This is the current status quo. Why do we allow this...

This is the current status quo. Why do we allow this? Why are we allowing sociopaths to work us to death so they can live like gods?

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_timworstall_files_2016_10_wagescompensation-1200x1093.png (1280x868, 356K)

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Because they changed the laws on us, they control the politicians and agencies.

Limited liability, corporate tax rates and income stripping doomed us. We should demand a flat tax, no deductions. We could easily solve our debt issue and provide for our security nets.

Population skyrocketed, more people who can do exactly what you do, maybe better. Naturally there's less pressure to keep you there since you're extremely replaceable.

The reason for the graph is open border and importing endless cheap labor. Why would the employer raise wages when there are plenty of cheap labor to choose from.

Attached: usaracedemo.jpg (900x900, 121K)

>Because they changed the laws on us, they control the politicians and agencies.
Why did we let them? Why don't we do something about it? The United States was started with acts of violence committed against the landed gentry. Our founders were pirates, bootleggers and criminals. Why are we letting them down by not actually, literally, doing something about this?

Ah yes, the royal "we." Your response is a good representation of the answer.

because with gibs, they gain votes and power.

Attached: demvoters.jpg (815x1007, 480K)

Hey, I agitate for unionization constantly. My bosses hate me, but my ass is covered. No royal 'we' in the equation.

Great idea, how about we don't let wealthy people be politicians in America? We could do that. Amendment to the constitution and everything. I want every wealthy person in the country taxed more, regardless of what they believe. No more hypocrite politicians, primary every single limousine Democrat in the country.

There's no way to test for it that couldn't be short-circuited.

>Who me? Oh I'm not wealthy, my DAD is
>Oh, this trust fund? Oh I don't actually OWN it, I'm just one of many beneficiaries

and so on and so on.

Oh, I'm glad everyone is on the same page then, should be pretty easy from here!

I don't know if pissing off a McDonald's manager is really going to solve anything.

Fuck, that's a good point.
I do my part, and hopefully others do theirs. That's how social betterment works.
Regardless of where I work, everyone deserves to be protected by their fellow workers. Yes, I think fast food workers should be unionized.

My point about the royal "we" is that you hope others do their part, but reality shows this isn't the case. Even in the animal world, ants evolved to have slackers that depend on the good behavior of others to survive. In the big picture, people will be complacent as soon as they're comfortable, because it makes sense.

>My point about the royal "we" is that you hope others do their part, but reality shows this isn't the case.
Literally wrong. Nothing happens without individuals working together. Nothing. Every single day, billions of individuals work billions of individuals, just for the world to function.

Also, we aren't ants. We're apes, and apes are social animals that literally only exist because we form tribes and communities. The first neanderthal that we ever found had arthritis, and multiple healed bones, suggesting that community is one of our evolutionary advantages as apes. Every other ape cares for apes in their tribe, every other species does that. We aren't exempt.

No one said individuals weren't working together. Individuals standing up to governments is not an essential part of working together, so it's not a priority of most individuals.

>We aren't ants
No shit, which makes it even more unlikely that your ideals will play out the way you want.
>Every other ape cares for apes in their tribe
Wrong. Apes will eat the offspring of competitor males
>Every other species does that
Wrong. Cannibalism is far more widespread than you think.

I love it when people think they're debunking established science with anecdotes. Incidents such as yours does not reverse the established anthropological fact that apes are a social species.

Attached: 1573681834687.png (1280x868, 464K)

Also evidence of one individual is really poor evidence of widespread phenomena. And we don't literally only exist because we form tribes and communities. We exist and happen to form tribes and communities.

Yes, much like your anecdote of literally a single individual to support your opinions of all sapiens. Except there's actual scientific evidence documenting over 1500 species where cannibalism has been observed.

No shit apes are a social species, that doesn't mean antisocial aspects are not consistently prevalent in the history of apes.

It's not just one specimen. There are examples of hominids all over the place, with evidence of healed bones, medicine pouches, etc. This is a known anthropological fact that you're arguing against.
And here's a non-scientific paper for better readability:
I mean, there's tens of thousands of pieces of evidence of human cannibalization as well, that doesn't mean that we don't also care for our sick and injured.

Here's a fun one:
One guy from 5300 years ago was preserved in ice, and on his person was a bunch of medicinal herbs, ready to go. Didn't keep him from being frozen to death, but still.

Yes, it is stupidly obvious considering hospitals are everywhere and medical industry is bringing in immense bank. I dare you to find a region of the world where poverty finds just as much access to medicine as a developed country. Your argument is weak. If I can steer from your tangent about evolution which you clearly learned from wikipedia pages: "People care for others, therefore it must be out of inherent good will." This is simply an unsustainable model, so it doesn't hold widespread impact in politics.

I took two university level classes on anthropology, actually. One with lab, one without.
>I dare you to find a region of the world where poverty finds just as much access to medicine as a developed country.
Access doesn't mean anything. I have access to many millions of things, but it doesn't mean I can get them. It's like the difference between theory and practice.
>This is simply an unsustainable model, so it doesn't hold widespread impact in politics.
Cite your sources. The United States are one of the only industrialized nations in the world without open healthcare.