If Sup Forums were a person, what would they look like?

if Sup Forums were a person, what would they look like?

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Your pic, and my pic combined.

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They wouldnt look like a person at all.
It would be a musty old basement with a old PC in it.
Partially flooded
cigarette butts, empty cans and expired WoW subscriptions.
and a little anime girl character in a jar of cum sitting on top of a heater

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It would look like this
but identify as this

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Lmao Chris Chan

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But with more dicks

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This is Sup Forums

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But why did it have pads, I haven't kept up on chris-chan gossip

Or maybe this is/b/

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Chris believes he’s getting periods because his taint has been oozing and bleeding. He’s also bought tampons.

They could look like any one of us.

Its the girl b could have had but he is fapping to traps on b

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unironically and quite poetically, this

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Fucking pornfags

Poor girl /b would not take her to the dollor theater and taco bell, she would have let him sodimize her withe.his action figures. But he was fapping to traps