Hey Sup Forums, femanon here. I haven't browsed since 2014, I've come back to ask if you can put a condom on a dog...

Hey Sup Forums, femanon here. I haven't browsed since 2014, I've come back to ask if you can put a condom on a dog. I have a golden retriever and I want to have sex with him, I'm unsure if I'm allergic to his semen. I can't tell as I'm a bit of a hypochondriac.
>inb4 post tits or gtfo
Fuck you I'm essentially setting up a thread that's going to end up getting turned into beast thread. Anyways. Help. Would a condom fit on him? He's about 5 inches, with the knot. Also if it did, do I put it over the knot or just above it?

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Need tits so i can confirm im not setting to dog up to fuck a hambeast


tits or gtfo

Why do you want to put a condom on him? He can’t get you pregnant but you probably already know that.

If you're worried about an allergic reaction, jerk him off and let some of the cum rest on your skin for a bit. No reaction? Take some of the cum and swallow a small amount. Still no reaction? Let the dog ride you bareback since all risk has been addressed.

jerk him off and manually put some cum on your skin, in your mouth and inside your vagina to test for a reaction

if you don't have dog allergies it should be fine, in all of history there's only a single recorded death from dog cum allergy

but it's probably best to test the waters before you let him inject a full load deep inside you

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I don't know if I'm allergic. I've read that girls can get really bad reactions sometimes and it totally bars them from doing anything with their dogs.
I've tested it on my skin, it felt itchy after a bit and I couldn't tell if I got a rash from it. I'm worried and mildly autistic when it comes to stuff like mild pains and discomforts like this.
Valid reason but no.

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Lol no you are not allergic. Stop being a pussy and let him take you.

if you really want to use a condom, get one of those loose fitting female condoms and insert it inside yourself before you let him mount you

trying to get a condom onto an eager male dog is going to be a real challenge, but it's easier if you unroll it first and add some extra lube to make it slip on

the nice thing about putting human condoms on dogs is that as long as you get the rubber ring behind the knot it takes a lot for it to slip off by accident

but there's hardly any need to ever use a condom with a dog unless you want to collect their semen for some reason

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A little itch/rash wont amount to anything serious. If you’re truly that worried, you could douche right after the act to get his cum out of you. You could also use a larger size condom I imagine. There are a few amateur beast vids on the web of girls drinking dog cum from condoms. Around the base of the knot is probably your best bet.

Itchy but no rash? I'd say trying one more time on the skin to see if a reaction occurs one more time. If a reaction does occur but still no rash, I'd go to the doctor and ask them about an allergic reaction to your "boyfriend's" seminal fluids and ask for an allergy test. If you want to feel less embarrassed, just say you want the test in case you wish to get pregnant in the future.

>2014 femanon comes back only to ask how she can fuck her dog in the most stupid, needlessly careful way
OP has to be some autistic girl still living with her parents. Kinda hot tbh, do you just lock the door or do you wait until they’re both out of the house? How often do you jerk him?

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Oh also beast thread

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Around the base of the knot, sounds right.
Female condom actually sounds like a good idea, I think I'll probably end up doing that.
Definitely not doing the doctor thing, I'd end up never going to an appointment for something like that.
I live alone, tard. I do it in the living room on a towel and I jerk him once or more a week.

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How much does he cum and do you swallow his load?

You'll be fine, your skin got a little itchy either from the cum drying or from your brain because hypochondria. God, this is hot. Non-nude pic of some kind? I kinda want to imagine you while I hear about this.

Please describe an experience with your dog

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This is so hottt. What's your kik I want updates

Big think moment: If the doctor figures out it’s dog semen, is he allowed to tell anyone/report it to the police that OP is attempting to start fucking her dog or does hypocratic oath protect her and her autism?
OP are you on the spectrum at all? It feels like you are and mildly autistic girls are my fetish

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I'm here to ask a question I dont give a fuck about you degenerates wanting to jerk off to me, kill yourself

But we do something for you...you do something for us. Not your personal army or resource, ho.

>Not your personal army or resource
imagine being this retarded, im not here telling people to go stuff for me it's a question just like you did yours, I dont owe you anything cock sucker faggot

Tits or gtfo you muppet

>impersonates me, doesn't even post dog stock images
You're a failure user.
I'm not autistic but I joke about it if that helps you user.
Did you read the orginal post, retard?
No, sorry.

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Obvious fakefag

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Two 00 dubs? Dang

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Since no one else has sense about this here: We need to see his dick to be able to tell you if it would fit.

Obvious fakefag

yet people fall for it, calling it out doesnt make you smart dummy

He would probably tell the police dude

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>>impersonates me, doesn't even post dog stock images
>You're a failure user.

why would I if people still believe me, you are not worth the effort

I’m smarter than you faggot

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Stop bickering, you two.
I think I'm gonna go with the female condom like suggested.

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>femanon here

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Since you won't share your kik Do you plan up updating us on your future exploits with your dog?

Curious. Why the dog dick vs human?

