak.
>Third HVAC nigger
Said that this is a board problem. On fucking AC that has a capillary tube.

I had enough of it, I got license, so I can buy that big 11 kg freon tank, gauges, vacuum pump. I cut shitty flares, added some lube flaring cone (it is shitty tool, so it has no clutch or anything, so you have to do it by feel), made nice looking flare and charging by pressure.

We can do better. E-CVT.
Get a load of this nigger.

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