Best thing I’ve done is to get rid of these. I have more energy. I think more clearly. Life is fucking great...

Best thing I’ve done is to get rid of these. I have more energy. I think more clearly. Life is fucking great. Why haven’t you done it yet?

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so hows your sex life?

cuz I'm not a psycho!

Never been better because I’m not thinking about sex all day. I can focus on other matters.

Like posting on Sup Forums? Is that really an improvement? I would say sex is a better use of time than whatever you call this.

I would but I haven't got the balls to do it

Those are supposed to be inside your body dum dum

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I’m giving advice to lost souls like you. I used to be you, once. But now I am set free.

Uh ok user. Sounds like you're desperate for validation

Can you still fug?

There is no way you have more energy.

I have way more mental energy

Woh, you must be a genius billionaire now huh, from all that clear thinking and pure drive to suceed.

I had testicular cancer and i can Guarantee you that without testosterone you will basically become a depressed chick. You will get hot flashes, gain weight faster, depression etc.

Dont listen to this fucking retard

did you lose both balls?

Lost one, but the other is useless and does not produce enough testosterone. I have to take injections and its fucking awful if you enjoy sleeping. 26 Y/O

shit bro sorry to hear that, at least you didn't die from it tho


Shit. My boy had undecended testes and the surgeon fucked one up beyond repair during the procedure so they just took it out. I worry about how it's going to impact him. They really didn't want to talk to us after that. If you don't mind can you describe other ways it affects you, if it does?

Sounds like good advice. I’m going to ask my doctor about this. Where did you get It done?

I find it pretty hot, if I was super horny I could probably be persuaded into letting someone take them.

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It's a dead simple operation. You could do it yourself with some local anasthetic if you have the stomach for it, but I'd recommend getting someone else to do it in case you faint.

My girlfriend - who's a veterinarian nurse - did mine. She does animals all day long. Took about fifteen minutes to slit the scrotum, take them out and stitch it back up. Didn't feel any pain.

>My girlfriend - who's a veterinarian nurse
straight out of one of my fantasies

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eat them

would love to get a few guys together and play this game together

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so hot

Also thinking of giving this a go. Thanks user.

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Whoo!...think was him!?

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Looks like chicken

Op is definitely a Jew faggot trying to cut our balls and sell them

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I'm no expert by any means but without balls you shouldn't be able to get it up anymore? eunuchs for example.

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Any update on that guy that froze his hands off?

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I guess hes a 24/7 dependent sex toy for his master now

Yeah, didn't they cut balls off kids to basically make them into sex slaves?

how much do you think he regrets it by now

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Look at those tiny little baby balls

wonder if I could freeze my balls off and convince the doctor I was trying to freeze my sperm to save for later.

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or tell him I was kicked in the nuts and had to ice them, and fell asleep

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that you?

That’s me. Kik subpar555

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where'd they go?

Why those "Yourbrainonporn" and "nofapnovember" guys do not do this to cure their masturbation addiction? Because we all know that deep down in their mind they won't want to continue after november. They want also "nofapember", "nofanuary", etc.

This would be perfect solution for their problems.

In a medical waste bin I would assume

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um, i have no inclination to remove my own testies. also, i wouldn't stitch it up, either, rather turn my fleshy patch into an entrance. better safe than sorry, though.

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Gtfo with this eunuch thread propaganda. You arent fooling me schlomo.

did you want to lose them?


Yes. I never cared for them. They were awkwardly too big compared to my penis. They felt out of place to me

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no shit

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animal gonads, small sack/balls, practical fx , Hook line and fuck u nigger.

that's great, I'm really interested how'd you get the doctor to do it?

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Future generations thank you.

Shit, I've had a bump on my right testicle since I was 13, am 23 now and am fine.

Years of seeing a therapist

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Would only consider it if there was intense feminization femdom involved

I'd rather keep it simple, make it look like an accident or something. Come up with a good story like a kinky stranger using an elastrator on me at a party then getting black out drunk and passing out, only to find my dead nuts the next day.

Attached: elastrator 2.jpg (1280x960, 184K)

>They were awkwardly too big compared to my penis
same would make a nice trophy though

bump with content

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Na... not for me.

Here’s a before pic

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Idiotic post... lack of ? testosterone.

Keep up the good work OP

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Nerve gas

you have a ring on your penis you weren't going to need them from the get go faggot

Thank you for keeping yourself out of the gene pool.

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Bait if I've ever seen it

If you get your balls removed you live 5 - 10 years longer on average



Does anyone have the full thing where he cooks his balls too?

>Why haven’t you done it yet?
Someone needs to have testosterone enough to put degenerates like you to death

i have fantasies about getting mine removed. i'd like the scrotum removed as well, so it's completely smooth down there. i was circumcised and it hurts to get erect, so i want it partially for the reduced sex drive as well. i suppose i could take anti-androgens if i still get horny afterwards. also want a dom to take care of me

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Always said Sup Forums hasn't had balls for years - now there's proof.

Cant you get one transplanted from all of the millions of traps getting cut

Could one of the ones OP is displaying be reattached to someone like your kid if if was sterilized and done by a surgeon

I um ... doubt that works like that ...

Are those AirPods? If so, yes, I agree.

I'm still thinking about having kids

Why does this make me aroused