Reminder: If you're circumcised, you are missing out on an immense amount of pleasure...

Reminder: If you're circumcised, you are missing out on an immense amount of pleasure. You will never experience those mind-meltingly blissful orgasms that you hear about. Your desensitized glans will only give you a few brief seconds of faint pleasure when you cum. Real men are uncut. And worthless girlybois like me are circumcised, leaving their penis to dry out over time and eventually become numb due to exposure. It's better that way. ^_^

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Other urls found in this thread: hate to break it to ya m8

That just proves that Americans are cucked by jews. Move out of that shithole.

This isnt true if you actually take care of yourself after getting cut. I had mine done recently (2 years ago) and I apply lotions and moisturizers to it every day. I shoot more than a white kid at an elementary school, even without that useless extra skin.

So if women preferred men without a dick, would you cut yours off?
Fucking retard.

>I apply lotions and moisturizers to it every day
>useless extra skin.
Were you dropped on your head has a child?

Those are called lesbians, retard.

I dont need my dick smelling like fish for it to be soft, downy.

whether this is actually true or not makes no material difference to me. my dick is my dick. it's the only dick i've ever known and it's not as if i can experience for myself a different dick. and i'm quite happy with my little guy, as is my wife. so who cares.

what you do with your kids is another question.

Boys who were cut nice and young have lost all sensitivity now

If I was talking about lesbians I would have said lesbians, you brain dead muppet. If women preferred biological men with their dicks cut off, would you cut your dick off?
I know you can't say you get my point because that invalidates your citation, but do try to suck it up.

Do you not know how to shower? Or does your handler do that for you every other week?

Circumcision is body mutilation. It's been proven that it causes trauma in babies.

Not true, circumcised is way cleaner and significantly reduces STD transmission. Clean is very important for both young and old. Keep tryharding EU fag

5/10 troll for making me reply
10 bucks says you're cut like most americunts or you're regularly raped by sand niggers elsewhere in the world.
Same with you, retard... actually, methinks you're samefagging here.

No, my parents didn't have parts of my dick chopped off I'm happy to say, you should stop projecting.

>Same with you, retard... actually, methinks you're samefagging here.
You know, answer the question then faggot. If women preferred that you have your dick chopped off, would you chop it off?
I'm not samefagging, I just replied to the two stupidest posts I could find, not my fault you're responsible for both of them.

I love my foreskin :)

Uncut. Like it was intended. Leave it to a human to cut their dicks...

Now get on your knees and suck my dirty cock you whiny dick cut fags

It’s been proven that if you cut off your lips at birth, there is a significant reduction in the chances of catching oral herpes.

>same fucking retarded logic

cut off your head at birth you decrease your risk of dying by cancer by to 0%

I haven’t heard one good argument for circumcision, aka “MGM”. It doesn’t prevent aids or any STD. You prevent aids by not fucking someone with aids.

It’s not preferred by women who have significant experience with both cut and uncut dicks, unless the uncut dicks haven’t showered in 2 weeks.

The foreskin actually makes the woman cum BY FUCKING DESIGN. If you are cut, you are lacking the tools to press on her G spot every time you stoke out.

Phimosis happens, but it’s 2019, we can stretch skin to overcome this.

It’s cleaner... shit. I shower daily. I wash my dick daily. I don’t know of any person that prefers to suck an unwashed dick, circumcised or not. If you don’t clean under your foreskin, you deserve to have dick smell.

Oh, there is one good reason, circumcision is a billion dollar a year business. A baby’s foreskin contains more stem cells than any other type of skin. We can make all kinds of things from them! Creams and lotions, skincare products. Congrats America. You’ve monetized the most sensitive piece of skin on your body, but only after cutting it off.

"no risk of infants and children getting infections under the foreskin. easier genital hygiene. much lower risk of getting cancer of the penis (although this is a very rare condition and good genital hygiene also seems to reduce the risk"

yadda yadda yadda keep fucking talking you cunt, you have no clue what you are talking about.

Yeah, when you are fucking 70 years old have fun cleaning that garbage shaft.

You’re a fucking retard. Cutting off skin doesn’t prevent cancer. Maybe we should all take out our colons and pancreas because with those removed, there is a 0% chance of colon or pancreatic cancer.

I didn’t realize that America was a place without antibiotics for infections. Oh wait, the foreskin has its own Anti bacterial properties.

No risk of people having pleasurable sex the way nature intended.

What does that even mean? Do you think its difficult to wash your dick or something?

You can call it body mutilation if you want. Straight facts are 9/10 woman are repulsed by uncut dicks

dick cheese

Have fun with your shriveled, dry, numb, circumcised dick. It’ll be a miracle if you can get enough stimulation to even get hard, let alone cum. Circumcised countries lead the world in ED and ED medication

>sacrifice sexual pleasure in the hope of getting laid
Um, user ... did you really think this through?

