Why do mass shootings keep happening?

Why do mass shootings keep happening?

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because modern civilization is conducive to childhood trauma

Gun free zones make for irresistible targets.

because democrats need something to campaign on

Because i can walk into Walmart and walk out with a device invented to murder as many people as possible within a few minutes.

Because if you even act like you are depressed in this country, they lock you in a psych ward which just makes you want to kill yourself even more and then let you go after saying "now promise not to be sad anymore."

Guns more, as other nations show but the psych care in this country is bullshit too.

Why do nigger shootings by the truck load keep happening that you don't acknowledge?

>Why do nigger shootings by the truck load keep happening that you don't acknowledge?
Who cares about niggers killing each other.

Because American students aren't good enough at science and chemistry to build bombs.

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Courtesy of Sup Forums

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It's become normalized.
It's gives people with nothing to live for fame or infamy.
Humans are natural killers and predators.
Give someone who is weak a gun and get an overwhelming feeling of power.
They are mentally ill. Mentally well people do not do that shit.
The inability to cope with the pressures of puberty in modern life.
The internet and the media sensationalizing these events.

Because women are vapid thots that set their standard's waaaay too high and don't fuck the murderous tendencies out of the incels anymore.

Because the deep state keeps organizing these events to push gun control, orange man bad and attempting to take our freedom.

>Why do mass shootings keep happening?

There is a type in your question. It should read:

"Why do mass shootings keep happening in the USA?"

Don't dodge the question liberal. We know your wife takes black semen by the gallon.

Nice trips. Most cucks are in fact conservative.

Because white males keep being a thing.

And you know this how?
Not exactly a census question.

For 200+ years Americans had unfettered access to guns. They were literally strapped to the cab of pickup trucks, and stored in unlocked cabinets in houses. Its only in the last 20 or so years that this has become a thing. What changed?

Most mass shootings are nigger on nigger violence. It just isn't important enough to make the news.

24/7 news cycle and gun free zones.

no you cant

Mass collides everywhere in the universe, we can't expect this to stop unless we teach kids how to meditate.

Not him, but sure you can, unless Walmart has some extra restrictions or is just slow.

Lol have you had another one? Why are Americans constitutionally incapable of sorting their shit out?

social media

pretty sure walmart stopped selling guns across the states

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Bigger question: why do these shootings happen at predominantly white schools? How come we never hear about school shootings in which the student demographics are largely black, hispanic, or middle-east?

>Because i can walk into Walmart and walk out with a device invented to murder as many people as possible within a few minutes.
Grabbers will never acknowledge that they got everything they're asking for years ago, and it didn't work.
To buy a gun in the United States, federal law requires that you go through a federally licensed firearms dealer, who is required by law to do a background check. California (where the shooting happened) even imposes a 10-day waiting period.
You know what else California does? Prohibits the possession of firearms on school campuses. So anyone who breaks that law is virtually guaranteed to be the only one with a gun. Many schools will have one or two police officers, but no armed security staff.
So if I were a fucked-up kid with a desire to do as much damage as possible before the cops stop me, where could I do the most damage: a gun range, a courthouse, or a school?
You want to fix gun violence? Allow on-campus carry, and most importantly of all, end the Drug War. Most of this shit would dry up in a matter of months.

How are those stabbings going?

People feel they can't be heard. Violence happens when the political process breaks down

Leaked Bank Records Confirm Burisma-Biden Payments To Morgan Stanley Account


Add in this Dem pedo and the whole impeachment circus is imploding. Time to shoot some kids 2 distract the Goyim.


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Because nobody cares about them.

Will you STFU with this shit?
You've said the same fucking shit a few months ago. You'll probably drag this out for weeks because muh words are so important...

That's truth. A sane person who can come off as crazy for whatever reason (certain instances like myself, a ex that literally just left cheating with a crackhead called and said I was gonna kill the dogs and myself and because I had an antique fucking double barrel in the back of a closet they made me go for psych check. Spent 30 hours waiting on second opinion who was like no he's completely normal). But that time, made me want to fucking kill myself. No pillow, blanket, tv, nothing just like solitary confinement. It drives you fucking nuts

But then they couldn't use it as a pretext to strip rights from the populace

So in other words, like most grabbers, you don't know the fucking law, can't be bothered to learn the fucking law, and demand implementing things that don't work or already exist like a monumental twat.

