Justify why some people get to live like gods, while you're barely getting by on your pay

Justify why some people get to live like gods, while you're barely getting by on your pay.

Attached: gold palace.jpg (1000x666, 216K)

There is no such thing as justice.


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>File: gold palace.jpg (216 KB, 1000x666)
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>Anonymous 11/13/19(Wed)20:09:25 No.813991274▶
> Justify why some people get to live like gods, while you're barely getting by on your pay.
>Anonymous 11/13/19(Wed)20:10:38 No.813991366▶
> (OP)
> There is no such thing as justice.
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have sex.

That's just the way the simulation works my friend

heh god damnit.

It's just how things are set up Donald the genuies of this race are destroyed and shunned while the useful fools I say with respect are put into high positions of power for gerinteed control for the chain, if legitament people rise they'll eventually create emserparation rallying the people of the race to progress and evolve, we see the complete opposite, living in a giant simmed out bubble

stop it

Don't forget when he quoted my favorite book of the Bible, 2 Corinthians!

there is no justification beyond greed and elitism, nor is wealth of this measure ethically possible. it's simple is what it is until we collectively band together and decide enough is enough, but i suspect we'll all die before it gets to that point.

K*LL the rich. End the slave master relationship. Embrace your destiny as the generation to end the aristocracy. We have the power.

Infiltrate the military. Infiltrate the college's. Educate, destabilize, and take control. We can and we will build a better world for all.

Speak for yourself.

Because no one is entitled to anything and life isn't fair. This sounds Boomer as heck but it's the truth

You're a bunch of jerkoff losers that can't face life on your own. Fucking washouts want to change the world because they can't survive without somebody's assistance.

Justify why you weren't born with aids in rwanda and dead before your first birthday. You're lucky or unlucky, that's all nothing more.

They're smarter and work harder than me while I waste my pathetic life on this shitty website.

This. Any other answer is indicative of immaturity.
>Money should still be abolshed for other reasons

Life is a game and they're better at it than you are.

Also, there are high-quality people and low-quality people. Don't believe it? Put some Tyrones in there and see what the place looks like in a month. "Free shit" is not any answer.

There's no incentive to work for a life of mediocrity, when you can simply not work for the same life of mediocrity. It's common mathematical sense. Even niggers understand it. Better than most.

It’s because I’m on probation for being black in a small town :(

I want it. I don't worship them but I want it.

Thats the most ignorant way to live life.


No, that's capitalism

>Work ethic
>Pure luck

I have meh of all 3 so I live a meh life. Any questions?

>I deserve to be crushed by a boot
Get some self respect, brother. We can stand together and hold them accountable if we do it together!

Life isn't fair.

they earned it or were given it, which is fair.
if you had what they did you would be defending such a lifestyle instead of demonizing it out of spite and jealousy, commie,
or if you were more honest with yourself and had a decent work ethic and a modicum of intelligence you would make choices to better yourself and seek higher pay
you get what is given or work towards your goals.

There's want, need, opportunity, circumstance, ability, location, etc. Life is a gamble and we have to play with the cards we're dealt.

>> Justify why some people get to live like gods, while you're barely getting by on your pay.
Don't worry, Trump's an idiot and his life is hell. All the gold plated furniture isn't going to improve his state of mind one bit.
There is no answer to your question.

>deriving an ought from an is

so true
good post

I mean, yeah, the wealthy are all miserable. I know that. I want to help them, and make them feel better by taking steps and helping them with their hoarding habit.

but except for assassination, how?

You'll be squashed like the cockroaches you really are.

I agree. That's why I advocate for all vocations to be unionized, so that the roaches can't be stomped on.

I ask that myself everyday.
All I want is a nice paying job.

My high school buddy had a shop class with a rich kid. We went over to his house. A mansion, except he lived in his own house in the back. Kid had a brand new trans am as a high school graduation present. He got in trouble for getting drunk and flipping his Rx7. So they punished him by making him drive a older 90s trans am. Until he graduated.
Always getting all this free shit. I quickly realized life is unfair. It was real hard going back to my moms house.
(This was decades ago)


Because of everyone else’s decisions and not my own. I am not responsible for the consequences of my actions.

Thats one of the better summaries of socialism I've read in a while

what if what they did involved outsourcing production to countries like India or China so they don't have to follow environmental regulations or pay people from their own country a decent wage with benefits?

This guy is not talking about Socialism. You Media Matters shills are not even trying anymore. That Soros funded propaganda has got to run out pretty soon, the Dems are nearly bankrupt since 2016.

5 more years. Enjoy.

Some people are just smarter than others, obviously. If you're a retard that can't make it on his own, well, tough shit. I'm not going to prop you up.

Meh I’m somewhere in the middle. Not smart enough to be rich but making 75,000 while the wife makes 60,000

House, condo, 2 cars, 3 kids...

Over 100,000 in the bank

We kinda slide in right where we belong financially

I think I will let myself feel envy on this one. and hatred.

They're just too rich and before you know it we will be back to the days of kings.