Ask a black introvert anything

Ask a black introvert anything

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Do you ever get off Sup Forums? Also, niggeeeeeeeeeer

can you post more images like this?

I don't spend every day on this site, I do have other things to do
Like traps in general?

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Anyone have the rest of this set?

I don't have the set, but I do have a couple more pics

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You look pretty much white for a black dude

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Is it gay that I want to jam my tongue into that ass?

That's not me, that's kalindrachan

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Fuck I wanna sink my cock in that tight little whole

I bet your cock is small

I could remember the name but I got it now thanks image search got where I want

Why aren't you black?

Do you ever feel rejected by your own race?

Not one bit, I'd love to
Same here
No it's not, it's 8 inches

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8inches is pretty small tbh. well atleast compared to mine.

My dick may not be 12 inches, but it smells like a foot.

Pics or GTFO

Not at all, even though I felt different from other black kids growing up Ive never had anyone tell me I wasn't "black"
Prove it

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Mmm..... Today are a lot of nigger threads

Wanna see MY cock?

Sure why not

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Check this out

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favorite artist/band?

Not half bad
My favorite artist is either mf doom, or Earl sweatshirt.

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De fuq u meen half bad nigguh, yor turn

nice, big fan of them as well

you a virgin?

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Since you guys asked for it, my half chub

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Sadly yes

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That's messed up he would do something hot like this.

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How are you today?

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He pulled it off.

Thank you :)
Nice bait user
I'm doing fine, thanks

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whats the reason why?

>I still am as well, but dont necessarily want to right now

Do you ever wish you could be one of those brown people? Someone who looked like macaulay culkin here?

> 10/19/19


I'd love to suck that

It's not bait, I actually met a black person in his 20s exactly like this. I was in jail I leg kicked him and stole his bunk bed. I had him sent to solitary confinement.

I spent most of my childhood in my room not talking to anybody, so it's quite difficult for me to go out and socialize
What do you mean?
It's from an older thread

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>I spent most of my childhood in my room not talking to anybody, so it's quite difficult for me to go out and socialize

are you planning to be one forever

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If you could be a brown person which ethnic group of people would you be?

>It's from an older thread

Sure, user. Of course. It's from an older thread. Obviously. It's not like you're lying on the internet, you wouldn't do that, would you?

No, my new years goal is to become more social
I still don't know what you're talking about, but I'd probably be native American
I'm actually telling the truth.

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are you gay, straight, or bi?

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I'm mostly straight

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>I'm mostly straight

yup, im sure

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That's a simpler way to put it, but in reality Im mainly attracted to femininity

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ur not mostly straight if you're into chicks with dicks or fem guys. You're bi with a preference for femininity stop lyin to urself.

Why does it look so nasty and deformed??

Get that snood trimmed

It looks that way because I suck at shaving
I don't really care what it's called, it's hot

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asshole pics? traps welcome

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I think Homer Simpson gets stupider every year.

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Are you asking me to post pics of mine?
I haven't watched the Simpsons in almost a decade

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Ella hollywood

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I agree. If you watch the early Simpsons seasons, Homer is lazy and short-sighted, but not an imbecile.

Still here

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I’m not gay but Damn that’s not bad

who this?

It isn't gay, alot of straight men would wreck that

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what is she up to these days ?

No one knows, I hope she returns someday

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I mean they don't look like fags.. if this is gay it's almost 2020. A little bit better on the body and face and they're better than black and Asian women

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It wouldn't necessarily make them better but it would make them as good, I love ethnic women.

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Who dis?

Id like to know too

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boxers or briefs

Boxers because they're pretty much thin shorts

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Looks like the thread is dying

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Post your ass.

Nah, that's not gonna happen

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You should totally do it, chocolate dinosaur.

@nbnabunny on twitter

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Is that a grape drink stain on the bottom right?

I honestly don't know what it is, it might be a marker stain

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Black incels are a rare thing to see

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WHo dis?

some guy

Id fuck em. This guy got a name?

Her name is aryll

*his name


*MF DOOM all caps when you spell the mans name

God DAMN that's some good shit

Thats Daisy taylor

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I'm surprised this thread hasn't 404'd yet

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ahh i see you are a man of culture

Booty is booty, it doesnt matter if a femenine penis is attached to it

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im straight why this shit so hot

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>im straight
well there's the problem

Because deep down you've always had this Attraction to trans girls and it's now starting to come out

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