Why do Asian men hate white men: but have no problem with black men? They act like black men never fuck Asian women

Why do Asian men hate white men: but have no problem with black men? They act like black men never fuck Asian women.

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Pretty much exclusively in porn.

Money is the cure to racism. I've said it once, I'll say it again.

it's happening in Guangzhou as we speak

Oh, right, prostitution as well. Basically when they're paid.

Because asian women don't date blacks in Asia any where NEAR as much as whites. This seems pretty obvious.

the happas hate white men because typically in the west asian females are more desirable than asian men

thus a happa is most likely to be born to a white father over an asian father and white mother, because statistically white men and white women are the majority population and white men are multiple times more likely to date outside their race than white women

this creates a butthurt that resounds in them because as hapa men they are typically seen as less attractive since indian men and asian men tend to get rated lowly by females outside of their own race due to their genetic pre-disposition to high tust facial dismorphia which makes them appear less dangerous (women find this less sexually attractive, but men are more willing to make friends with them, or see them as friendly)

their lack of sexual success than gets blamed on white men because they are only half white and feel like it is because of white men keeping asian men down that their situation exists, when really it's just geography and genetics

well... hope that there answers your question there faggot, also happas in asia don't share the same feelings, they don't have the same problems and have no trouble dating due to race

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nope. they're getting married and having kids

when are the japs going to finally uncensor their porn already so I can see some harem porn without the blur... I want to see 10 jap girls sucking 1 cock already ffs

Not really bro. I spent 20 days in Tokyo and hooked up with a Japanese chick. Am a black dude.

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Because it was white men that dropped not one, but TWO big fat nukes on ching chong land.

It was such a massive flex of power that it wooed the ching chongs into craving white dick for generations to come. They simply can't help it.

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Furthermore, any porn featuring a black guy is simply Jewish propaganda. They've realized that if people believe that Asians crave niggers, which is obviously false, then they will still reign supreme

you sound like a coping Asian male

Nope elite white

ok rabbi

Bestiality is fairly mainstream in asian porn. Animals aren't a threat to humans.

Im Asian and i don't care either way,

Asian men don't care about blacks because they know that asian women aren't interested in them. But every asian girl loses her shit for a blue eyed white guy

Asian believe only white and asian are real
everyone else is a ghost/spectre, and blacks are black ghost


Do you speak Japanese?

I'm black and have a Chinese wife. I concur with your assessment.

In fact, I think the issue is that there are too many black dudes that try to fuck the white girls traveling in Asia and ignore the Asian women. Shit is bizarre as fuck.

Well black guys are not taking photos of them, fucking tons of them and dumping them all, without marrying them, like white dudes do. Most of us just are not that greedy about it.

That and most of us are cool with Asian dudes.

Well there is a shortage of births in Japan. We are all aware as soon as a nigger gets a woman pregnant, they high tail it to the next piece of ass.

Plus we kinda bombed the fuck out of them. 3 handed Chow is still pissed

soon, neural networks can already decensor hentai!