Hello 4chin.com

hello 4chin.com

My name is Kate and I am trying to spread awareness of the HATE that chic-fil-a perpetrates on a daily basis and how their supporters and consumers are feeding directly into that.

Since I see a massive support for 2SLGBTQIA here on Sup Forums (an overwhelming amount of gay and transthread as well as many diversity threads) I'd like for your support in this extremely important cause

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>I am trying to spread awareness
spread your ass instead

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gay people suck , chik fil a rulez

what is 2-SLGBTQIA
what is literally killing you
what's a baby queer
what free labour are you providing
what is babying

At no point in my life would i regret being able to watch every faggot in the world die a horrible, painful death.

But there is a chance i might want a chicken sammich later so, nah.

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I refuse to google it because gays are fags

Sorry Kate, maybe if it was mcdonalds or something but chic-fil-a is too good. I have gay friends that love to eat there.

please no racist comments or you will be meme'd and doxxed

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Fuck off sjw

Post your nudes or me an the boys gunna eat only there for the week.

boys? PLease don't use gender specific verbiage in this thread

I hope you get raped

Stop bein pendantic bitch. Post nudes.

>$0 raised for faggots

Quit making shit up. What the fuck does that mean? In case you didn't understand it, Chic-Fil-A has a right to have religious freedom. If you don't like their program, eat elsewhere. Invest your money, start a chain of faggot chicken stores, and compete in the Real World.

Didn’t they stop raising money for conversion places? Don’t they just support Christian sports leagues now?

dude i am sick and tired of you racist white pigs on here. are you going to fucking donate or nah?

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niggas just had chik fil a. Shit wasso cash.

>My name is Kate
Tits or GTFO

>dude i am sick and tired of you racist white pigs on here. are you going to fucking donate or nah?
Nope, eat an infected tranny hole

Your post is making me want some chicken

Whats the anti faggot website for donations? Ill chip in ten bucks to those guys.

This is a vegan thread xir

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i HATE u

How about nah.

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Did you just assume gender on someone?

xir is gender neutral. Would you be able to share your preferred pronouns?

Just a reminder! You all are addressing a (future) canadian public official. You're comments and IP addresses will be logged and used against you for any hateful/bigoted/racist remarks

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Yes, please share with us

Imagine giving a shit about a post on Sup Forums

Neutral assumes someone does not strongly identify with a particular gender. Its usage on strangers is simultaneously Cisphobic and Transphobic. Can you stop being such an intolerant bigot?

WTF? What's with "2SLGBTQIA"??
Can you possibly add more letters/numbers??

I remember when it started with only FOUR letters. Now it looks like a word that has no meaning and can not pronounce. Groups need to come up with their own identity and quit self attaching to others because from what I've been told, some of these "letters" do not want affiliation with other "letters" nor to be confused with each other because they are not the same.
This told to me by a gay person

do not try to turn this around on me you cis white piece of shit. I am the most inclusive person on facebook.

See for your fucking self

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>Can you possibly add more letters/numbers??

fuck niggers
fuck kikes
fuck trannies
fuck faggots
and fuck you
come and get me, cunt

Eat shit you narcissist, indulgent, sexist, asshole

nice tits for a commie tho

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chick-fil-a is delicious


Can we add a C for cucks?

>implying that this isn't a false flag to get Sup Forumstards to attack this idiot
you know what they say about methods and goals

>Assuming gender identity
>Assuming Race
>Assuming bad faith
Declaring themselves moral is what the National Socialists did when they expressed their socialist hatred for the rich by gassing the Jews.

Imagine if hitler didnt fuck the jews after gassing them

Then it would become a right-wing movement...


Do I hear an "I" for Incels?

2S stands for Two-Spirits I think

anyway, the only way to be completely inclusive is to change the moniker to


Then add R for retad

Gotta be a troll no ones that stoopid to think posting on Sup Forums about something like lqbtqabcdefghijklmnop... without pics would be a good idea

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>seems legit

Well I don’t normally eat fast food, I’m going to go get Chick-fil-A today because they seem to be doing gods work

>hello 4chin.com
I identify as 3chon.org.
Use my proper URLs you bigot.


Sup Forums server


Its their opinion, you want others to be tolerant of you so tolerate theirs.

It's not like they are calling for people to be killed. They have the right to say gay is wrong or trans is wrong.

If a religious follower says gay is wrong you don't make fun of their religion or their god. They can't hurt you, only the person can. If that person wants to bestow violence upon you, then that is the problem.

