Do you think Trumps cellmates will want to fuck him?

Do you think Trumps cellmates will want to fuck him?

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dont use the pic of that poor 1-balled chem teacher i felt sorry for him :(

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no,he'll bond out or end up in protective custody because he's rich and white

thats what they dont tell you when celebritys in the united celebrity worshipping states of america.sure,they might go to jail,but they arent in the same conditions as your average joe

Haters gone hate, amirite, fredo?

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this is another example of why ill never consider trump supporters republican.take your homosexuality to the democrats,fag

Right wing tears are so salty.

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Try again, short bus.

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No, but you obviously want to.
Fucking liberal faggot.

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The "d" is missing b/c Trump is a dickless pussy boi.

You would know, eh?
Liberals never stop crying.

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I can't wait until he wins 2020. Last time was hilarious, this time I might actually die from laughter.

>calls people liberal faggots

>while not realizing he's just as much of a liberal faggot as they are for supporting donald trump

since the midterms didnt knock that lump of shit out of your brain,maybe losing 2020 will,republicans hate you and your president

>last time was hilarious

you mean when you lost house majority but denied it? yeah,it was hilarious

although,you'd do the world a favor if you died though.since society could use less white welfare leech's who seem to think they are better then minorities who leech off the welfare system

donald trump would of never even made it past the nomination if it wasnt for the poor and uneducated

Nah, Hillary's a lesbian

hey.........what about that gang of fucking losers, er..... impeachment inquiry hearing.


You mean the powerful man in the world and you're nothing? Seethe more. Top kek

its funny when the people who havent stopped crying for the past 3 years straight about the media,hillary clinton,liberals(even though there's no difference between them and liberals),barack obama are the ones trying to make a point about liberals and crying

time for you babys to change your diapers and realize why republicans are gonna keep losing with you morons in the party still

and trump is a faggot

now go thump your bible some more christfag

maybe the reason he stacked the supreme court with the same crowd who thinks drinking alcohol on sundays is a "sin" and abortion is murder is to make up for the fact he's as far away from conservative values as possible.but laughs because he knows how stupid his supporters are

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Must be hard for you. Poor thing.


why would he go to jail lol?

"im a professor with only one ball"

one democrat hoax after another.

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nope,im not the one still bitching about obama and hillary.unlike you

id say it must be hard for you,but your trailer park is still as poor and stupid as it was under i guess you can throw your maga hat on and celebrate the fact your to stupid to realize a rich liberal idiot never cared about you and has ran this country more like the people you hate then the people you've actually voted for

Project much?


why would obama or hillary go to jail? besides the fact that they are "liberals who you dislike"

why doesnt cadet bone spurs lock up the us military who are responsible for the deaths of people in benghazi instead of hillary? you already spit on the military by making a draft dodger in charge of the armed forces anyway

laugh now,but you wont be when your running around with your redneck militia next year after trump loses

you shit for brains hillbillys didnt learn from the midterms

>making a draft dodger in charge of the armed forces anyway
We are not talking about bill clinton.


obama not sure if he would go to jail to be honest. Hillary for sure would be in jail for some of the shit she has done. I am not right or left fuck nuts not even in the USA. The world does not go around the US.

I haven't stopped laughing since those hearings today.


Help me out, what was his crime again?

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>those hearings today
liberals, let's hear about those impeachment dreams you guys are sooooo good at.


I have literally no idea what you're talking about. He did win in 2016, yes?

So my engineering job and degree mean I'm on welfare?

Stop spending my money you pathetic failure.


MINDSHATTERING ORGASMS were felt, globally, when the election results were made public.

triggered a gun? a tranny? what did he trigger and why was it a crime?

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If you call losing by 3 million votes "winning" sure

39% of welfare leeches are black, but blacks are only 13% of the population, weird how that works.

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Do you know how many of those counties have almost no one living in them?

Yeah, but the president should be the will of the majority not people no? Not just the majority of land... You already have the Senate for that

Nope, but he'll tell everyone they all wanted to fuck him.

Didn't the Jews who control their simple minded pay a bunch of spics and niggers to ride around in busses in big cities and stuff the ballot boxes? Didn't Project Veritas literally release a video showing the kikes bragging about it?

No wonder the kikes do everything they can to censor everything, can't have the cucks knowing the truth at how fucking stupid they really are.

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nb4 Found the phone fag

Should be of the people

It sounds like you like laws and rules that are fair. What are your thoughts on 40+ million illegal spics in our country? Should they be deported or killed on the spot?

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Fucking no... Where do you guys come up with this stuff?

Yeahh! was all time

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There are only like 6 mil "spics" here illegally- and if we deported them all prices for food would fucking skyrocket. You think all that Cali produce is picked at $12 an hour? Lol we need them

Evidence and facts. Things very well hidden from the simple minded goyim such as yourself.

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Nice YouTube link kike

6 million!? What the fuck are your Jewish professors teaching you goyim?

Who the fuck do you think picked all the food before the spics showed up, nevermind automation does 90% of the work now.

Maybe it's time you stop listening to your Kike professors goyim and start learning the reality you actually live in. And don't come crying to us when you figure your (((college))) degree was a scam and you still owe the Kikes $100,000 in (((student loans))).

Look up, "operation wetback", and try not to use Kikepedia, it's run by the exact same Kikes who Jewed you out of $100,000 and are about to waste 4 years of your life.

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Roll KAG if you don’t vote for trump it’s because you fear him. If you fear him you fear success and the American Dream most likely because you like hand outs and have no work ethic, case closed

Alright let's change tactics- why is it bad to have immagrants here?

libtard libtard please die

Why is it bad to bring in the worst of the worst of illiterate shitskins whose own countries don't want them? You really have to ask?

Well, let's see, they fill up the welfare offices. Cost disastrously more than anything we could ever conceivably gain by having them here. We have to lower standards in our schools to cater to their stupidity. We have to construct an entire system around a second language because they are too learn the language of the country they shouldn't even be in the first place. Never mind that it's all completely pointless because they are illiterate in both languages.

They don't follow our laws and do everything they can to lie, cheat and steal from honest taxpayers. Every single thing in our country is getting systematically worse. It's takes little more than looking back at our completely white society of the 1920's, 30's, 40's, and 50's to realize that we are not "progressing" but "regressing" every single year and the only factor that has changed is the massive influx of retarded 3rd worlders who are completely incapable of adapting to our once advanced ways.

A person would have to live in a complete bubble our never yet travelled more than 20 feet outside of their suburb to know how bad things have gotten. By the time you do realize, it will be far to late to do anything about it and you'll search the Internet for boards like this where the Kikes don't have complete control and you'll realize they are gone. Everything is gone. And all you'll have left is your smug idea that you were a "good goyim" and obeyed your Jewish masters to the bitter end.

Top image is 98% white Detroit of the 1920's.

The bottom image is the 80% black Detroit of today.

Attached: Detroit.jpg (1008x1537, 426K)

Top image is San Francisco 95% white.

Bottom image is San Francisco 47% white.

Feel free to look up any city or place where whites have diminished.

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