Any movies that made you want to kill yourself a little bit less after watching?

Any movies that made you want to kill yourself a little bit less after watching?

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Requiem for a Dream


Have you seen "The Road"?

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The Greatest Sotry Never Told

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>Requiem for a Dream
from what I heard about that movie I thought it would make you want to kill yourself even more
and no sir I haven't

Antichrist. the one with Willem Dafoe

>from what I heard about that movie I thought it would make you want to kill yourself even more
Nah, it's a little dark but the ending turns things around. You can't appreciate happiness without a little sadness right? Highly recommend it.

Want to talk about it user?

The road fucking made me more suicidal wtf

Yeah, but it is a film full of hope, plus the end is nice.

I actually thought it was made by Disney.

Leaving Las Vegas is a classic. It's a little dated but holds up nicely.

Oldboy is an amazing tale of love, loss and rediscovering oneself. It's about a man on a mission but he doesn't really even know what that mission is, but he preservers anyway.

Please only watch the original and not the remake.

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ive fucked my life up real bad, my ex is a lying whoreand i want to off myself and need something to distract me

>ive fucked my life up real bad
Lay it on me brother. What's up?

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John Wick

Can't be that bad user. How have you fucked up your life?

went to college droppped out, now cant get a loan and in debt. Got a Dui, now cant drive. Its also a criminal charge in Canada. So harder finding a job. I just got knee surgery 5 months ago, fucked my knee up during rehab and now i think i need surgery again. Plus the whole whore ex thing, and the horrible childhood


I also have no clue what i want to do with my life and just sit in bed all day smoking weed thinking about offing myself

seems kind of depressing

yea it got me pretty juiced after wathcing

>Any movies that made you want to kill yourself a little bit less after watching?
A good comedy works for me. See if you can track down "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" - it's a classic.

Listen man I've been there. I'm also in Canada. Went to college, got OSAP, dropped out last semester. Had like 20K in student loans and no degree. I eventually paid them off (look into having your interest deferred until you can start paying it back) and started working for myself.

When you are young you don't really have an identity. You try to use a job or career to define you. Without it you feel like a failure. But honestly those people that let their job define them are sad pathetic tools.

Start finding yourself user. Find out what you like. Start dealing with your issues and don't let them define you. You might have to make serious changes but you sound young (no disrespect) and you really do have a lot of time ahead of you.

Do you have any hobbies or interests?

I always put on a good Adam Sandler movie. "Click" is a great one for when you're feeling down.

Yea I'm pretty young (22). The only real interests I have is sports, but can't play them anymore. So I just watch them all day. If smoking weed is a interest i guess that's one, but I've been trying to quit both weed and tobacco for years now and keep failing. It makes me so lazy, paranoid, and depressed. I don't know what I like or want to do at all.

Yea, I've seen it a bunch of times though

I ask about hobbies because that's basically what saved me. I have always like coin collecting. I started buying and selling on forums, which led to me selling online and now I just bought a retail location to open my own coin shop. It's not a the most glamorous job but it's something I love and have worked hard to achieve. I'm talking 15 years since I dropped out of college and working shit jobs in-between. Find something you love user and chase it.

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Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Always feel good after watching it, fav movie by far

yea I dont really have any. I have no desire to really do anything everyday but smoke weed and lay ing bed.

Could you be a sports writer or maybe start a podcast or something? Any interest in doing play by play? Sports collectables and memorabilia? Something that could be a hobby/part time work initially and career later?

If you have a local team you have more options with writing and play by play.

Deal with your addictions user. None of this is easy shit, but you will be way more happy and productive without them. You need to believe you deserve better.

Idk that doesn't really interest me either. I know I need to stop doing drugs before I do something. They just fuck with me to much

Any possible underlying mental health issues?

Yea I really do. I stopped smoking weed for 2 months about a month and a half ago, but was drinking all the time and smoking a lot of tobacco.

What are you running from user?

addiction, maybe bpd. When I read about bpd it feels like im reading about myself

idk, everything. I'm constantly 24/7 worrying about everything

I think me being bi, and hating myself for it is also a reason

Can you go talk to your family doctor? People with BPD often have addictive personalities. You may need to start treating the BPD before the drugs and alcohol.

Your family doc will recommend talking to a therapist/counselor. They will make the appointment for you. It's really easy. The hardest part is showing up.

Also work on a healthy diet and exercise. It can work wonders for mental health. It also goes back to the "you deserve it" mentality.

If you experience highs and lows, try to embrace the highs and be productive while acknowledging the lows with knowing they will pass.

You really can do this user.

What's your family situation like?

Why do you hate yourself for being bi?

Definitely sounds like you need to focus that energy. Start small, but just start.

thanks user, I'll try to go to my doctor. My family situation is not good. My parents are split up, my dad is a alcoholic, and mom is alright i guess. Not really loving, but she's there at times, but seems to kind of resent me. One of my sisters whos older and still lives with me, my mom and younger brother is severely mentally ill. She's blind in one eye from hitting herself. Her face is always bruised, she use to attack me and the rest of us unprovoked with knives and other things, but has calmed down. Still beats herself though, and screams/cries all the time. I think she is servery bi polar, idk all the doctors say something different.

t2 with child dying end
pet cemetery 1

Idk, cause what everyone thinks I guess. Also I'm also disgusted by anything not straight after cumming. I feel like a sexual deviant, like I'm throwing my whole life a way because for dick. I like girls more too, I could never see myself in any relationship with a guy, its more of a kink. Nothing about it seems romantic like with a girl

Well at least it sounds like you won't be homeless while you start working on yourself. Please make that doctors appointment. It really could change your life. I know you got this user.

Also there's no shame in needing and using the resources available to you. Canada is a great country for trying to help people. Try to use all the resources available and look into other ones as well. Sometimes just emailing or calling around and asking will open some doors. Also consider giving back in some way when you can. It will help other's and it will help you as well.

I have to go now, but I know you got this. I'm

Make that doctors appointment.

As to your original Happy Gilmore

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Honestly that sounds pretty normal. We're all a little gay tbh

garbage man isn't as bad as you think

>Any movies that made you want to kill yourself a little bit less after watching?
Try The Revenant with Leo DiCap. If that guy can survive against all those odds just for revenge, so can you, faggot.

i've already seen it dawg

Spirited away and princess mononoke.

thanks user, also yea happy Gilmore is one of my favorite comedies

ive seen both of those, spirited away is kind of sad to me though

I was thinking about this one, but cannot remember the title.
Thx user


im not really a fan of anime that much

I see, then try watching The Intouchables.
It's pretty fucking good fam