How is this stuff compared to patron's reposado...

how is this stuff compared to patron's reposado,i recently got the blanco patron but i really wanted the reposado(i got the blanco because it was the cheapest)

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Good bang for buck. That's my go to brand for mixing.

have you ever had patron though? i mean,honestly? ive always kind of avoided patron just based off the fact i frown upon celebrity endorsed alcohol.but i have to admit,patron silver really isnt terrible tequila.its overpriced,ill admit that.but its not bad

also,how is it compared in terms of mixing to stuff like jose cuervo,el jimador,1800,etc?

although,in terms of 1800.ive only had the silver 1800

SIlver patron is best. Why do you want your tequila to taste like the barrel?

patron is overrated and espolon is garbage
1800 anejo or repo i like
also tromba but its $$$

Patron is overpriced nigger garbage. Espolon is fantastic for the price point.

is it best because your favorite rapper drinks it? or is it best because its quality tequila? since 99 percent of people who like patron probably only drink it because of the first point

>nigger garbage

take that maga hat off redneck,black people dont buy patron.for 35 to 40 bucks its to expensive for them

either way,i only bought patron because i had a ton of money and felt like buying something a bit more expensive then i usually do.ill probably never buy patron again(has nothing to do with how good or bad it is)but i was just using espolon as a comparison point

also,im not going to bring politics into this if you respond to this with "hurr durr,trump good"or whatever im not going to respond back with a political argument

I worked at a liquor store for 5 years. Niggers and white trash CONSTANTLY bought Patron

i dont know,maybe its the racist side of me.or maybe patron cost a hell of alot less in your area then in mine.but price alone tells me "niggers"arent going to buy patron

regardless,i only bought patron because ive always been curious about it.i didnt buy patron because im one of those people who see's their favorite celebrity drinking it and decided to drink it.alot of the reason i bought patron also is because it was cheaper then don julio

Its expensive(ish) but those “people” like to think they’re “balling out” so they buy a half pint of Patron for $20 and get to the club and tell all their little buddies they’ve been “sippin patron”

But also patron is overpriced because the agave isn’t as mature as something like Don Julio or Fortaleza because the demand is so high. Same thing with 1800 but not as bad as Patron

Bartender at a mexican restaurant here. We are sponsored by patron and even have our own select barrel for our restaurant but the thing is our guest prefer don juilo more than patron. Our well was el jimador and i still think its the best mixing tequila.

op here,i was gonna buy don julio to begin with.but patron was cheaper.i really wanted the reposado but the silver was cheaper

either way,all hatred and celebrity endorsement bashing unbiased opinion of patron is,its good.but not 35 dollars good

>not drinking mezcal

This makes sense, my buddies white trash piece of shit wife gets trashed on patron.

i dont think you understand what "white trash"is,i bet you've spent your whole life in some coastal liberal state

either way,im only hating on people who drink patron because their favorite celebrity drinks it.not the people who bought it because they actually like it

I don’t think you do

Espolon Blanco is decent

actually i do,i have plenty of "white trash"relatives and have seen white trash communities my entire however,have not.because they dont even drink tequila to begin with.let alone some 35 dollar patron shit

Don juilo is expensive but for like 18 bucks you can get a el jimador rep bottle. Or you can drink mescal like a real man

the "white trash"people you think drink patron are really just upper middle class rap listening suburban white kids who wish they were born black


yeah,ive got el jimador before.its ok,in terms of mezcal,99 percent of the shit i can find ive gotten grossed out because they have a disgusting looking worm in it

besides,ive gotten peloton de le muerte mezcal before and thought it tasted like shit and wasnt worth getting compared to a tequila that i can find easier

either way,real men drink whiskey.drunken college girls drink there goes your insecure masculinity over what alcohol you like

And trailer park trash blowing their child support check on mediocre liquor. That’s also white trash, not just your cousins that fuck each other and drink Busch light

Whoo!...think was him!?

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whatever libtard,go waste your child support check on 40 ounces of malt liquior and think your any better because your just a racist pile of garbage like every other person you find in a poor liberal community

thats if you dont get shot before you even make it to the liquior least white trash communities are civilized and not crime ridden like your minority filled liberal communities

You’re so brave, still getting on the internet despite your brain damage

also,busch light really isnt better then any other light i dont get your point on bringing that up in terms of "white trash".you liberal hipsters drink pabst blue ribbon,which is white trash to

says the left wing idiot who thinks cutting his dick off and calling himself a women is "brave"

It sucks that mezcal is not that marketable right now and its hard to find good mezcal. I'm lucky I have a guy that goes to mexico to visit this farmer that farms wild agave plants in the mountains. Peloton is bleach compared to this shit.

either way,lets get back to the point of the op.i knew before i even made this that a bunch of redneck trumptards would of de railed my point with anti mexican shit because its tequila and mexicans drink it.guess i was wrong


yeah,lets just have a bunch of celebrity morons drink it.that seems to work with tequila since americans are idiots and worship celebritys even to the point of making one their president

also,americans go to mexico and then get kidnapped and killed by cartels but then have the nerve to bitch about donald trump and his "wall".maybe you should get some common sense instead and not think a corrupt 3rd world country is a good vacation place

Fucking beaner faggot

He’s your president too, like it or not

still better then a redneck who voted for donald trump.have fun with 4 more years of being miserable and feeling better because your president gave you more groups of people to get mad at,like thats suppose to make you feel better or something

and? i never said i was against donald trump,i dont care if he's my president because i actually know how politics work in america.unlike you rednecks with your red hats who want donald trump to be supreme leader over the entire country.glad you got fucked in the midterms because even your own party hates you,time to clean that lump of shit out between your ears

Some of the more expensive aged tequilas have the same characteristics as some high ends whiskeys and scotches. I love whiskey but sometimes a nice jose cuervo la familia reserva neat is kinda nice

Say that to my face and not online faggot. See what happens

lol, many people buy the "more expensive"tequilas because they are a better quality tequila and not because "i saw my favorite rapper doing shots of this stuff in his music video,so that makes it good right"

im sure you'd get beat up and humiliated,like trump supporters have 99 percent of the time

either way,i feel like i should be done with this in general.its pathetic how i knew before i even made this that trump supporters would ruin it with politics,and yet.they thanks for nothing rednecks,i guess you can fuck your sisters in celebration now

The fuck are you so hung up on this for? Fuckin retard

It's garbage and owned by the Walmart of tequila. Was good 10 years plus ago before purchased. Way the fuck overpriced.

I agree that mexico is very dangerous and that's why I've never been there. My friends mom went to mexico with her friends. One of her friends left the club with a guy and disappeared. While my friends mom was coming back to cali, she looked at the car next to her and noticed her friend was in that car. Turns out the cartel raped and murded her and stuffed her body with drugs to sneak into America.

fuck mexico

Well everyone that I served at the bar didn't tell me a rapper sent them here. I don't care who endorses alcohol because alcoholics are the true endorsers of alcohol.