What is this?

what is this?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-11-13-20-30-06-1-1.png (1079x1253, 1.63M)

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It’s a faggot finder and is still working after all these years

Looks like something you prepare radiopharmaceuticals in. Vintage L block

got any more pics?

Attached: 20181122_164449.jpg (1164x873, 287K)

Your moms food box. Bitch.

Please leave exclusion zone

i think your toaster is sick

its hard to judge from these few pics.. maybe ask /sci/ board

Osama bin Laden’s tackle box

but it kinda looks like an oven

Attached: 20181122_164424.jpg (1164x873, 284K)

I shattered a brittle spider web on my way out, should I be concerned?

Portable enclosure for cleaning and inspection?

i have no fucking clue tbh
this user is probably right.

blasting cabinet for sand blasting things

I think the SS used that to incinerate Jews while traveling between concentration camps. Typical German efficiency.

My lunchbox, I dropped it on the way to work today.

Attached: 51124229_flipped_bradley.jpg (612x393, 59K)

it's november. why are there still summerfags?

They just don't build 'em like that anymore

fuck you fucking nigger why is he right and not my oven idea? i wa sjust trying to help faggot

Found the Jew

Thats an advanced finger box. This can handle your whole hand.

go die in a fire cunt

Electric kiln



I've been there, done that, got the TBI

Attached: 2782_557137425366_39508908_33658541_6054123_n.jpg (604x453, 81K)

was my first thought, ive never seen one so small though
i contemplated a small oven though you fuck shit face, there would be some knobs and dials or a switch. the only thing here is a viewing glass and a light

that moment you realize your vehicle can't really drive through and over everything,


Why have you waited a year to ask?

No really, WTF is this? Is that a lens in the rectangular opening below the handle?

its old for fine parts maybe clocks and shit. The opening on the right. Does it have a gasket or something around it? it doesn't look like it came from a time you'd see rubber so probably leather

Is that a mirror below the handle? Or glass to see into the box?

The moment I realize that I have to treat a 20 year old man like a 5 year old boy and make sure he gets enough sleep that he doesn't pass out while driving a $2.2 million vehicle that I'm fucking signed for.

dude.... thats a child furnace... probably haunted, better post it on /x/ for more helpful info

What do the wires connect to? Is there a cord to plug it in?

can you take some more pictures for fucks sake?

Clean it. It's got to have some print on it somewhere

just imagined you yelling at the driver to go to sleep at his bedtime

ITT: anons spend a few hours trying to figure out what something is only for a youtube video with a robot voice to attribute it to re.ddit

Idk but its cassettepunk AF. Cook jews on tha go

literally had to do that until he realized that despite a deployment that seemed chill to him, it was still serious shit.

fucking privates.

its not too far from the truth. Though people often forget that the young buck has other shit to worry about/do on his "off" time. I've seen some commands push the fuck out of off duty education, professional PME and other petty shit that left guys with 2-4 hours of sleep a day then scratch their heads and wonder why shit like that happens

Op has been lost to the zone

holy shit you found the continuum transfunctioner you lucky fuck

Literally the best thread on Sup Forums right now because it's not a waifu, trap, celeb, FB/IG, pic you shouldn't share, log, etc, thread.

electric plug and a magnified glass to look inside

Iraq was funny. You'd be driving along and the road would give way. They'd tow your ass out of the hole and find it was part of some secret underground prison built under the street and abandoned at some point. Wasn't a problem till a 30-ton tank rolled over it a few times and the roof caved in.

Or you'd be driving along and a normal looking road would turn into quicksand. This was because many of their cities don't have sewage systems and they just dump their shit into trunches along the streets. Well, if it rains or too many people ate and Haji's that day and got the shits the ground turns to mush because its saturated with shitwater.

Or you'd come along a horse or a donkey dead in the middle of the road. This was a common sight on the curbs but not in the middle. So you'd call out EOD and they send a bomb tech in to have a look. Sure enough, there's an old artillery shell wrapped in ball bearings under the corpse rigged to blow if someone moves it. So you have to spend the afternoon guarding a fucking donkey corpse while EOD tries to disarm or detonate it in place without injuring any of the locals.

Or you'd be driving over a bridge clearly rated at 40 metric tons, so you drive your single Bradley over it and it folds up like a lawn chair when you are halfway through because everything is made of garbage materials by incompetents over there.

