Just a friendly reminder

Just a friendly reminder.

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She's not wrong ...

Eh, I'm black and my dick isn't too fancy either

I guess not all black guys are gifted. At least it probably looks better than a white one.

Plenty of black guys aren't. Ask any prison guard, former or current. They've seen 'em all.

>most white guys have shrimp dicks.

fixed it for you :)

I'd definitely say it looks alot more normal than most of the white cocks I've seen, it's just not the longest.

Definitely true, but the averages tend to favor black men quite significantly.

you missed a spot

>P.S. I'm a cutter bitch

6 inches and this whole Blacked movement has me feeling a little insecure about that but eh


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At 6 inches you're absolutely fine. I'm 4.5 inches and my current girl is totally fine with it.

>completely true

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There are some average black guys, they just tend to have waaaay more of those massive foot long ones. And way more white guys have legit baby dicks.

Yeah, I guess as long as you've got enough girth you're fine

yeah, the only guys who need to worry are those 3 inches or under and those with pencil dicks.

Femanon here and 6” is enough to feel. It’s not my ideal, I’ll honestly take 9-10” and super thick if I have any choice, but I would feel you and it could be okay.

What's your minimum size?

Well, that helps, I have a gf currently and she's always been fine with it but part of ne wondered if it was more of her making an exception for me out of love

6” and maybe 5” around. Like I said, good enough to feel, but my dildo I picked is definitely a lot bigger.

As a former manslut quasi-bisexual (did it with a few dudes, learned I wasn’t into dudes), I find that men are way more interested in dick size than women. I’m sure (female) size queens exist, but I’ve never met one. I am just barely over six inches and nobody has ever complained. And I’ve been about the same as most of the men I’ve been with, larger than one or two, a lot smaller than one, but mostly similar.

The things men tell themselves are funny. Newsflash, guys. Size does matter and we share VERY detailed notes ;)

Never wondered why our friends aren't interested?

Let this be a lesson to anons everywhere, dildo will be the death of us all. As long as chicks are fucking 73 inch dragon cock dildos, we're out of business

As a guy with a small dick, the best info I can give is to find the right girl. Some chicks just won't like your small cock, but others won't mind if they really like you. They'll either overlook it or truly not be bothered by it. (It helps if they have a super tight pussy).

They also have all the money. So you want good dick in a shit shack or shrimp dick in a sports car and maybe a nice meal after if you swallow? I mean we all know the answer, just look at who high quality women are with.

Big dildos are great, sure. But a big cock is way better when a guy knows what he's doing.

I'd have to rate like this;

Small dick < Average dick < Bigger dick but meh in bed < Toys < Bigger dick but good in bed < Small dick guy who uses toys too < Bigger dick guy who uses toys too < 7.5"+

Single mother in training

That is actually pretty accurate. Technique will usually trump size, so a really, really skilled little dick guy will sometimes almost equal a bigger guy who doesn’t know what he is doing. But if a bigger guy knows what he is doing he will easily blow the small guy completely away. And I do agree that at the 8”+ range, he can have shit skill and still make me cum hard. 8”+ and knowing what he is doing is unbelievable.

Not exactly... Look I'm going to level with you and tell you something no girlfriend will say to your face.

We lie to you.

I've been with less endowed guys before and yeah, if we love the crap out of you we definitely overlook it. Hell, we don't even care all that much if you can get creative and find other ways to get us off, but if we've had bigger we definitely will miss it. We're never going to say it to your face because we'd be upset if you turned around and told us that you prefer a bigger ass/set of boobs but it really does make a difference.

We won't say it to your face, but we definitely say it to our friends. If you really want the details, find your girlfriends BFF. Feed her a few shots and pop the question. Or just straight up ask the next boyfriend that comes along that's sporting a far more stellar package, that's the only way you'll get a straight answer. We can deal with it, but you're not going to be the best we've had by a wide margin.

Talk shit get hit

So what you're saying is that I should grab them by the pussy?

