Ask a guy with Alzheimers anything

Ask a guy with Alzheimers anything

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who has alzheimers, me or you?

whats your name?

You look like my left testicle

>inb4 op forgets to reply to the thread

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pidgeon is why, you fucking moron

Why do you look like a retired Freddie krueger?

hey, that's kind of rude, apologize

I already did you pathetic fuck.
Kys if you can remember this.

Geeez what a douche.

fucking moron

i hate you!

fuck jewee FUCKFACE, stupid nigger

E.T's left testicle

Why bother? You'll forget what I asked in a minute anyway.

I have family history of old-timers, is there anything to look forward to?

Ask a guy with Alzheimers anything

Hey! I just made a thread just like this already...

do you have alzheimers

Hey Pops, since when you been on the Chans? Aren't we going fishing today? It's me, Johnny!

I thought summer was over


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you did this yesterday, remember?

Do you hide your own easter eggs?

How did you begin this thread?

Is it fun meeting new people every single day?

Can't remember.

i just did .

When is the last time you had any chocolate

Pic related

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Are you going to answer the questions I asked yesterday?

Ask a guy with Alzheimers anything

When are you gonna pay me back that $10k you owe me ?

Why did you steal that Iphone?

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