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Wow nice find, its a vintage early 20's fuck box you put your dick into the opening and slam it shut

>what is this?

Its a box with doors, a window, and carry handle attached to it. Mystery solved.

Attached: Capturne.jpg (724x614, 35K)

but all the free rip-its you could OD on

In our case, the kid (he was 20, I was 30, It applies) and the rest of our section were on a 4 on, 4 off guard cycle, had recently come of patrol cycle, and it seemed like every single junior enlisted man spent their off time playing Call of Duty World at War. Combine that with Command Maintenance, random ass details and patrols, and a BNCO that wanted us to have garrison levels of cleanliness and discipline, some of the kids couldn't just keep up.

Where was this pic taken?

Kinda seems sadr cityish, but I know that the whole country is a shithole.

My bet would be casing for some kind of electronic device that was supposed to be used in a field maybe military, you have a window to see any light or analog indicators, panel for potential controls/ports and other panel for maintenance, because back then shit was made to be easily repairable.

My thoughts were a radio or a defibrillator, but it could be any other electronic or just an oven for babies, sorry... Jew babies.

least you didn't have a first sgt get someone NJP'd for wearing white socks

2-4 hours i cant even think straight let alone drive a car, i can only imagine what thats like while you're deployed and exerting yourself.

> because many of their cities don't have sewage systems
literal shitholes with rat traps rigged everywhere.

No, but in 2010, after returning from Bradley Master Gunner's school, I had to stand on the red carpet and explain why one of my just assigned to me privates came down with herpes.

My answer?

"Well, Sargent Major, my safety briefing included advice to stay away from the strippers and wear a condom if he had sex."

He lost 14 days pay and got 14 days extra duty.

I got sent to recruiting.

you start seeing shit and they aren't going to let a snco get away with crawling up in something and passing out for a few minutes

Kamaliya. It's just a photo I pulled from Google. I don't have any of my old tour pictures handy. I did spend time in Sadr City though. Camp War Eagle (officially just Eagle) back in 2004 for the Army.

google.com/maps/place/33°23'20.0"N 44°30'18.3"E

glad i got out after the embassy security battalion. Don't think i could take the amount of faggotry that was starting to blossom in the fleet

Pass it on to stevebrudniak.com/
and see what it becomes.

I know war eagle.

I was in the Sadr A/O in 08-09, JSS Sadr and JSS Ur. Sadr was directly south of where the Route Gold wall was built (I got a stupid ARCOM(V) there) and Ur was just west of Sadr City proper.

Strippers are probably more careful than the average skank (average skank isn't making money off having a sparkling clean cooch) and condoms do not protect a dude against catching the herpes from a female.

"Only fuck the strippers who insist you wear a condom." would've been better advice.

Do you guys not actually know what it is? Pmsl

best advice i ever got was "don't stick your dick where you wouldn't stick your finger" some whores looked straight destroyed down there

a nice ripe durian fruit

imagine being this nigger

>"don't stick your dick where you wouldn't stick your finger"

this indian bitch in college wanted to shag me in the dark, her insisting on turning the lights was already a red flag.
she sucked my peepee, but i didn't put it down there cause i couldn't see it in the darkness.
later she cheats on me with one of my own friends, and he starts pissing fire. dodged a bullet there.

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Look for a plate under with patent number. Or the model number. It might fetch a good amount if money on the vintage market.

could be an old sandblast chamber as previous anons have ventured, looks more like an old autoclave oven to me, though, for sterilizing medical instruments... I cant really tell from the provided pics if that is a gasket or a power cord. If that's a gasket and there is no power cord then I would lean toward blasting chamber. If there is a power cord I would lean toward autoclave...

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its obviously a box of some kind.
but i think op was asking for a more explicit explanation

Antique Westler brand finger box.
Make sure you grease it up before you use it.

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because kids don't have as much supervision now as they did even a few years ago...

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What it is? Its a *.png file op and it want to be converted to *.jpg

nice try Schlomo..

fuck off

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yeah okay niggerfaggot
slow day in JIDF HQ isn't it, steiner?

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I had one while living in Guadalajara, but I draw a blank as to what it was.

This brought a huge grin to my face

it is a machine that belongs to a mill. it is located under the skateboard. at the top under the glass there must be two large rollers quibecrasent wheat. the flour and the waste then fall and are sent via pipes to continue processing.