Then that bitch could also miss having a bf that doesn't give them black eyes, doesn't mean she'll get either though

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I know! I'd say 7.5+ rather than 8 for me personally but if he knows what he's doing on top of that I cum so fucking hard I can't even think straight for agesss afterwards.


That is unfortunate, but you have summed up exactly my experiences with my boyfriends. There is so much stigma against telling you guys directly the truth, but we *do* notice and *can* feel a difference, I’m sorry to say.

What is it with guys thinking other guys with big dicks are violent/less desireable in some way? My husband packs a pretty fantastic package and he's the most loving guy I've ever met, sane and doing very well for himself.

All you're proving here is that YOU aren't the kind of guy a woman should get within ten feet of if that's the way you think of us.

White boy here. Guys this is a myth. I pack 9 and a half inches and go for black women. A fair few of those black women only dated black guys before me. And I’ve pulled my dick out on them and they have said that’s that is the biggest they have had. I don’t care about you troll poofters I know what it is and white boys pack big cocks as well. It’s really doesn’t matter what race you are that doesn’t make you automatically have a big cock. You cunts are just fantasising about black men. If I wasn’t at work it pull the fucker out on all faggots so you can save a pic of my big white cock.

Yeah, I've searched through my GF's messages to her friends, but I've never found any mentions of my size. I was kinda hoping to get some candid input, but no luck.

Citation needed.

No evidence at all.

Nah, I was saying that I'd be the one to beat her ass, I don't feel any type of negativity towards guys with big dicks, good on them.

Well said!! Yet these guys on here are self deniers of there own mental issues

the citation will be in my dissertation

We have less AIDS, we smell better, we have better hair, we don't get pulled over by the cops every time we turn around, we are smarter and most importantly we are not niggers.

pretty funny actually

So no source materials to cite?

Didn't think so.

Not well said, retard, as I just explained I was saying that I'd give her black eyes. Not a denier of anything, the bitch can miss other cocks and she can also miss not having black eyes. It was a joke and an exaggeration anyway but still needed to be cleared up

Then just wait until you're on a night out with her friends, they might talk about it in person rather than over messages, might have been on snapchat just in case (my preferred method) or it might be so far back that you can't find it and even if all of that fails then it's almost definitely been discussed over drinks.

Just wait for a night out ans whoever she's closest with to get well into the drunk zone and ask her outright. That's my advice.

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Then your size isn't the only reason woman don't want you.

Yeah and this applies to only guys that actually have small cock issues. My mrs can suck mine with two hands and shove it in her throat (well she tries LOL) and honestlyshe doesn’t ever talk about my cock size (only when we fuck and we dirty talk) but she honestly doesn’t give a fuck about how big it is. She only care about grinding it until she comes hahaha

Big dicks are pretty overrated. Average is average for a reason.

Haha that’s all good i understand what you meant. Haha and yes I am a retard. That’s why I’m on this forum haha

the average is getting bigger over time for a reason ;)

I don't think averages correlate to preference. The average can be 5.5 inches and girls can still prefer 7-8 inches.

Citation needed.

>girls prefer 7-8 inches

Fucking wot. Some do, a lot cringe at the reality of a dick that size.

Average is average for a reason.

penmanship counts

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Ugh, fiiiiine. Give me like 15 minutes to find the articles I was looking at.

Nah, my girlfriends the sweetest, would never hit her. She has a pretty dark sense of humor as it is so she can handle a couple jokes about getting her ass beat.

Femanon here can confirm.

Source: Girls talk.

Well fair play to you two, I'm a bit more sensitive to that kind of thing. Issues with an ex.

When I got told that the average dick size was 5 and a half I was like WHAaaaaaaat??? Haha 5 and a half on the hard?? Damn that’s pathetic.. but than I realised that my mate pack a 6 incher was making bitches come fast hahaha red rocket hahaha

her pussy looks like a cross between an old teabag and a smoked trout

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Unless it's the girls he's been with telling you that themselves... Take it with a handful of salt.