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9/10 AMERICAN women. Who have been conditioned to it and have never been with anyone who isn’t circumcised. Uncircumcised dicks are designed by nature to make the woman cum. It’s how the foreskin works. But women prefer the other way around. Sure

Fiveskins are the worst.

Have fun with your smegma OP

Imagine being this cucked by women. Feminists are laughing at you.

Things you lose with circumcision:
Fine touch receptors

Estrogen receptors

Gliding motion during sex

Ability to masturbate without lube

Ability to press and stimulate female G spot when you stoke out.

Male G spot - Frenulum

Protection for the glans, keeping it moist and sensitive

Protection for urethral opening, keeping it from callousing and tightening

The ridged band, the most sensitive piece of skin on the human body

20,000 nerve endings and pleasure sensors

bUt I dOnT hAvE sMeGmA

I'm circumcised and been with over 90 woman. They all loved to suck my clean cut dick, I made them cum multiple times. Then i came inside them

You must be so proud of yourself

You have to wash your dick too, dumbass.

I had the extra skin around my butthole cut off and now I don't have to wipe when I poop.

Listening to cut fags defend their cut dicks is the worst..

Just go and cut the whole thing off you fucking cucks.. You know deep down who the real men are here.

Just remember what 5 months of rolling your skin over your glans can do. Try and argue this procutfags

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Lol you are literally so fucking mad, you think I had a fucking choice to get it cut you fucking nigger retard? I just said the 2 major benefits of it getting cut and u kids are freaking out like school girls. No wonder EU is such a fucking shithole

Nice double trips. Shame it was wasted on this post. Just because it happened to you doesn’t mean you have to defend it. I’m cut and I fucking hate it.

Americunts have been conditioned by Jews to cut their penises. The sole purpose for circumcision is so men can't feel pleasure. Just follow basic hygiene and your dick won't get infected. Don't fuck someone with an std and you won't get an std. Americunts getting buttfucked by the Jews again.

Stating facts is not defending, how the fuck are you people so dumb

Wait, some people actually cut some part off their dick?

I am confused, why do Americans do this?

Why is everyone on this website so fucking obsessed with dicks?
Fucking faggots all of ya.

But either way, if you’re cut (like me) oh well. Can’t do much about it besides stretching your dick skin.
Just don’t circumcise your children and we can phase it out cause it really is not necessary. But what does anyone gain from being so goddamn obsessed over this shit and all “uncut” faggots acting superior to fit people for something they had no say in. Is your life so sad that you derive literally all of your value on your for skin? Doesn’t that make you just as weirdly obsessed as the “Jews” you hate.
God damn I hate Sup Forums so much sometimes. But also this is still preferable to those pathetic doll threads.

>Why is everyone on this website so fucking obsessed with dicks?

Says the guy who wrote an whole essay on the topic of dicks.

> giving a fuck about other men's foreskin

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Rolling your skin over your glans? Like pulling it over and holding it there or something?

Cause I saw this thread on the front page and it triggered me so hard.

But seriously, why obsess over the types of dicks other dudes have? And 99.9% of cut guys had literally no choice so what’s the point of this thread?

I'm OK with being a little more desensitized. Makes it way easier to last.

Literally the only guy I know who's uncircumcised has been said to be a two pump chump.

Just because you can feel more pleasure doesn't mean it's better. I'd rather be able to go on all night at half the pleasure than have to stop and reposition every 5 minutes.

Cause puritans thought it would prevent masturbation. And then they myth of it being cleaner took over when people got less weird about jerking off.

> And 99.9% of cut guys had literally no choice so what’s the point of this thread?

To give future men a choice about their own dicks. Not having full sovereignty over your dick makes you a pathetic cuck.

Yeah that’s why I ended my original rant with, don’t cut your kids and phase it out. But creating threads and shitting on people who had their for skin removed without their consent doesn’t solve anything but divide the side more and more.
If you uncut faggots actually cared and didn’t do this stuff to feel superior to others then you’d just start a discussion of pros and cons and try to change peoples minds.

But it’s Sup Forums and this thread was probably between a doll thread and trap thread so I dunno why I even try kek

> But creating threads and shitting on people who had their for skin removed without their consent doesn’t solve anything

We are shitting on those that support the practice. I feel genuinely bad for anybody who had their genitals mutilated, but if it happens to you and you promote it happening to others, then you can get fucked.

For the goyum! Remember the 6 million and preferably let a rabbi perform the circumcision and suck the freshly cut penis to transmit STDs!

That’s why I say start a discussion.

