What would Sup Forums do?

What would Sup Forums do?

Go to new church, see family attending. young mother singing in the choir is there with her husband and two kids. As she sings the solo your realize she is a hooker you hired for your buddy's bachelor party a few years prior and you have pics.

What do?

Attached: Baptist Singer.jpg (2000x3000, 398K)

Mind your own damn business.

>rubbing your dick against another dude's

Relish in the memory of fucking a church choir singer in all her holes and leave her alone. You paid for pussy and she gave it. Transaction is completed and obviously she wasn’t a bitch or not worth it as you took pictures. If she were worth it, I’d hire her again and roleplay as a minister and she the lowly choir girl.

She acts like she doesn't know who I am. She might not remember. She was drunk/high.

You could bribe her for sex then send them two the guy any ways for the lols

Dump the pics bro. Right here. Right now

OP you some kind of faggot?

move on with your life, she did

She naaasty.

Attached: monica field good-church-girl-by-day-fucking-bbc-at-night.jpg (540x804, 69K)

Attached: monica dawn field 1495664259258.jpg (1081x1922, 191K)

More of this dumb cunt?

>imagine being so tortured by inadequacy-driven fetishes that you create these for other trump voters to consume obsessively
>jacking off to something you fear deep down
white people yall

....nigga you stupid

apply yourself, apigmented swine

and yet you have no face angle of the compromising pictures. the fucking scum of forums have infected this place. Get a fucking life or give it up.

Attached: 1571849733405.jpg (400x660, 53K)

Get a small cheap phone projector and put that on a wall before the singing starts

Lmao they don't even look remotely alike. Are you face blind?

Oh no a slur!!
Now I get to riot and loot and burn down my own neighbor hood.
Thank God for the sickle cell huh Jungle Bunny?

Attached: 1570866596209.jpg (720x778, 31K)

Yeah, I go to a church in the twin cities... MILF of two and I find this pic, and sit in wonderment of what she was like 20 years ago.

Attached: Mandy is a champ.jpg (640x480, 124K)

You drop a mega on Sup Forums and let lulz ensue what kind of newfag are you?

Well I know a spoon can't feed a family because it can't be eaten, but a guy could definitely feed a family if you cut off his limbs and grill them

Anyone got this bitch’s social media I wanna say hi