Are you ready for day 2 of the impeachment inquiries? Finally Pelosi is on board and pushing forward with it...

Are you ready for day 2 of the impeachment inquiries? Finally Pelosi is on board and pushing forward with it, 3 years overdue. It's all stacked against him and if you argue elsewise you are a disingenuous shill.

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Says the fucking dipshit who posts a meme that reads like it was written by an illiterate 9 year old with Down Syndrome.

I'm not American but I can tell you this much, this won't lead anywhere but a re-election

I love that the left is campaigning so hard to get Trump re-elected

It's written the way trump speaks, so yeah I'd agree with your assessment.

It's gonna be DOA once it hits the senate. This is all just a farce to try to impact his approval ratings before the 2020 election cycle.

He's done for and most americans are for the impeachment process.

Process, yes - because hypothetically, the process just brings more info to light. That, and the Dems will be out of Political Capital when they fail to impeach him and lose the election.

I'm all for the Impeachment Process, since the left can't shut the fuck up and do something important for once.

Lol this shit show is gonna guarantee re-election. Thanks for the fun. Economy is doing great, and so am I. ;-)

>if you argue elsewise you are a disingenuous shill.
Ah, I know a controlling faggot when I see one. That's like telling me you won the lottery. Melodramatic much, OP?

I didnt vote in 2016 but definitely voting in 2020... for Trump. Going to get my wife to vote as well.

Just to make lefties salty

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>3 years overdue
This is how we know OP is a brain dead partisan faggot. AKA a democrat

There’s 0 chance of him being convicted in the senate, the people will see that as political game and he will be re-elected as all democratic candidates have failed in the debates as the clips of open boarders and healthcare to illegals will run rampant.

Do he bother you snowflake?


The House is not going to impeach. The witnesses were asked to name an impeachable offense today. Followed by silence.

At this rate there won't be many 'hearings'.


It's gonna be something when he ends up reelected. Itll be interesting to see how many people like me get interviewed right after he wins and we are explaining that we didn't vote for him the first time but did on the second because we were fucking fed up with all the nonsense the dems had been pulling for the last 4 years.

Day 2 is Friday retard

Just a reminder: the impeachment of bill clinton may have not made it through the senate but got us 8 years of Bush. People that think this is somehow going to get Trump reelected are delusional.

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I'm OK with 8 years of Warren.

He was going to get reelected regardless. That's why they tried to overthrow him.

At some point, these stupid fucking leftist are going to figure it out. They are and have been played by their own party. Propaganda addiction is a bitch.


he probably wont make it to the end of the year at this rate

OMG, you are opaque. Obama has gotten you 8 yrs of Trump.

"the ukraine" eat shit you libtard
die like the communists we killed you pig

Sup Forums is a bunch of libtard cucks now LOL

Going by that logic, so are you. Don't think you're anyone special.

I guess Trump is popular with white males with no education. I guess profiling does work.

He is not. I am.


Ur a retard. How do u not understand a literal meme?

I know and their bulls are busy so I guess it Sup Forums for them

Sup Forums between 2004 and 2011 was largely liberal. Only near the end of it did ironic racism creep in that eventually attracted genuine racism.

Putin Bot

You wouldn't know racism if it slapped you in the cocksucker with the snotty end of its fuck stick.


There is nothing wrong with racism

Trump is dead.
An old sofa could beat him in 2020.
Pubs better run another candidate.

Done more than fucking trumptards.


Explain logically.

Oh, you can't.

Awww, poor trumptard.

so true.

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no you-


Dems will stomp trump no matter who they run.

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one democrat hoax after another.

The witnesses are not there to declare their opinion on impeachment qualifications.



He will lose bigly.


Oh, right.
You're a trumptard.



Top kek. I didn't know this was ylyl. Well played, sir.

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Yasss then Pence is in and no more gay marriage

It does?! Cool! Back to shooting niggers first and asking questions later! Hey, they are statistically more likely to be violent when detained.

What Communists we killed?

Vietnam, perhaps?


I think we can all agree here that Trump will win the next election. Don't try too hard to prove me wrong. I'll be waiting for a laughable response.