If it is, then good for him!

Mmm, well sorry to hear that, that's a bit of a different story. I'd never say some shit like that if I knew the girl I was seeing has previous issues of the same sort. It's more of just absurdist to us since we both know it's very out of character for the both of us.

Says who?

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Is this the girl that had smoke blown into her ass through a straw?

Pathetic little white cock.
Did your wife make you wear that?

Maybe the problem is your cavernous Pussy

Looks like my dick when I was 15-16.

I haven't noticed any difference in my dick since I was 15. Then again, I have a small dick.

looks bigger than mine was then

Lol. Trust me there are plenty of average size and small black guys out there. I'm one myself and my dangler ain't much to brag about at all. The BBC stereotype needs to die a quick death for the sake of all of us average black dudes.

9-10 inches is unreal, longest dick is 13 and the guy is handi capped. The avg is like 5. Also show your monster pussy.

Implying your dick has changed since then, you should be fully developed by then unless you're a late bloomer.

Okay, well I'd say 9-10 is pushing it for me a littttttle bit but again a lot of men are woefully poorly informed about vaginas.

The average depth of a vagina is about 4" when not aroused, which is fair enough, but when aroused it can expand very comfortably to 8" to accommodate a penis.

Now, I have a freakishly small vagina (believe me or don't but my gyno will fight you on that, she's warned me about the many potential complications and high risk of tearing when I try for kids) and even I can very comfortably take someone 8"+ so I'm pretty sure most every woman can.

It's not painful, it doesn't "loosen a woman up" no one has a "carnivorous pussy" just because she can take a big dick and enjoy the fuck out of it, sure there's a little pain but that just sets my nerves on fire. It's pretty normal for any average girl to be able to take that.

confirmed for fatty, enjoy your nigger aids and being a single mother.

Shrimp & tuna pretty epic combo, though.

That's average cock you fucking autist cuck

I'm white and my dick is 7 inches long. Not all white people have small dicks

I like that you actually have some intelligent answers, so I value your opinion when I ask this:

I have a 4.5 inch cock. Am I screwed, and what do most girls think when they see it?

This! seriously! there should be a sex ed thread on here. If someone could please also include a fucking map to the clit!!!

8.0" dick here. I'm white.
No woman to date has ever complained about it.


I won't lie, from straight up penetration we'll be able to feel a big difference. You can't help that but that's not all that matters. Most women self report that it's extremely difficult or impossible to have an orgasm from penetration alone so you shouldn't focus too much on whether or not you can get a girl off just by sticking your penis in her. Personally the main appeal for me more than anything is the fact that a bigger dick gives a lot more internal sensation and the pressure/pain just feels great, but even without it you can give a girl a pretty bomb orgasm.

I won't lie... Even though I realllllllllly want to. A lot of us are going to be pretty let down seeing the size but on the plus side women aren't as visually stimulated as men so it won't be too much of an issue.

First thing's first, learn to communicate with your partner. That's the biggest step to doing things right. Tell her to be honest and get her to help you find out what she does and doesn't like. Get used to using your fingers and tongue as much as you do your dick and get her feedback, if she's a little uncomfortable telling you what she's enjoying then start focusing on her reactions. Every little involuntary shiver, small moan and sharp intake of breath is going to tell you exactly what you're doing right.

Toys, don't be afraid to use them. You might be on the smaller side but don't be afraid to bring in something to help with that. Vibrators are great for sensation, especially focused on/around the clit. Pair that up with your fingers/tongue/dick and you're going to be giving her a lot more to enjoy. You can use it yourself but if you're not quite sure you're doing it right then hand it to her and watch what she does with it while you're doing your thing. Learn how she uses it and take cues from her for next time you give it a whirl.