Niggers kill more niggers in one day in Detroit than whites do all year, including school shootings.

Why do blacks killing whites never get exposure? Because it isn't labeled racism. The numbers are fucking huge. Do your research instead of being a nigger (ignorant - the actual definition since you probably did not know that either.)

Be honest: What are your thoughts on these real world gun laws?

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Love them, wish it was like that nationwide.

When was the last time Wyoming had a mass shooting? An armed populace is a safe populace.

Couple hundred people have been stabbed to death in the uk so far this year. More than 13,000 have been shot to death in the USA in the same time. You only have about five times our population but yet you have had about 65 times as many deaths from gun violence (excluding suicide) as we have from stabbings. Why do you think that these are comparable?

if only they had placed some really restrictive anti-gun laws in place like california or europe.

its called freedom and I think I'll keep it, thanks

infact I'm going to do my part and go purchase a new gun today and make sure it can never be used in a mass shooting. I suggest all americans go purchase as many guns as they can to keep them safe from being used in mass shootings

Adam Schiff Associate Arrested By LAPD On Pedophilia Charges

Dr. Bruce Hensel, a long-term associate of Rep. Adam Schiff, has been arrested in Los Angeles on pedophilia related charges after he asked a 9-year-old girl to send him sexually suggestive pictures, according to prosecutors and law enforcement.

Rep. Adam Schiff and Dr. Hensel have been closely linked for years, with the LA Times describing the doctor as a “special guest” at Schiff’s 50th birthday party in 2010. Schiff also handpicked Dr. Hensel to work with him on health care townhalls in California and has been the recipient of big dollar donations from the 71-year-old throughout his political career.

The Los Angeles Police Department confirmed Dr. Hensel was arrested Wednesday morning in Beverly Hills and charged with contact with a minor for sexual purposes.

The arrest came after a child sexual exploitation investigation involving the 9-year-old after inappropriate messages and photographs were shared between the child and Dr. Hensel. The 71-year-old was booked for contact with a minor with the purpose of committing sexual acts.

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Confirmed. They're not stocking guns or ammo anymore

Are you suggesting because USA is a bunch of states joined together that i can easily buy a firearm in one state and take it to a state that has strict laws very easily, is this because USA is at heart a selfish country that never wants to work as a whole for for the benefit of everyone, and is only concerned about singular freedoms?

This seems really interesting. Gonna have to check this out.

so you agree that areas with stricter gun laws are more dangerous than those without?

Simple. The right.

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Lost credibility when called trump nazi who locks up babies

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>only concerned about singular freedoms
Without America safeguarding those freedoms, the free world would collapse. Last line of defense will be America, specifically the 2nd Amendment. Mark my words traitor.

I can literally go buy a gun from a man selling them out of his trailer behind the bar three blocks from me completely legally with no identification or paperwork needed.

you are a special kind of stupid

and a faint chant of "USA USA USA" will be heard in the background

its the sound of liberty

No, not legally

That's not how gun laws in the united states work.

I agree that they are just as dangerous due to laws not being blanketed. USA doing it state by state is like trying to carry water with a bag full of holes, it's not going to work, unless every state agrees on the same laws at once, but USA runs each state like a a small country and due to individualism and seperate identity they are unlikely to agree on helping themselves.

What's the alternative?
>muh universal background checks
How do you enforce that?
>muh national gun registry
What do you need for a mass gun confiscation? A gun registry.

rifle though, pistols would be illegal
but ya shotguns and long guns you can buy from private sellers

So, since Michael Jackson was a Trump "associate", Trump is closely linked to pedos? Okay lol

Honestly it's the exact opposite. All the lefts "minorities do no wrong" mentality means lots of bullies go unpunished for fear of being racist, and the rise of mental disorders and untreated body image issues leaves a lot of confused kids getting picked on.

