Waifu something breadamajig

Waifu something breadamajig

Previous:Not this time

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing. Fuck you, merchant
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind.
>Seriously, you look like cringelords
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original and frequent
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Traps are gay.
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, no

Rory-sama claimed

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you mean turning it off? yeah i suspect that wouldnt do anything unless you change your output mode, which probably wouldnt happen unless you unplug or do it through options/settings/etc
i know!
its just lots of loud clacking, and id hate to be too noisy so late.
ganbare, caterpillar-san!

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this sleepy post is dedicated to a little girl named Yui Hirasawa
sorry i'm nervous now

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>unless you unplug or do it through options/settings/etc
Exactly! Good at least this basic logic isn't lost on the usual person, he's just an idiot.

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thats okay
hi there
i dunno, im an idiot too. until very recently i thought desktop mirroring added a significant amount of gpu load.
hello there

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Wait what? It does? I never mess with mirror work so tell me more.

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have a nice night and a nice tomorrow.
okay, sorry...

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nonon the moron

yeah it's pretty loud..

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user... She's not 18... She's not even 16...

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Those quads speak truth

(Mr Popo) hiiIIii

She’s 21 and drinks like a sailor. What of it?

no, its a negligible increase, if an increase at all. extending desktop does, obviously, but if multiple screens are showing the same image its pretty much free in terms of processing power.
its pretty obvious when you think about it, since producing the image is the hard part, pushing it out is pretty low effort once its said and done.
its okay!
sleep well, fren :)
goodnight, sleep well :)
how are you today?

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TFS Mr Popo is the only acceptable Mr Popo.
Points to you if you know what I mean, because rule 37 of Mr Popo's training.
You should have known.

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...You know when I think about it now, that makes total sense.
I was thinking of remote desktop work for some reason. Like tech support.

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Meh. It’s cold as a witch’s titty, the room I rented has no heat and it’s so hard to get divorced in VA. Silver Lining: my plus size GF have a date this Sat :)

>steals waifu as user falls asleep

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No, no she's not... It's straight from the game. She references it herself.
>Android 21 reveals in a private talk with the player that while she may have the appearance of an adult, she is actually less than ten years old, and regrets not having an adolescence, finding it awkward when small children call her "ma'am".

oh, yeah not like that at all, and thats mostly network stuff too but idk much about it
that is pretty darn cold. its cold around here too, it snowed today
oh man, im sorry to hear it, that sounds rough. hope the date goes well, though :)

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love this tidbits of info actually.
Depth is a wonderful thing.

Thanks. How goes it with you?

It's funny you should say that because I was thinking of dualing a mirror screen out to the food prep area. (not good enough to call akitchen but you know) so at least I don't have to stop what I'm watching or lose out on the live feeds when the hunger pains get to much.

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pretty good, ive been playing vidya all day but im getting bored, so ive started up some anime
i actually got a huge tv recently, and thats why i learned all this. originally i wasnt going to use it as a pc monitor, but since theres virtually no reason not to, i did! now i watch anime on a big ol' 65" tv haha

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Jealousy bleeds from me. Fuck you and your huge screen glory.

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would you believe i won it in a ms pacman competition?

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Yes. I would. I dunno I feel like anything over 50 inches is a TV that was probably won more than bought.
on a side note, I wish I could put on an anime right now. I would but I'm on the edge of tired, I probably wouldn;t last through many episodes unless it was edge of seat material and had subtitles to keep the brain going.

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Hey Speedo.

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hey cute-o

ah. well i did!
well maybe you should just get yourself some rest then!

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Congrats! No seriously that's a wicked win.
I might. Not quite pass-out point yet though so I'll push on for another half an hour or so.

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Oh god I just heard my first "Only on Disney Plus" ad, kill me now.

No idea what, just those words rang through my 'these are ads' filter

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*Hates on Timmies*

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i-it wasnt that impressive... everyone else was just really bad.
fair enough, hope the sleep is nice and restful, once it comes :)

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Where they really? Or do you have some skills you're being humble about?
And thank you. Probably not tbh cause all I got is a couch thats too short and an hammock. Nothing to stretch out on.


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>missing image

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nope, i scored like 18k or something which is pretty amateur level for ms pacman.
oh dang, im sorry to hear it. i hope you can get something better soon

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That's dope

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The only good thing about Canada is that it's easier to get Norinco weapons.

What can easy Pete do for you?

Are they gonna fuck?


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tell me how to sleep

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Like 'i'm' surprised there are still Ms Pacman competitions. Like... damn. Who the fuck is hosting those? Haha
Might be half the reason, lack of exposure possibly?
You see what I'm doing here right? It's alot harder to explain and go along with the implication that you were not the best and are worthy of at least a nice TV.
I hope so for the sleep aspect. I'm losing sanity for how uncomfortable I am. I've got an opp though, so I'm dealing with it to get a boost in money mostly. So I'm now I'm questioning my logic. Worth it? Not Worth it? Eh..debateable, and a debate that is ongoing.

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Why does all your links say Forbidden or Private?

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Don't think about anything and close your eyes

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I don't have the workbook either.

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it was held by my workplace, so it was full of total newbies and people who hadnt played the game in 30 years
i mean, i was the best, but just of a fortunately-selected group of people.
im sorry... id cut my bed in half and give it to you if i could

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Because you really arent free at all

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Time to move out tbh

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The sentiment of the half bed made me smile so that was worth it.
I bet alot of those guys wern't even aware the ghoul behaved and ran differently from each other.

"This instructional video was customised to you using the personalized Kleitman map from your 6 Week sleep session"
...My what now? Da fuck am I watching old man?

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You are watching your Local 58
Move here

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Aussie is supposedly a bigger Texas but with roos so count me in

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I'm legit worried about the first video you sent.
I don't want to go past 3:10 because I feel like those videos I've watched about low-key hallucination tactics using auditory and visual effects are making a swing at me. I'm super curious, but super like, no thanks.

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don't forget the literal book full of "what your thought was fantasy lives in Australia" creatures. Christ

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So turns out I wasn't the only one curious.

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i wish Canada didn't ban AK's honestly

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I am aware there's spiders so large, they have their own health bar

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best waifu

Kris Straub put together a good narrative with only a few minutes of video. Now adopt the victory position.

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Yorokobe Shounen

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Goodnight frens

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Move to Arizona, Montana or Idaho then. Three easiest states to get them

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New tsugu!
