Hooked up with a cute trans girl last night - ask me anything

Hooked up with a cute trans girl last night - ask me anything.

Also trap/trans thread

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Were you top or bottom?
If you were bottom how are you maintaining your ego and masculinity?
How did you meet her?
>inb4 her
How did you meet it?

How’s it feel to be a faggot?

Bottom, and it’s easy to maintain your masculinity when you don’t give a shit and do whatever the fuck you want.

Where did you pick her up? I don’t do dating apps and won’t be caught dead in a fag bar. Have never seen one out in the wild that was passable.

Not really, just treat a trans girl as you would a cis girl, they appreciate it. Though I will say they're a lot pickier because they're a much "rarer type"
Not yet, girl in the OP was similar looking but not her. I plan on taking pics next time we meet
>Top or bottom?
We didn't do penetration, but I guess I was both when it came to oral? We sucked each other, ate each others asses, played with each other in many ways, just no anal sex. Though I will be fucking her next time, and she says she wants to fuck me, though I've never bottomed before.
>Ego and masculinity?
Eh, I don't put too much weight into things like that. I am who I am and I'm confident in myself. It's not the first time I've sucked cock (never with a guy, been with 3 trans girls before her) so I was able to just enjoy myself and her.
>How did you meet her?
Grindr lol

Pretty good actually, thanks

You are not OP, I am OP, quit larping ya dink

It was a dating app, unfortunately. Though there are "trans bars" in major cities. In mine, there's one where a lot of escorts frequent, as well as a lot of the LGBTQ community. There are gays, lesbians, trans, straights and anything in between.

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greentext the experience from beginning to end?
any regrets?

What did you set your preference & tribe to on Grindr. Where did you find the most passable ladyboys?


It was a pretty casual encounter I suppose.
>Arrived at her place
>She gave me a brief tour
>Called me cute and pulled me in for a kiss
>Leads to making out in her bed
>Clothes start coming off, she sucks me while I'm standing in front of her
>Hadn't discussed what she prefers to do with her genitals yet, but she asked if I want to suck her
>Go down on her, both enjoying it
>69 for a bit
>Rub dicks together
>She cums on herself
>I cum on her
>Snuggle and play vidya until I leave

All in all great experience and I really like her as a person. We've been talking about playing Outer Worlds but she's on the last mission meanwhile I'm like halfway through. I regret not grinding that game harder to impress her.

I didn't put myself into a tribe, but I choose to look for those under the "trans" tribe. I'm not a fan of ladyboys so I didn't really look for them.

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ok rabbi

double dubs for double truth

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Can you send screenshots of your profile? Face blurred. I’d like to see what draws these trans bitches (other than be attractive)

I don't have a face picture in my profile for the simple reason, I get bombarded by older dudes I am NOT attracted to, many of which live near me. Do not want my face out there. If I see a cute trans girl, I usually send my face to them. Profile doesn't say anything of much substance, but I'm tall so that helps. Lucky I guess.

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I've heard that trans girls still 'smell' like men (pheromones)... did she 'feel' feminine?

Good tip. Don’t want some old fudge packet harassing me. What’s your tag line? I have abs and the arrows so will try and highlight those

Is that her?

Did you read any of op's posts?

Soo...he was behind of that...

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I don't want to be a naysayer user but you just ate a man's ass :\

Yes I did and he said one of the photos was comparable to the girl he hooked up with. Was asking if the second pic was as well. If so he’s a lucky dude.

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Are you afraid of her shitting on your dick? Only times I’ve fucked a girl/ts in the ass is when it’s been a pro. I doubt most are taking the necessary steps to avoid accidents

She had just taken a shower so smelled like body wash mostly, pretty neutral smell. She's also on estrogen so her skin is super soft, felt feminine to me.

You could post a pic of your torso without the face, but that just kinda screams "shallow and desparate". Depends on what you're looking for though.

That last one posted didn't really look like her, she had an uncircumcised cock too.

I've had anal with cis girls before and shit happens. If you can't deal with it, don't bother with anal. Not a scat fan, but sex isn't perfect, even with pros. Although I doubt she wouldn't take some precautions.

my fucking sides, here's another one of (I think) the same girl

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My mistake, not the same one. Saw the stockings and my mind made the connection, apologies

Hmmm if you have neither your face nor your body in the photo what do you have?

On my profile? Like I said, nothing. No profile pic. But when I send pictures it's usually full face with body and cock if requested.

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Much appreciated bro. Will set up this weekend.

It was your first time?
It hurt?
Do you have a gf?
I wan to do the same today, but i got a gf, but dicks are dicks