How come george w bush was overall a better president and human being then donald trump and how come bush's supporters...

how come george w bush was overall a better president and human being then donald trump and how come bush's supporters were superior then trump's supporters

maybe its because they acted like republicans and not anti gun pieces of left wing shit

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makes me laugh whenever my trump supporting father complains about republicans never defending donald trump,go figure when the guy continues running the country like a left wing pile of shit

because democrats and republicans practically shared the same policies back then, now days not so much.

how retarded are you? trump supporters and democrats are the exact same,go figure why people call americans stupid

He’s a populist president, they are always crazy and will literally do any policy they think will gain them votes. There’s very little moral principles. Trump is fine letting the state do what it wants, it’s just a popularity contest. Wtf has pence been doing is my question.

nah mass immigration isnt really trumps voter base

Let's talk about being retarded...
You say Trump supporters and democrats are the exact same...
How so?

Why are you still crying about it?

kill yourself Democrat
ban all guns shill

you are correct

because the swamp and uni party wants what it wants

>trump supporters and democrats are the exact same

your full on retarded
get off the internet


same fag

not as single thing this shill is saying is remotely true

more same fag

Here’s a good example.

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>anti gun pieces of left wing shit
everything's about guns to you fucking dense myopic paranoid frightened bunny rabbits.

>anti gun pieces of left wing shit

citation needed

1) and say nothing about bump stock ban because full auto is already illegal and 99.99% of people give a fuck

2) also say nothing about temporarily grabbing guns for public safety until after a hearing when someone threatens to go shoot up a school or church

100% common sense unlike the Democrats plans to ban all guns
except for police military and the rich elite, right after they will ban free speach

That was my first post in this thread, user. You'll have something retarded to say anyway I'm sure.

thanks for proving my point,now shove that make america great again hat up your ass

>100% common sense
"President Trump on Wednesday voiced support for confiscating guns from certain individuals deemed to be dangerous, even if it violates due process rights.

“I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida ... to go to court would have taken a long time,” Trump said at a meeting with lawmakers on school safety and gun violence.

“Take the guns first, go through due process second,” Trump said.

>democrats plan to ban guns

this is how dumb americans are,maybe when you lose the 2020 election you'll realize who actually passed real gun control legislation compared to who shouted from the rooftops for 8 years about how much the other side was gonna ban guns yet they never passed any anti gun laws

also,number 2 is why you lost house majority.time to get the kids off their pedistals and start acting like republicans if you want republicans to vote for you again

its pretty damn obvious that trump and his supporters dont have common sense.why cant americans start seperating republicans from the people who support donald trump?

Because they keep covering for his ass. Support is high in Trump's own party.

>that trump and his supporters dont have common sense

so funny
100% projection
the 1 thing is common all trump haters
lack is any common sense

What? They haven't changed much in decades. Were you even alive during Bush era?

>umber 2 is why you lost house majority.

most the seats lost where in CA, a nothing burger,
conservatives have fled to escape failed liberal policies , guess you missed the stories about a caravans or people fleeing

1 seat in AZ stolen, 2020 will have a majority in both houses and trump
no paul Ryan or john McCann to sabotage

>about how much the other side was gonna ban guns yet they never passed any anti gun laws

oh they tried and got blocked
tried so many times but failed
like trying to ban common ammunition for rifles

result was people ran out bought more guns and ammo

>trump's own party

and? nobody cares about trump's own party,they arent republicans

>lack is any common sense

says the illiterate trump supporter who cant even stringe together an educated sentance.just like mr "hamberders" donald trump

if it wasnt for uneducated rednecks like you,he wouldnt of even gotten nominated.because educated republicans and conservatives never wanted donald trump

id rather have john mccain or paul ryan then donald trump,cry more trump supporter.your better off voting democrat next year.where you belong,republicans should of already threw you out after your presidents hatred of gun rights

ill keep my freedom and constitution,you can take your feelings to the democrat party

93% support of trump among Republicans

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I see the difference but honestly Republicans keep covering the dumbshit he says. At least most Democrats hate Shillary and openly say so. I know lifelong Dems that abstained from voting for their piece of shit, but all of my lifelong Republican friends still voted for their piece of shit. That would be my guess of why a lot of middle-ground people view him as a Republican

You hit it on the head.

trump's supporters are gutter trash white supremacists who tend to be unemployed, racist, anti-education, anti-science and poor.

GW's supporters tended to be employed, middle class, diverse, and pro-education and pro-science.

yea, totally why the person with the highest IQ in all of America
not only voted for trump , hes a strong supporter...

keep telling your self people smarter then you are dumb
as your party and your previous president wipes their ass
the law and Constitution, while you push for an authoritarian hellhole devoid of rights

still same fagging

74% as of right now.

your poll is weeks old.

of course you would rather have RINO traitors
who where funded by the dame people that only fund Democrats

Dubba's Bible belt?

in liberal news polls

science like 2 genders

If IQ equaled common sense, wouldn't the person with the highest IQ automatically be leader? Think dumbass

durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr in dem librul newsy poll thingies yew got thurrrr DURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Are you asking if Bush's supporters post-9/11 started the gender bullshit?
No you fucknuts


Yeah they actually are. Own it.
Your party turned to shit about 15 years ago, and the ideology was already holding back our country long before that.

>tfw Reagan was an evil dullard Nazi before George H.W. Bush was an evil dullard Nazi before George W. Bush was an evil dullard Nazi before Trump was an evil dullard Nazi.

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both are statists for one

holy shit iv been accused of samefagging after my first or second post several times already.
the redhats must be in panic mode or something

maybe because anytime you're critical of him they screech accusations of being a liberal or commie at you with the force of a thousand autists.
it's also like we've been saying for years about the worst in the left. the squeaky wheel gets the grease

>all trump haters

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trump supporters are also weeb degenerates with masturbation addiction

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>it's fake news if i don't believe it

and fuck each other, the proud boiz are known homosexuals with a gay homosexual founder who spreads ass for his new members as a loyalty pledge

I mean just disgusting

I don't know about that. but I'm sure there is plenty of honored homoerotic rustration going on their ranks

Quite so

guess my phone thinks homoerotic is honored. too bad I can't ask it what rustration is.

hahaa no doubt