No. Sorry user. I only post on Sup Forums when I need help with something.
I got meme’d into it by some guy on kik when I was a bit younger. He was really persuasive and described how it’d feel for a female really well and in-depth.

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How young? And have you done it or anything with any dog before at all?

Dog cock is huge compared to human cock, and has a big speed bump.
Also , dogs shoot like a cup of jizz each time.

Yeah I meant updates on Sup Forums

5 inches isn’t huge. That’s average.

Depends on dog and usually

I’m curious what girls think about it. To me I want to see my gf ravaged by a big mutt because it’s wrong. And because it’s not supposed to happen.

>I got meme’d into it by some guy on kik >when I was a bit younger. He was really >persuasive and described how it’d feel >for a female really well and in-depth
There's a decent chance that was me. Haha. Give a hint about the Kik name you were using then.

this. humans cannot get pregnant from dog semen

last gf said she was """curious""", turns out she had been doing it quite a while. Ngl its pretty hot but I am not a watcher.

She was probably 12. And you’re probably a beast loving pedo wannabe rapist.

She ever show you pics? I had a girl on my snap one time that i thought was joking about it but actually sent me pics of the dog fucking her tiny pussy. I wish I still had them.

Seems like you're making a lot of assumptions. And coming off pretty righteous for some who is already reading a deviant as fuck thread on Sup Forums. just saying

If I went on a date and she said “I’m into beastiality and fuck my golden retriever sometimes, I would allow her to be a little more ugly and still date her.

Got a few pics, found therm again randomly one day on Yandex a while a go.

It’s /b. Fuck you. And your tiny dog.

Post them

Cant be bothered with a ban

Sure thing bud

Sorry user, no pedofap material for you.
I’ve only jerked him and let him lick.
Yeah, dogs are hot.
No. I’m probably not gonna be back to Sup Forums for a few months/years.
It was some dumb shit when I thought I was a furry. Toxic_Wolf or something like that, can’t remember.
I couldn’t imagine telling anyone.

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Well...not telling someone means you couldn’t do it anymore in a relationship without hiding it. I’d love to watch you get fucked by our dog. Maybe while you sucked me off too. I’d cum when he came.

When you jerked him did he seem willing? How much prep did it take to get his red rocket out? Did he last long?

>It was some dumb shit when I thought I was a furry. Toxic_Wolf or something like that, can’t remember.

Off the top of my head I don't think I ever talked about to any girl with "toxic" in her Kik name. Funny tho. It's a.minor hobby of mine.

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Got any like this ?

Got any like what? That's my screencap so yeah I guess. I have many of these sorts of conversations saved.

Making love? How old was she

There was no reason to mention that you were female.

your father or brothers have a responsibility to kill you to preserve the family's honor


Every reason. If it was a dude I wouldn’t be in here wishing i could watch.


*any more, please do post more conversations of this nature.

> woman lives alone
who pays for your housing, meretrix?

Here's another one. Asian college girl. So it's not just about sending them vids and saying pervy shit and seeing what happens. It takes.a deft touch. Know what you're talking about and write/communicate it well.

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Did you ever get one to fuck their dog and send you pics of it?

Jesus, I would never be able to pull this shit off. MOAR

Jesus christ. I swear this shit will be completely normalized within the next decade. I personally know TWO separate girls I went to school with who admitted to me they each jerked off their dogs when they were younger, two completely separate girls whom don't know each other, they confessed to me after we had a couple drinks. And when you think about it two is actually a lot.

It’s hot af. Who are the two girls?

Bump. Did OP go to buy condoms?

She said she wasn’t going to do updates, I wish she did. Me me want OP to talk about how she jerks her goldie off

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She could be loved. But she’s a cunt. Dogs don’t love. But we could OP. Also, fuck you for not TGFO. Ugly bitch.

These just bits of longer conversations obviously. And I'm not showing the actual where I describe everything and answer questions. Trade secret. Many of the girls start out disgusted but they end up in a very different state of mind.

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Don’t tease us. That’s enough to get banned. Why not show more

Just dump all the texts you have

If anybody really wants to discuss it I can post my burner kik,.but there are certain details of my method and the various girls that I just won't get into.

We just wanna see some dog wang in puntang

Fuck that, the conversations are more entertaining

Except they’re just saying “hey that’s hot”. Let’s see a convo where she actually partakes.

>all these replies
>”female” op
Y’all are some faggots

You’re jealous the golden retriever has a bigger dick than you. Faggot.


You heard the man. Abide.

>more disappointed you spergs are still replying to a “female”

You’re replying to men. That’s why you’re a faggot

Calling for OP to return to the thread
Did you get your female condoms and are your initial by any chance S.F.

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This girl started out appalled but ended up just going nuts for the idea.

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Do you have kik OP? I can help

Wow, what a fucking slut. That's awesome

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Share kik names dude

There's just no way. As it is, I've probably already made it more difficult for myself in the future, since a bunch of you will now no doubt try this and fail.

What's your kik then

Carry on posting, dont give a fuck about your kik

Post the best replies you've had from girls