So they can cover up something bigger going on so we are blind to it

word is students where sharing the video of the shooting... anyone seen it?

The simple answer is that we changed the language around these events so it sounds like they just started. Mass shootings have always happened in one form or another. The only thing that's changed is how each of them are classified.

Yes, legally. It's a personal sale.

10th amendment kind of states its supposed to be that way though right?

What do you need for a mass gun confiscation?

An army willing to fight civilians. At least in the U.S.

bullying, probably.

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Mental illness has never been higher, guns have never been so available.

Because people are generally treated like absolute shit constantly and eventually one of them snaps.


Yes and yes. No one is taking guns, that's a strawman.
I bought my 38 from the guy and I went and registered it with my county. Legal. Also traded my piece of shit ford for $500 and a 1911. Had to sign over the car but not the gun.

I'm in indiana

Go ahead and guess the political affiliation of the last several score of mass shooters. I'll wait.

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because americans are stupid and think living in a free country means passing law after law restricting that freedom

Why is a state's population deciding how they want to be governed a bad thing? The people of Wyoming have a totally different way of life and face very different challenges than those in metropolitan California. If you want to be safer take it into your own hands, unless you don't believe you can rely on yourself.

Why does rape still happen? Why is doing drugs still a thing? Why are people shooting one another with pistols? Why are people killing one another? Why do women need hijabs on in the Middle East? Why is slavery still a thing in parts of the world? Why do people kill other people in any other country including ones with gun control? Will humans stop killing one another without guns?

Want me to keep going... trust me my list is a lot bigger than yours.

>no one is taking guns

actually they are,just because your moonshine jug hillbilly state isnt doing it.doesnt mean gun rights are being attacked in this country

at least we can agree gun confiscation is wrong

they dont, only in murica

because we have not packed up every single incel in the US and shipped them all to the Australian outback.

That's super illegal. Ask your local LEO.

Because humans are mentally defective and there is no cure for that. Sit down and shut up - there's nothing to discuss.

I get how Americans can delude themselves into thinking that they are abnormally "free", especially if they haven't traveled much, but this whole making the world free thing is just silly. Overthrowing democratically elected leaders for American profit is not actually making those countries freer, smoothbrain

why is mewtwo the most powerful pokemon? Why would superman prime defeat supersaiyan 4 goku?

Good point, fellow complete fucking retard

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I don't have the answers Sup Forumsros but the way I see it, if you don't have a record you should be able to get whatever kind of weapon you want, full auto, anything. If you have a record you shouldnt. The way it is right now, that man I'm talking about selling guns from his car down the road, his biggest seller is people coming down from Chicago, buying them off the record and bringing them home. I don't know how to fix that reasonably. Same with suicide, should we put a 3-10 day waiting period on weapons? I don't want to wait that fucking long. Maybe we should make assisted suicide legal so that they get help? but then that would probably cost too much money, so what do you do?

Because the Jews rammed multiculturalism down our throats and no one feels any kinship with others anymore.

>Why do mass shootings keep happening?
Ask americans.
Its like, strictly an american thing

>fuck sources just believe memes!

>Why do mass shootings keep happening?
Butthurt young men like the type that infest Sup Forums and Sup Forums.

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ok boomer meme

The rest of the free world has America to thank for their freedom. America led the way in what it means to be a free democracy. Modern western ideals and freedoms were established in America. Sure Americans in 2019 might not be "abnormally free" but everyone else has caught up. Thankfully individual freedoms being the basis of the founding of this country means we won't ever go backwards.

Site something then.

hey guys I found the boomer

Come to Indiana, because it's legal here.

Depending on the state, yes. Which is perfectly legal because that's the law. Private sales are not subject to background checks (local laws pending).

You can't sell to a known felon or otherwise prohibited person, and you cannot sell to someone across state lines or it's felony.

People who want to break the law don't give a shit. The majority of all gun violence in the country is suicide. the majority of the remaining is gang/drug related. HAMMERS kill more people every year than all rifle (of all kinds) conbimed.

Oh, 'cause the original accusation was so well-supported?