I'm a trans individual who has been on Sup Forums for years...

I'm a trans individual who has been on Sup Forums for years. I've yet to see any definitive proof that anything which is largely accepted by the trans community is bad for them, and I'm here to address these issues.

Let's get a hot topic out of the way first: gender reassignment surgery is as necessary for individuals experiencing severe gender dysphoria as chemo would be for a cancer patient. Yes, some people still unfortunately kill themselves. But, every single person who undergoes surgery who doesnt is a person whose life is saved. It is not cosmetic, it is life saving.

Secondly, estrogen is not bad for your mind or body in any way as an assigned-at-birth male. There is zero scientific evidence that it is. This is baseless and only serves to scare people away from taking the medicine they need

Third: it can be "too late to change". I am 37 and I only began hrt 5 years ago. Within two years I was visually passing and now my voice sounds indistinguishable from any other woman's.

Finally, that it is bad for children to transition. Most children have no issue with this and think it's cool to know a trans individual. And giving children estrogen does in fact make it easier on them psychologically to go through their lives as a woman. There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up compared to non-trans children.

I will talk to anyone about any of these things. I'm just sick of seeing baseless bullshit spewed about us on this board. Seeing that stuff early on in my transition made me think about some things I never want to think about again. And anyone who posts pictures of girls who are having trouble passing is participating in psychological abuse.

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ok boomer

Join the 41% faggot.

If there were a mental treatment to help those suffering from severe gender dysphoria accept their biological gender instead of having to under go surgery and hormone treatments do you think this would have a higher success rate?

Also kids shouldn't be subjected to any kind of treatments unless they get professionally diagnosed. Kids are idiots, they should not be allowed to make decisions that could irreversibly effect them later in life.

Kys and join the 41% you fucking faggot

Most textbook psychology I've seen says a child does not know about gender identity or sexuality before adolescence as it is a specific stage in their life quite instrumental in their development. Maybe after they get out of adolescence it would be fine as they do have a developed gender identity and sexuality at that point but during it during adolescence or before adolescence is, at best and backed by the science of psychology and plenty of books on psychology, something you're forcing upon them and borders, or possibly crosses over, into the realm of abuse.

Yes, because wanting to chop off body parts is something healthy people do. I get that not all of you want that, but its the same spectrum of mental illness. We don't tell schitzophrenics the voices on the radio really are talking to them, we give them lithium. Its the same way with gender dysphoria, its an illness that needs to be treated. Look at the suicide rate and how many who transition as children want to transition back after puberty.
As for estrogen, it is absolutely damaging to a male body. it won't kill you, but its not good. side effects include loss of muscle tone, a decrease in body hair, shrinking testes, depression, fatigue, lower energy levels, poor memory, low stress tolerance, an increase in fat around the mid-section (belly fat) and erectile dysfunction. Though I'd guess the ED isn't that big of a concern for you


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>There is zero evidence that any child has experienced adverse effects growing up
Well no shit, they just started doind this
They haven't had a chance to grow up yet

Make like a tranny and fucking kill yourself

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how about this one? Does he pass?

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Who is s(he)?

My anorexic daughter thought she was fat, so I trusted her feelings and got her liposuction. She is a lot happier now!

This is pasta fucking newfags

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Some of us like wrestling with pigs, newfag. You'd have picked up on that if you had been here more than an hour or 2

Manface McDickkeep

You lot are destined to commit suicide, regardless of digging a hole in your groin and calling it a vagina, or sticking arm-flesh over your labia. It's because few people are willing to play along with your delusions and pretend with you. Despite all the hormone injections and cosmetic surgery, no straight person will simply see you as you do, because you have a form of body dysmorphia. You know this, we know this, and during moments of weakness, you can't cope and down a bottle of pills.

Ok boomer

post a picture of yourself fuk face and we will decide if your a women, or an ugly man in a wig and a dress

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I politely disagree.

Get the fuck off the internet you mentally ill degenerate faggot.

have you had or are you gonna have srs?

Are you a hot trap? If yes then i agree if no then you should kys. I dont make the rules

hey faggot, do you have AIDS already?

Please address the thousands of trans that years later realized they made a mistake, appears your community has turned your back on them cause they dont tow the line anymore


Youre never gonna pass tranny

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Stop.... just stop with this bullshit. If you are born a dude YOU ARE ALWAYS GONNA BE A DUDE.

I only respect the L's the G's and the B's..... The rest of you are a fucking circus.

Nice repost

Dudes will cut their dick off for applebees coupons in 2019. Shit is hilarious. No I won't call you a "she" you're just a dickless dude.

You will never be a woman

so do you have a dick or a pussy

This thread again? Don't you like have a life?
Its so obvious this is bait. If you're not a bot, get some sun.

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did not read
join the 42%

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Shut the fuck up
Dont care

And trans fags are massive pedos and rape dogs with aids encrusted meat rolls nothing of value just something to laugh at my kids bully your kids etc..



we keep posting statistics about trans violence against women, all proving you wrong etc. you just keep posting the threat

eat shit and die libtard

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Fuck you niggerfaggot