My antidepressants make me mostly immune to all the porn on this godforsaken board. So here's a challenge Sup Forumsros...

My antidepressants make me mostly immune to all the porn on this godforsaken board. So here's a challenge Sup Forumsros, give me a boner. You wont.

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>wanting men to get you hard
Fuck off homo

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BASED. I'm on day 15 of NNN too. Thanks ZOLOFT.

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Gonna have to try harder than that

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Zoloft wasn't so bad but clomipramine is a bitch. Anything to keep these compulsions at bay

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da fuq

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posts on Sup Forums.

Doesn't bother to check science.

Anti depressants ate as effective as sugar pills but kill your sex drive, give you nausea, make people suicidal/homicidal

90% of mass shooters are on pysch drugs.

Depression is standard. Humans had no pysch drugs from 200,000bc till 1990AD.


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Placebo or not, I'm not checking every electric outlet and appliance 20 times over as well as all the locks before I go to bed o leave the house. I would much rather be like this and still have POCD than both at the same time

yo i feel for you. i know antidepressents cause even horny ass people to lose desire for sex. hope we helped you out here ahhaha

I still desire it but I have to try too hard. I never thought I'd miss the days that I'd get random boners and have to jerk it to get rid of it. I'm in my mid twenties for fuck's sake

This is bs. The majority of people on anti-depressants are on them for a reason. They do help people cope with chronic depression and like issues. It's all about find the right medicine for yourself and not giving up hope. Just because you're on an antidepressant doesn't mean you'll be a school sho*ter.

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Wait what? You guys are on drugs for the sole purpose of reducing you sex drives. Do I get this right? For the life of me i can't imagine needing drugs to maintain control over my sexual urges. Can you go into what brought you to that decision, was there an incident that compelled you, or cumulative long term experience you wanted to mitigate in the future?

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Being any kind of shooter is the last of my worries. Unless it's shooting cum. WTF IS THIS THREAD SEN POON

Ever tried CP?

No. Sexual dysfunction is a very common side effect of antidepressants.

I'd say I've been on drugs all this time for the sole purpose of being an autistic OCD fucktard that was misdiagnosed as ADHD and anxiety for the better half of my entire life.

Someone had to pick up on the POCD part

none pizza with left beef. i'm rock hard

At least someone is