Post your opinions on drugs and the war on drugs...

Post your opinions on drugs and the war on drugs, if you hit quads you win unlimited free and legal heroin in Switzerland

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Smoking weed is okay(if it's not turning you into dumbass), but heavy drugs is bad.

So long as your use doesn't negatively impact others I'm down with you doing whatever. Your body, not mine.

I am not smoking weed(it's prohibited in Russia).

Russian thot bot confirmed

The laws on drugs are literally there because of the idiots that can’t handle them and stab their kids at 4am

Still, I wouldn’t date addicts or want them in my neighborhood unless I had bulletproof windows and soundproof walls

Exactly, what’s the point of arresting people for doing something that only effects them

Fuck you cyka blyat'!

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Make all drugs legal and let Darwinism sort it out.

Every single study on animals shows smaller rates of addiction (down to

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I mean how many alcoholics do the dumb shit you describe? Its not the drugs causing dumb fags to be dumb fags. We just gotta stop giving criminals all that drug money And the violence from drugs will mostly stop

But Krokodil is okay?

No, it's NOT okay.
It will kill you.

Plus it’s way cheaper to give everyone free drugs than to arrest them and keep them in cages where you have to feed them too

You're a fucking idiot. (You're too stupid to admit it but smoking weed is ten times worse for you than smoking cigarets because it's the TARS in weed and cigarets that give you cancer but you wouldn't know that or admit it if you did.)

The laws on drugs are there because if they weren't, Pharamceutical companies wouldn't be able to jack up the prices.
Granted, without ridiculous pricing there's no reason to invest into research to find treatments to disease at all, let alone cures, but if we didn't regulate shit like Opiates and Pain Killers and "ADD Medication" (Cocaine) then they wouldn't be profitable, which means they wouldn't be researched by anyone who wasn't looking to get into the feelgood market, which doesn't actually advance the cause of medicine so much as it does debauchery.

Do you give a shit when someone you don't know kills someone else you also don't know? The answer is no you don't. Don't fucking lie to me. No one in government cares about that shit either. Stop deluding yourself into thinking your masters exist to protect you. They exist to facilitate commerce.

The drug in krokodil is just shitty morphine but its made in a garage by some regarded slavs that know nothing about chemistry and leave phosphorus in the blend that people inject

fail troll is fail.
(There's no way you posted what you did unironically. If you did than you're more retarded than anyone else here.)

But you don’t smoke 20 grams of weed a day unless you’re retarded, also you can still vape or eat weed

Well people will usually smoke a couple of joints a day rather than smoke a pack a day

ADHD medication is amphetamines not cocaine, the most common one is adderall which is just amphetamine, the next most common is ritalin which is similar to cocaine but way longer lasting and less euphoric

And then taxpayer funded govt owned research labs would be created, and the cures or treatments would be made freely available

no they wouldn't.

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