Yeah for real I’ve walked on him pumping fat bitches and all of that. it’s really funny actually. Because he’s a fat guy and he’s proud of his small one. But I definitely know what you mean cuz guys will brag and lie about shit like that to there friends

Absolutely false claim, unfortunately being circumcised complicates directions for most men who are cut but when extremely aroused I get it to about 8 1/2 inches, I dated a super tight Russian girl that really helped that a lot ha

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*erections .... not directions

I don't really eat pussy, so that doesn't help. But, I'm not opposed to using some toys to help.

the ones that would tolerate a feminist probably do

lol femcuck

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As for making up for the smaller size. Use a dildo or penis extender if she's like a lot of us and really likes the sensation of being "full." Some guys find it a little emasculating but honestly the best sex I've ever had with less endowed men are with those who don't have any hangups about being on the smaller end and both are great ways to "make up the difference" and having someone else use a dildo on you just feels better than doing it yourself.

Don't fall for penis pumps if you think they'll increase your size. They might for a couple minutes but if you're going to use them then keep in mind they're actually meant to increase your sensation and give you a stronger erection more than anything else.

Now, one of your best bets if you want to increase the stimulation for both of you from penetration alone is going to come (funnily enough) from anal toys. Assuming she's into that, and if she is you've hit a goldmine.

See one of the side-effects of things like anal beads or buttplugs that a lot of men don't seem to get is that the pressure coming from our backdoor actually has an effect on what we feel at the front. They do share a verrrrry thin wall so, makes sense. Right?

A reasonably sized plug is going to make things tighter. A LOT tighter, and that stimulation can and does make up for what's lacking with depth and it won't just be her feeling it either, you will too. Add in one that vibrates and she might just melt. I know I do.

IF you can go the booty route just keep things in mind to make sure she enjoys it and you can keep it in your bag of tricks;

First off, make DAMN sure she's really turned on before you go anywhere near her ass. Warmup with your fingers before you put anything bigger in there. Hell, use your tongue if you're for it.

Second, use way more lube than you think you're going to need. If it seems like too much, that's probably about right.


Imagine larping and getting anons to reply with no proof.

Who would want to go near that anyway.

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Heyy...he was behind of this...

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Third, if she's never used anal toys before start off soft. Silicone is great for beginners, just make sure to always use a water-based lube with a silicone toy as silicone based lubes eat through them. When she's a lil more practiced then glass based toys are great and stainless steel is pretty good too but I'd recommend glass over it any day personally though don't be afraid to experiment.

Just get experimental and communicate, theres a lot more to sex than P in V and there are a lot of fetishes that don't involve a penis at all. Ask if your partner has any and accommodate anything you think you might both enjoy. Have fun with it, and for the love of all that is holy if you want to make sure she enjoys herself be a little bit more open about going down on her. If you're lacking in one of your three main tools you have for pleasing your partner then you're shooting yourself in the foot if you take a second one off the table voluntarily.

I mean, I've tried going down plenty of times, but I just can't stand the taste, especially with my current girl. It doesn't help that she doesn't shave, but even if she did I probably still wouldn't do it.

I'm totally willing to try other stuff though. If she's into it, I'd get some toys.

Keyword: BOYS
Does not apply to most white MEN.

All y’all are talking about dick size and not a single person saying the truth. The size of your schlong does not matter .. If you are in a committed relationship with someone who loves you very much - any pleasure at all (which doesn’t need to even be achieved with a dick...) will feel like the most amazing thing in the world for them. Any woman that cares about size is not for love, only for pleasure and to be a little slut. And I don’t care how much you get to bang your little hoochie, you will never be truly happy in life because it will never, ever feel like true love. If a black man needs to resort to taking pride of their dick in order to feel superior and to feel appreciative of their own race, then good for you. While you’re bragging and putting down people who you think are losers, you are making yourself look like the biggest motherfucking loser and fool of them all. No wonder why your dick is as big as your ego, all your brain went there. Your size matters as much as your existence on this planet.

Dream on, kid.

It's a total myth lol imagine being proud of something that's not even true lol

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