Self harm thread!

Self harm thread!

Can I see some self harm lads?

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why not just kill yourself?

emo faggot

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Bump for actual suicide

Better than nothing I guess
Because life is actually pretty alright all things considered
Fuck off

Fucking beautiful, thanks user I'll cut to that next

Another one

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Fucking hell user you're the best, keep them coming

cut your hair you whiny fucking bitch

attention whoring pussy

Past scars and before I did the big burn.

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Fucking gorgeous, I can only imagine what those looked like fresh, beautiful

Want me to dump some ?

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Pic from about a year ago

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Oh my fucking god please yes, bless you user you're beautiful

Please moar

Careful with cutting words user, otherwise beautiful


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Why stop at just words? Make some art

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Lets not leave out the teddy bear

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This just looks like your average cat owner

A personal favourite of mine

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Can someone cut Sup Forums into their arm & post? Thx.

Cat scratches are kinda cute though

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Nice and saucy

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Its a dumb question but is there a particular reason for you cutting yourself? Like is it for everyone the same or do people have different reasons for that.

whatever makes you feel better i guess.

Those are beautiful, congrats Anons

People have different reasons, for me I do it because it feels really good and there's no better way to feel better when I'm stressed, depressed or whatever else than cutting, but I think I'm in the minority for doing it because of that

Wow you're so deep and original.

Very pretty indeed.
Feel good factor

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This, I would do it myself but I've already cut for the evening

What's that supposed to mean faggot?

And youre a turd:p

All these personality disorder scum in here.


>implying that isn't what they want
You're just feeding them

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i find it a little fascinating to do, blood in general. but i have other reasons lol

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Humans should be destroyed

I imagine that its some sort of reliev since your brain must be realeasing something as a reaction. Its weird when my ex showed me her scars she wouldnt know herself why she keeps doing that. I dont think its for attention rather supressing the bad emotions? Its hard

Calm down Linkola

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Same, watching the blood is fun, it's far from the main reason I do it but it's a fun extra

Blood is cute ngl

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Humans should be destroyed


What method ?

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Open a black hole using the large hardron collider.
But we'll have to destroy saturn first or else after millions of years we'll just end up at exactly the same point