God teaches love, if someone feels gay or trans is wrong. Let it be. Tell them I disagree but I still love you in God's eyes.

Some people are not tolerant but over history it's always been the case, shouting at them has never solved anything.

How do I download her anti-racist singing video?

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You're what us human beings call, *dumb*

>Its their opinion, you want others to be tolerant of you so tolerate theirs.

Their opinions are wrong, mine are not. fucking boomer

>It's not like they are calling for people to be killed. They have the right to say gay is wrong or trans is wrong.

Their opinions are literally killing me and my people

>God teaches love, if someone feels gay or trans is wrong. Let it be. Tell them I disagree but I still love you in God's eyes.

There is no god in communism

animals probably call her dumb too we just can't tell.

Her old job title

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Fuck chick-fil-a have you guys tried the new Popeyes chicken sandwich

Is it sexist to say that a woman punching Nazi's isn't violence?

an invite to rape

I may rape her if given the chance

>Literally killing me
Oh I wish it was so user

just make sure you punch her first because she likes seeing nazis get punched

every single one of you white incels need to be medicated

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Boomer, best you can do? No wonder your angry. You can't do anything with your life.

Now insults are out of the way.

Their wrong, your right. You want to force others to believe in what you believe. Good luck on that. But just proves you have no tolerance for other people's feelings. Hypocrite.

Killing your people? Over dramatic. No one is marching you so called people to death marches.

They are not being slaughtered by the 1000s.

In history and even recent people around the world has faced atrocities like that. You cannot compare Chik fa la to that.

I know, under socialism and communism no religion exists except what the government decides. Cause your belief doesn't conform to others.

Sound familiar?

Just finished eating out my dog's ass. Does that count?

>Then add R for retad
That comes later fren

Hello, kunt. KATE!! Sorry. First of all, Tit or GTFO. OK? Secondly, NYPA. We don't give a fuck whether you happen to be gay or not. Show us pussy/tits/ass.

What (who) the fuck is a chic-fil-a? Dont live in fucking north america, so don't know all your weird things.

fast food franchise thats individually owned and operated. One of the franchise owners (out of a couple thousand) refused to let some gays butt fuck each other in his store so now all chic-fil-a is considered raciss homophobic

isn't she just calling for a boycott which is her right and in fact a legitimate piece of a market economy

Imagine caring any little bit about Canada and its fuck up politicians. YOU BITCH. YOU DICK. YOU PAP SMEAR MALIGNANCY.

canada is ok but their leader is a box of fruit faggots. Oh well he's their duly elected representative and its none of my concern

I can care less as a bi man. Their sandwiches sucks. Good tea though.

their sandwiches are good you just had your taste buds blown out by so many miles of man spunk

>refused to let some gays butt fuck each other in his store
So she says that gays, (or for that matter normal persons) should be allowed to fuck in busses, or in the city council house, or in a hospital emergency room, or in a store? Would be same thing. She can't be sane. She can go to hell.

Now I support them even more. You fags NeeD to die. And every last dipshit that can't understand what sex they are.

i doubt she believes anything she's spouting. She just wants votes or attention and you get more of it by rattling the chains of faggotry and screaming environmental-religious hellfire and brimstone

memebook (.) com /k.swenson

in case anyone cares

Fuck off faggots

'No money from me, razorhead.

If there's one thing I know about christian baseball leagues it's that the dugout houses more queers than a high school drama club.

Check your privilege you unicode hating nazi pig

He/She/It said they were "the most inclusive yadda yadda". Are they'them/xir excluding some flavor of huwomaxkind from the party?

hello kate, thank you for your feedback, will report to the manager ASAP.

i would but too lazy to lookup your post on faceberg, post link or GTFO


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im already a huge presence in the socialist and communist movement on reddit thank you

Hmmm...So he was behind of that..

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I don’t think chick fil a has the greatest food, it’s pretty good, but I buy shit from them over other fast food restaurants specifically because they are against queers and degeneracy.

hello fellow antifa member. Your Supreme Leader of ANTIFA Sup Forums here (pronouns Sir, Dear Leader). How goes the socialist fight today?

Why should I care about gay people over a burger

Hail Hitler.

I´m sure you are a huge presence.

post feminine penis bb

You're a huge presence in a bowel movement.

it goes well comrade (Ontario, Canada chapter here).

How are you supporting the workers party today comrade? I myself have constructed 20 lego earings this morning for sale on Etsy (13% discount to POC - 20% hike to cis white ppl)