This is your next President

This is your next President.

Attached: yang_gang.png (370x370, 71K)

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When did Trump dye his hair?

he's got my vote.
>any politician not getting airtime 2020

Not my president, I’m not even in the chess club.

I fucking hope.

NO Asian will ever be president

Trump will always be my president, he should become president for life!

He's good but not that good

he's actually someone who could face trump but berndog is gonna win the nom and lose cause he's too far left

Gonna need to do better than that shill

ying yang walla walla bing bang

Because this guy isn't ??
If I recall correctly; the chink is in favor of pretty much all the other equally far-left candidates about things like free health care for illegals and such

I'm worried the Democrats are going to steal the 2020 election by winning the popular vote again, so he needs to stay in and appoint Trump Jr as VP, and then Jr needs to stay in for life so that the Democrats don't get to steal any more elections and destroy our democracy.

bernie will not get the nomination. Yes he's too far left, but he's also knocking on Jew Heaven's door. They'll never put a recent heart attack survivor up against Trump. They're already worried enough about RBG dying before they get Trump out. Remember, all of this pre-caucus polling means nothing, and theres so much jockeying at the DNC, its going to be a belabored last-minute call.

Nobody wants free healthcare for illegals because they want illegals to become legal citizens, therefore free healthcare for citizens

Whatever it takes to be 1% of something, right?

>free health care for illegals
Immigrants contribute to our economy more than citizens do, so if anything, they deserve to have MORE rights than citizens.

user, stop ruining other people's propaganda. that isn't nice


undoubtedly this

or I could just wrote in snoopy like last time.
yang is the better meme though

Attached: 1570572216712.jpg (630x630, 38K)

>citation needed

or you could grow some balls and vote for Trump like any self-respecting man will.

Yeah ... no sorry user but CNN isn't a credible source anymore

You don't need to cite opinions, my opinion is that since immigrants contribute more to the economy, they deserve more rights.

Here's a fox news article saying the same thing.

fair enough, thanks for expressing your opinon

>pro-immigrant reporting
>on fox
>404 anticipated

he wants to give everybody 1000$ a month no strings attached and all you guys can do is troll?

Yes because its a stupid idea. Possibly the stupidest idea I've ever heard.

>no strings attached
AIDS Niggers On Crack: Part Deux

voted for him in 2016 though
last tossed snoopy vote was because fuck romney

$1000 per month times 300 million people would cost 1.2 trillion per year and only make price levels higher. Libtards who think government can create free money like magic have a serious autism problem. People who believe anything show liberalism is a disease.

Just because he's the next president doesnt mean trump doesnt win 2020

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1000 * 300 million is 300 billion, not 1.2 trillion, learn2math.

> thats fake news!!
>here's the same news on fox. bro
>"crickets chirping"

lets hope!

Silly chink won’t last much longer.

>404 anticipated
well.....that didn't last long at all. holy shit

Attached: Screenshot_2019-11-15-00-42-33.png (1080x1920, 130K)

I'm sure that article will stay right there for a good long time
>a conservative think tank finds
imagine if it said "a liberal think tank finds...."

Illegals dont contribute more than regular citizens you fucking idiot

They do contribute, stuff... though.

Attached: Greta Mural.jpg (690x1814, 496K)

Well of course they do you fucking goof its called crime you moron

>you idiot
I hope a big flaming homo moved in next to you and throws homo parties every night where you have to listen to groups of flaming faggot fuck each other coming in your window as you sleep.
>I never said illegals did. I'm new in this thread and was remarking on the removed article that I tried to read

Drink bleach and cleanse your soul faggot

Heyy...nice Elon...

Attached: 8311573135306797.jpg (1610x1170, 147K)

if I do that my existence as a beaner in the usa would no longer trouble you. I cannot let that happen. I'm also gonna go out and get some more gibs JUST FOR YOU by going to the urgent care for a minor abrasion in my hand, tomorrow on your dime.

AY 2020

300 billion x12 months in a year? Durrrrrrrrrrddmmmmmmmmpppffff

cis is super biased

so not fake news then?

>it's a right wing think tank
guess it's not fake news then

only one democrat dropped kudos.
>former democratic governor of colorado
even though I was born in co and lived here all my life I barely recall him.
totally an old school colorado democrat. must have had to dig to include him. Bet he would change his tune if he knew

>In 1996 Lamm, while noting that he was still a registered Democrat, criticized both his own Democratic Party and the Republican Party, saying "I think both political parties are controlled by special interest money, and I've had enough of it." and "The Democrats are too close to the trial lawyers and the National Education Association. The Republicans are too close to the radical right..." Richard Lamm 1996
worth noting that he is anti immigration as a means of environmentalism, which is more his thing. (less people, less environmental impact)

He dosent have the votes lol, Trump 2020

I need the $1000 he's gonna give me for hookers & blow

3.6 trillion, but that's not 1.2 trillion either.