Then what is the point in witnesses? They are just there to be there? Pretty sure they are there to back up the claims that are being made. I.e their opinion on impeachment with the facts or lack of facts they have to back up the claims

70% of Ukrainians have bribed an official ax l. 70% fucking poll ercent.

Trump asks to I investigate someone.

I dont care if it's a political rival. It's an investigation, not a conviction.

Trump has been investigated by political opponents since day 1. He did nothing to stop it, still nothing out thete.

I would HOPE the president if the US investigates all accusations of corruption.

Even unfounded,(if it actually is) GREAT that's actually great fucking news.. that's not a negative on trump, it's due diligence.

Fucking morons.

I really was going to watch the Dem primaries, really going to consider someone other than trump.

But after this? Hes the most honest president we have ever had, doing (,or attempting to) everything he promised.

I'm voting trump I dont even care at this point.

I've been a dem for 15 years, I will never vote for this embarrassment of an establishment party ever again.

>impeachment inquiries
A shit show that just makes left look unhinged, so everything as usual

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>an old sofa could beat him in 2020

An old sofa didnt beat him in 2016 tho

Yes there is, retard.

It is worrisome that he's still competitive in the electoral college. We're a year out so anythinjg could change.

You are a real genius. One of the reasons for whistle blowing is you think a crime is being committed.


One more failure for trumptard

Clinton got re-elected dumb ass.

Putin Bot beep**

If Warren is president the country will be bankrupt well before 8 years...hence you're a moron!

Dems crossed over to vote against ckinton.

Dems crossed over in defense of trump.

Remember that.

Can anybody name one thing trump has been overwhelmingly successful at?

They are to present testimony, NOT give their opinion.

Yes there is, I can't talk about a new cartoon without racists bawling about how a legacy character is a darkie is a sign of forced diversity now.

Putin Bot beep**

The pub's were the unhinged ones, retard

Clinton was impeached in his second term.

clinton's impeachment was in his last term.


was not able to tell 90% of the things being asked were opinion based. When you ask something like "Did you think" it would be a opinion not a fact but nice try.

Take this faggotry to /pol

I am pretty damn smart.

Far more so than you trumptard fucks.

Trumptard is already bankrupting the US, asshat

Who crossed over to defend trumptard??

And the house and Senate was filled with demoshits.

Opinions is all they have. Watch the hearing. idiot.
NFAA. No facts at all.


Itd be nice if there actually a "witness" to be a witness you have to be there,

Not a single person who testified today was anywhere near trump, let alone "the phone call".

These arent "witnesses" because they never even met the president.

Being a fraud.

Ran a fraudulent university.
Ran a fraudulent charity.

I do agree with this everything was from someone elses mouth not one person there was in the room when the call was made. i think its call hear say lol in the court of law. witch is super weak in a case

are you making a point or just yelling into the void?

You don't get it, do you?
They cannot answer such a question if asked.

How dense are you?

Gang bang?

it wont

Tons of facts.

Desperate Trumptards asking ridiculous questions.

I enjoy ragging on him as the next person but he even failed at those.

really they did were you watching the same thing? LOL for them not being able to they sure the fuck did it most of the day lol. " do you think this, do you think that" that was pretty common for things being asked.


You aren't too familiar with these procedures?

oh dongode, u hava bad new evidence u corruptu badu crimino

tax return say u prison now after u impeach and and leavu and democrat win 2020 + demu win senate

republicuck cry and whine and whine and cry for many many more year like Obama!

gay windsey gwamm twy tew wick donode ass like twumpanzees and fayo

Attached: i aint listenin tew yew.png (273x184, 69K)

>This is all just a farce to try to impact his approval ratings before the 2020 election cycle.
his "approval' ratings have moved 3-5 points since he was elected. Impeachment will not change the "minds" of the 38% that will follow him off a cliff.
and to go through this for 5-7% of voters is a huge gamble.
either the democrats think they can get a conviction (i doubt it, but wtf do i know, i'm on Sup Forums),
they just want to piss him off by tagging his as an "impeached" president.

Promises kept look it up. Even you cucks with Trump derangement syndrome can't dispute them facts

0 republicans voted for the resolution.

2 dems voted against the resolution.

In Clinton's impeachment, something like 30 dems voted for it

name one-

Name some.

Wow, you must've been wanking or on drugs.

Tough for you.