You realize that people that would support it have had their dicks cut right? So by throwing a thread up saying “haha look at the fags that we’re cut. What poor fags that can’t feel shit. Enjoy your dried up prune dick hahahaha” does nothing. It just causes people to come in guns blazing.

Why not start a discussion with like, “why is circumcision so popular in the us? Why did it catch on and what are the myths and truths about it”
Like everyone on this goddamn website just wants to shit on everyone so they feel so superior and then it’s just us all arguing and calling each other niggers.

If you come to Sup Forums for civilized discussion then you are the biggest retard here.

Why are you guys so obsessed with dicks?

>be cut
>every girl i fuck "wow your dick is so pretty, what do you do to it?" "it doesnt even taste bad" "i never understood dick pics, but id love it if you sent me one sometime" *and more shit i dont remember*
>its just 7" and cut, just use lube, its cheap
>uncut fags get cucked and i dont even know im doing it
>maybe theyre just hoes but it always gives me a confidence boost to hear

Yup. Pull over and put a little piece of tape to hold it in place. Done more for my sex life than anything else could.

Lol, those women are pretty good at manipulating you through your ego.

Women have 10x more smegma in their labia folds than uncut men do under their foreskin. Its not a problem if you wash your damn genitals

You mad bro?

Circumcision creates nerve damage which causes premature ejaculation. But keep basing your facts on 1 person you know.

Also, women get sore after long periods of sex with circumcised guys, too much friction. The shape of the enlarged glans pulls the lubrication out like a plunger. The foreskin and gliding motion keeps the penile skin inside the vagina, so less vaginal secretion leaks out. Therefore longer, less friction, less recovery, and more sex.

foreskins should be illegal. when your old and demented some poor fucking care aide has to clean under that shit.

Still mad bro??

ok snipchan
u prolly jerkin off to this thread

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Fuck you’re right kek.

I really don’t know why I let the bait get to me these days... I’ve just been so frustrated and angry these past few weeks not sure why maybe that’s what’s got my jimmies all rustled...

This.. this all the way user

Uncut dicks are fucking gross. Me ex is uncircumcised and not only is it very unattractive to look at but it always has a slight odor to it. The foreskin is so gross cause it's always in the way, I tried to keep it down and my bf kept complaining that he's too sensitive and that I need to cover it. You know how gross it is to give a blowjob like that? UGH, and also how gross it is to have that skin hanging down instead of seeing the head out. Please so yourself a favor and your future gf's GET CIRCUMCISED!!!!!


thats cool, im good at manipulating them around my dick with minimal effort, guess its a fair trade, idk, i dont do a lot for them
regular car maint or home repair, never more than 30mins or so of work for sex with rather attractive females is a deal imo
way cheaper than a real date
>ive been told im pretty good with my 'tools' more than once

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>I'm OK with being a little more desensitized. Makes it way easier to last.
LOL so does experience. I know which I prefer.

Remember, if you are a FAGGOT neckbeard disappointment to your family still living in mommy's basement nobody cares about your posts about circumcision or Nigger Dicks you want inside of you. NOBODY CARES

First you have to get laid. And for most water balloon dicks, that doesn't happen as much as the clean cut, god tier mushrooms

I have great orgasms, nice cope OP with your ugly banana hammock

A circumcised penis is way prettier to look at. That mushroom stick out instead of the wrinkly skin hanging off it

Wemin liek my cut dik, fuk u Europe and ur cheese dik.

Ameri-fags too pussy to admit they're jew/nigger slaves.

It must bother you a lot having an ugly dick. That's the only possible explanation for wasting your time making these posts


Your words fall deaf on neckbeard ears

Hahaha enjoy your dry dick, cut fag. Every time you take a piss you're reminded that your mother and father were Jews.

I mean I was put in my place by which had a good point. It’s Sup Forums so ofc it’s falling on def ears. We’re all fucked which is why we’re here anyways kek

Enjoy your gross ugly, smelly, wrinkly dick that all the girls hate

I'm also against forced genital mutilation, but I'm cut and honestly never had a lubrication problem

This x100000

>I have great orgasms
LOL who told you that?

Loooool neckbeaed ears

He's so self conscious about his ugly banana in a blanket he's on here projecting his insecurity

>being this virginal
Protip: by the time she sees your dick, you're as good as laid already.

Redpill, female circumcision societies spread these exact same lies about mutilating their female children's vulvas. You have swallowed the conditioning whole

Nice self reply you yank trash

The alpha Chad, browsing Sup Forums to talk about his chop cock, nawww bless

You ugly dick mother fuckers won't just let this go will you? Lol

And sex is great regardless, idiots

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Eww gross smelly willy, my chode shroom gets all the hotties moist

Idiot euro faggot and your hideous banana blanket. Us yanks call that nigger dick round these parts ya dirty nigger

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Buncha closet bummers