Name a worse president, I'll wait

Name a worse president, I'll wait.

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James Buchanan.



Pro tip, you can

no, Trump is amongst the worse

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Woodrow Wilson

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lbj destroyed the black family unit

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Not possible, sorry.

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Easily beats him out

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god damn, this

But he treated Krabappel with such kind words

ok rabbi


I did like the first transgender first lady

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This shit bag!

Goddamn look at those hands. They could open a jar of pickles.


The second transgender First Lady

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you cant

Donald J. Trump

Every one other than Andrew Jackson

There are 44 correct answers

Man these threads are gay and boring.
I get bored at night sometimes too. But is this the only thing you can think to do to pass the time? No wonder you have no friends OP. You're lame and boring.


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Wont work.
I'll post numbers and you'll counter with your feelings.
Both are valid, but we'll never agree.
So how about telling us what you'd do differently, and then, for the bonus round, how your make it happen.

Not OP, also don't agree with him, but all this shilling for our "greatest ally" is pretty retarded

Try and beat this turd OP. Trump has at least more brains than this thing if there’s anything noteworthy to be said about Trump anyway

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Only way you're ever going to get the perfect candidate is if you, yourself, run for the position.
(they're politicians)

Barack "komrad" Obama, James Buchanan, Herbert Hoover, James Madison, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Woodrow Wilson, George W Bush, George Bush Sr, John Adams, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, Ulysses S Grant, James, A Garfield, Chester A Arthur, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William Howard Taft, Warren G Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Lyndon B Johnson, Richard M Nixon, Gerald Ford and George H W Bush.
Next question?

*Squawk!* *Squawk!* Trump is among the worst! Trump is among the worst! *Squawk!*
Good parrot! Here's your cracker!

FDR, Nixon, Obama

Nixon and Obama specifically for fucking the health care system hard.

Actually, LBJ and the 1960s Democrats started the job. It was Slick Willy Clinton who finished the job in the 90s by making it virtually illegal to be black in America. (He wrote more anti-black legislation than any other president in American history! It's true! You have google! Look it up, faggot!

Feelings are not greater than facts. Facts are always right and feelings are almost always wrong. (2+2=4, water is always comprised of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen vs "I feel like committing suicide!" "I feel like murdering that old lady over there." This clearly demonstrates that feelings should NEVER be used to make decisions, only clear, precise logic.)

Objectively worse?
>bush JR
>Andrew johnson
>van Buren

Ok Boomer

bush jr was like a god compared to donald trump,funny how a bush hater thinks obama and clinton were bad.this is what happens when zoomer's political opinions are payed attention to,95 percent of the presidents listed you wernt even alive to see

trump, bush and obama are all equally turds

Bro, I would make a terrible candidate, but at least get someone in office who doesn't suck Netanjahus cock and knows what pragmatism is.

Ok Boomer

Looks like every thread is going to have at least one "Ok Boomer". Sooo catchy. Christ.

Apples to Oranges.

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lol!! I hope he comes out with them i'd buy one pretty imaginative eh?


Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Lyndon Johnson (who the fuck is named Lyndon anyway?), Obama

Jimmy Carter, Nixon, etc etc

Ur retard

abraham lincoln, he didnt even finish his term


Well first reply hit the nail on the head didn't it?

Wig, tissues and make up will make a bamboo still look like a bamboo.

Nah, obama was 10x more popular. Trump is the laughing stock of the world

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Are you describing Trump?

woodrow wilson

He is popular alright. Popular with niggers, shitskins and white apologists.

OP asked about popularity? Interesting take, Vlad.


Woodrow Wilson. Jimmy Carter. FDR.

yep Obama was the worst president in the last 30 years

>Barack "komrad" Obama,
You REALLY want to play this socialism/russian compromise game?

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James Buchanan. Trump is tied with Andrew Johnson and Ronald Reagan closely behind


So one statement he made in front of cameras and reporters.
What else?

George Washington

Then where does Tricky Dickey fit into this?

Nixon was a paranoid asshole and thug, but an effective politician with some respectable accomplishments.

Bush Did 9/11

No his handlers did 9/11


Sorry you weren’t around to ride that gravy train.

"Popularity" doesn't make one good.
It just means normies like you for superficial reasons.

I would like to add Andrew Jackson to this list.

right answer

we have a winner!

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Hillary Clin-- oh wait.

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Hillary Clinton... Oh wait, Oops nevermind.

Richard Nixon
Woodrow wilson
Jimmy Carter

He really fucked everything up

How can you say that from good ol' Ronald, didn't he destroyed the soviet union on top of a bald eagle while shooting faggots and crack addicts?

You really can't. That's the joke.

Ok boomer


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That's a good point. We don't even know who was in control of the country during Reagan's second term because he was in the early stages of Alzheimer's.

just say it

Abe Lincoln

Pro tip: you can

No President in our history was this blatantly flat out incoherent and inept. So no.

That's a shocker.

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