Caught my mom doing heroin in the bathroom again...

Caught my mom doing heroin in the bathroom again. I just got confirmed for a new job I was hoping for and thought It would be nice if we -my mom, great aunt, and I- had a nice quiet night and watched a movie after I cooked dinner for us all.

As I was cooking she went into the bathroom with the excuse that she accidentally peed herself. Looking back I know it was a weird thing to happen considering she's not incontinent and she would immediately go to the bathroom if she had to.

I finished cooking and set up my aunt and I's plate and we started eating and chatting not worrying about anything because my mom usually takes a lot of time regularly. After my aunt finished and I was still eating I realized she was still in the bathroom and got up to check if she was okay.

I knocked and asked if she was and I heard an unintelligible babble of words and her not finishing her sentence. I started to get a bad feeling and thought 'Not again' and got a screwdriver to pick the door that was apparently locked which she only seems to do if there's something going on.

I opened the door and what do I see? Her on her knees looking for something and a box full of needles and burnt spoons. I knew what had happened and was pissed. I thought I could trust her because she had been doing so well recovering as of late I thought. But apparently not,

Every time I've found the door locked I know what I can expect on the other side. Her on the ground slumped over with a thing of needles somewhere. I couldn't do anything because she was still on her high. I was angry but I put her on the couch to sleep whatever she took off.

She awoke 30 minutes later and when I confronted her about it she lied, as all addicts do, and said the needles and the spoons were old and she was waiting to throw them out.

I did not find any substance but I know she took something. This has happened multiple times in the last couple of years and she semi-recently overdosed on heroin and we had to call a bus.

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I don't know what to do anymore, I've been trying to trust her and believe she was doing the right thing but no.

It's insanity trying to forgive and forget over and over and I keep getting my trust broken by my own mother. I try yo let it go because she's my mother and I lover her but I keep on getting my trust broken. I know I'm an idiot for it but I just don't know anymore.

You'll be okay user. Do what you can for her until she can feasibly get off whatever it is she is addicted to, but don't let her take too much from you. Preserve your well being and sanity over hers if you have to.

Godspeed user, and i hope you have a good rest of your day/night

Thanx user. I appreciate the words. What you said really helped. Thank you again for the kind words.

Seriously I can't imagine. Fuck dude. What does your aunt say about this? And what country/state are you in?

What he said. Remember to take care of yourself, before trying to bear anyone else's burden.

US. She's taking it better but I think that's because she's more used to it and has more patience. My aunt is 73. She has been sheltering my addict mother for over 20 years.

Next time she nods off, undress her and post pics

Who the fuck cares what she does? It’s her life let her live it and stop being such a whiny faggot


My father always told me, "Son, when you think you've done all you can do, and you can't do no more?

Do some more."

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Why not? She's made her choice to be a junky. Might as well make her some kind of useful.

When theyve let you down like that you dont have to forgive or move on until they do things to reearn your trust.

My sister would always ask for a "second" chance. Eventually I stopped helping or investing in her unless she helped/invested in me first.

She didnt care for that, so I could stop wasting my time and energy.

Is it really right to do that though? I always believed that you do whatever you can for your family because their supposed to do the same for you.

Damn puts my stupid problems into perspective. Maybe accept it if she is a junkie for over 20 years? i dont know. . Anyway I hope you can find happiness in this life.

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hey user. I have dealt with almost the exact same thing. Tbh, there isnt a good solution. the right advice is to not let it be your burden. I assume you're an adult and live on your own. With that being the case, your best bet is to cut ties and not enable her at all. But i know that is usually too heartbreaking to do. It took me years to finally commit to the decision to cut ties with the addicts in my life. If you cant bear the pain of cutting off ties with family who brought you up, you always have the option of trying to take her to a care facility. You said your aunt is 73 so i assume your mother isn't more than 10ish years off from that. Often times if people who are 65+ go to rehabs, when they get out the healthcare professionals advocate for them to go into senior care facilities. If your mom is too stubborn for that too, try to make her cut ties with friends who use and actually take up other behaviors. Addiction is not actually hard to kick once you get past withdrawals if you dont have any social influences pushing you towards it and you arent bored out of your mind. Good luck and I'll be wishing you the best m8. cheers

Let her have her fun user. I mean she had a sniveling little shit like you and managed not to blow her brains out. Give her a break. Like she owes you shit. Youre grown and still alive. Maybe you should be a little more grateful. Also post pics next time she doses up. Put a fucking shoe on her head. This life is a joke and you should act accordingly

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the only people who think life is a joke are people who have made their lives into jokes.

Life is a joke, maybe you didn't get the joke. I'm not talking about not succeeding or living long, I'm talking about overall outlook, the satire is incredible.

Thank you. My mom is 49 and yes I do live by myself.

Dont know why I pressed send but thank you for the advice user.

Thank you user. That means a lot.

Nicee one Elon...Nice one!

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I bet that was a pretty great punchline when you opened that bathroom door user. The comedic timing in your life is pretty evident. Just remember this during this holiday season. People are ultimately loyal to what they love most. What do you think your mom loves most? HAAAHAAAHAAA

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I'm OP. I didn't write that.

Now thats comedy


Hate the drug not your mom. Shes sick not evil. Dont bother feeling betrayed. You just have to decide if youre going to carry the burden or leave her to her own devices.

I am sorry for you, Sup Forumsro.

All you can do is learn from her mistakes and never do drugs.