You've got 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American

You've got 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American.

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Other urls found in this thread:

a Eurocuck who lets Muhammad rape his sister

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2 Americans

The retard that started this thread

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An american what you shit snorkeler?


a person on Sup Forums


Total time elapsed: .013 seconds

I can't

The flood of these obviously staged, poorly made, low effort anti-right wing posts on a majority right wing website.

that's just not possible

OP wins

Probably nothing dumber in general, but specifically conservatives.

American conservatives, and Europoors

>low effort anti-right wing posts
peasant brainwashed by politics can only babble politic nonsense


Our hope that they will change someday.




An incel faggot who thinks all Americans are stupid
>dipshit faggot nigger
no bump

OP who got lost and needs to go the fuck back to Sup Forums

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a nigger

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>anti-right wing posts
Its so sad how stupid Americans are
Go watch some fox news


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Someone actually made that LOLOLOLOL!!!!

Ahh the olde American belief that Europe is full of Muslim rape gangs that don't actually exist en masse.

"Buh buh I read a story about a couple"

>cries about people outside of the US criticising them
>cries about foreign people and what happens in their countries
>hypocrite to the maximumu


Here is some quality American entertainment

What happened in germany few years ago?

A couple of groups, big wow, what happened in America every year with black and white gangs?

Oh wait... can't say that can we, because it will upset your delicate brain cells KEK

an anglo


everyother country


I'm european
Stop projecting faggot

More jealous eurocucks smh. Give it up.

Your mom

any of the other jealous or dumb faggots from other countries with inferiority complex

no doubt, before I left the USA I already knew it had its own problems but traveling throughout the world it's clear despite the numerous fuckups, the USA is still by far the best country, even as it implodes from within

I nearly gave up my American citizenship when acquiring other nationalities, but thankfully I opted to keep it

>inb4 "serious response to troll thread"
>and no I won't be responding to posts, I'm just making one post while taking a quick shit at the end of my work day


The person who tries to size up countries lmao

I mean at least you tried

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every think else

An EU citizen

Did he rape you too? Is that why youre so salty?

Ah yes, from the european country of eu

Anyone else

Calm down kiddo, just survive elementary school without shot ok?

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I just realized these memes are the new style of political cartoons



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Imagine you as an individual accomplished so little in life that you must resort to racial pride of any sort.

You've got 10 SECONDS to come up with a better thread or your mother dies in her sleep tonight.

Racial pride is for niggers

A Californian

A Mexican.

Orange man

At least Europeans believe it when their women are raped.

an American libtard

A Briton after he got shot in the head.

An American who supports Trump

Be gone Satan.

I doubt they have the same problem of widespread false claims, idk for sure though


Remain voters

Hmmm...So he was behind that...

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