Good old fight thread

Good old fight thread
>your age height weight
>how many fights you won/lost
>do you have formal training in a combat sport and if you do, do you compete?

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36...1.83 cm 102 kg
Uhm I guess 18/2 (since I'm 15)
box but no

>26, 5'11, 155 pounds
>won 0
>lost 1

I'm an incredibly anxious pussy and hate confrontation unless I'm drunk. Only fight I was ever in was when I was shitfaced and showed up at my ex girlfiends house and her new boyfriend beat the shit out of me.

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5'11. 24 today (its my bday)
About 160 or so
Boxed as a kid, did muay thai and mma from 15 or so. Had 9 muay thai bouts (amateur) and 11 mma bouts.
Too many bjj/grappling contests to count, since you have like 3-5+bouts in one day if you do well.
Purple belt bjj (no-gi, but i train with all purple belts and hold my own just fine).

Been in a few real fights, got tornado kicked by some taekwondo kid at 14 or 15 at school when i thought i was hard cause i boxed twice a week lol.
That inspired me to start muay thai. Thanks based taekwondo fag.

26, 6'1", 210 lbs
never been in a fight

Oh, i cut to compete at 135-145 (mma standards) but muay thai and grappling uses kg's. Ive thought at 59, 62, 66 kgs, different events and sports use different brackets.

nice, happy birthday btw
muay thai does look pretty damn brutal


I grew up in a shitty neighborhood and got in quite a few fights. You win some and lose some. I have no count though.

I have a purple belt in BJJ. I haven't trained in a few years due to a back injury that's since healed 100%.

53 180cm bout 80kg
7 won, 3 lost
Have boxed in my younger years, but still can fight if must

Thanks user! It can be, but it isnt all blood and glory.
It isnt cause we're all hard heads that the fights look that way.
MT judging (particulary in thailand) scores things on "effect". If you get fucking BLASTED clean in the face, but dont move, it didnt happen. Thats why standing your ground and blocking is so valuable.

33 6'4" 225lbs /fit/izen
none. unironically nobody wanted to fight me yet
4years judo, 6 years kickboxing. only for fun, never compete

Hope you can heal up and get back into the game user!

Old now but in 20's I went 25 wins and 3 losses street fights. 5'11 225lbs. Have knowledge of boxing and some martial arts. Now I sit on the porch and watch.

did you get in any fights as an adult?

Yeah i can fucking see why!

6'6", 350 pounds. Never had to actually come to blows. Usually standing up and flipping a table or looking like I wanted to rip a motherfucker's head off was enough to avoid confrontation.

>25 wins and 3 losses street fights
that's a solid record, were all of those fights arranged?

5'10 220lbs 30
BJJ blue belt. Very high fight IQ. Trained Muay thai and wrestling since highschool. Quit but earned blue belt in 2008. Tae kwon do yellow belt and kuk sool won yellow belt before highschool wrestling and formal muay thai and BJJ classes. Additional striking grappling and TMA experience from visiting gyms and open mats and free college BJJ. Trained years of no gi before my GI and white belt training.

Thanks Brother!

Besides sparing in the gym or a matches here and there, not too many.
Probably 6 or 7 since I was 18.

23 6'2 185lbs
my k1 record so far is 4-0 had a few street fights here and there but I try not to.
Next fight will be on the 30th. I have some of my bouts on my youtube channel if you wanna check it out

>Probably 6 or 7
lmao that's quite a lot tbh
were those against people from your shitty hood? gang related?

but to be fair, i was a totally skeleton in my teenage years. still nobody in my neighborhood dared to touch me because my 7years older brother is a 6'7" bodybuilding freak. his nickname was arnold schwarzenegger... he protected me in my younger years.

College party and bar fights. Nothing serious.

I used to have bad anger issues and those fights were almost all instigated by me. I've grown out of that though.