Can someone redpill me on impeachment, and why this guy is being attacked? (avoid orange man bad fallacy please)

Can someone redpill me on impeachment, and why this guy is being attacked? (avoid orange man bad fallacy please)

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>let's wait until the next election to actually try to do the impeaching we've ranted about for years.

he used his office and the power it provides to further his own personal agenda, ie reelection, through a quid pro quo relationship with the president of ukraine. they are alleging that he would not have given ukraine aid, or that he was threatening as much, unless ukraine investigated one of his political opponents. i know people like to suck drumpf cock but as a taxpayer do you really want to be PAYING for this supposed millionaire to be reelected? pretty cucked if so

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>"orange man bad" fallacy
Oh, you're clearly a totally non-biased, reasonable person who's only concern is the truth.

They heard fourthhand through a democratic operative that something happened with military aid and the investigation into the energy company corruption naming Hunter Biden as a chairman with zero experience and 50k a month, just because Uncle Joe strongarmed him in.

The full transcript was released months ago, so there's no question on what was said. There was no military aid being withheld, it was given, the Hunter investigation started way before the president even asked the new Ukranian prime minister about it, and the PM said that there was no strong arming or anything involved.

Now the democrats are going through a shady process behind closed doors, without allowing the republicans to question witnesses, and their star witness was fourth hand hearsay conjecture about a conversation that was already fully released. It's pathetic political circus of utter bullshit. Just like the Russian Collusion and serial gang rapist supreme court inductee bullshit. Same shit, different wrapper, same shitty democrats.

We presently have no official:

-Director of Department of Homeland Security
-ICE Director
-Director of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

and have had major gaps (unfilled for more than 1 year of DT's presidency) in the positions of

-Air Force Secretary
-United States Secretary of the Interior
-United States Ambassador to the United Nations
-White House Chief of Staff
-United States Secretary of Defense
-Secret Service Director
...and many of the people in these positions right now are there only in an "Acting As" capacity.

Orange man not bad, orange man just lazy and not doing what he's being paid to do. Orange man incompetent at staffing major security roles.

>...and many of the people in these positions right now are there only in an "Acting As" capacity.
You're saying this as if it hasn't literally been normal policy of executive branch autonomy for decades.

I assume the "delay" bit is regarding the confirmation for the NWS. The guy they nominated is the CEO of Accuweather. He is literally the worst person to be in charge of the organization.

Its akin to nominating the CEO of Comcast to the FCC

Pretty much this.

And to anyone arguing "But he gave Ukraine the aid in the end." That doesn't matter. It's conspiracy to do crime.

In criminal law, conspiracy to commit a crime is often a crime. For example, conspiracy to commit murder is a crime.

And also, before these Trumptards start saying "BUT BIDEN". Yes, most democrats also agree Biden and Biden's son's activities in Ukraine were unethical, and likely warrent Biden dropping out of the race. No real liberals want him anyways. It's literally only establishment dems propping up that old fucktard.

Except it's now firsthand, since we have an active investigation going on.

Get cucked and goodbye.

trump tried to fill his vacancies. no one wanted the jobs. he's in FURIOUS ATTACK/DEFENSE MODE!!

and just had witness tampering and obstruction of justice added to his impeachment repertoire.

moreover, the man's spent 6 trillion in 3 years -- peacetime - to inflate a false economy. the upcoming recession will be MASSIVE.

No that guy, but "acting in a capacity as official xyz temporarily" usually means a few weeks or a few months. Not 3 fucking years.

Want to know why there's no ICE director? Because ICE is fucking "losing" children all over the fucking place and they're probably on Epstein V2s pedo-island by now.

Actually I completely disagree that Biden and Biden's Son are involved in any conspiracy or have done anything wrong. The time line is ridiculous. The investigation into Burisma was opened yeeears before Hunter Biden joined Burisma, and it was shelved/closed years before he joined. The corrupt prosecutor Biden pressured to have removed at the beheast of the Obama State Department and our allies in the EU was not investigating anything. It was in fact the prosecutor that replaced him that reopened the investigation into Burisma. The entire republican narrative about the Bidens and about Ukraine interfering in our elections is a shame, they are literally blowing smoke up the ass of their cult like base.

All they want is people to think "Biden Bad" and "Ukraine Election Interference" instead of "Russia and Trump"

They literally just busted a ring of 600 children that were recycled and used by cartels for claiming asylum for childless migrants. They're not, "losing them," because they never had them to begin with, it's catch and release on the southern border.

Very fair points.

That being said, and speaking as a liberal, I think it's fucking slimy that Hunter gets a cool $50k/month solely based on his last name. It's extremely hypocritical to espouse virtues of meritocracy and equal opportunity while simultaneously exploiting your power for personal or familial gain. Trump is doing the same for his own family, in our government, and enriching himself through exploiting his role in government. I'm not cool with voting in someone who feels the same about exploiting their power.

Amongst other things, he frequently and openly uses his position as president to advertise his familys' businesses, which is a breach of contract. He's not subtle about maintaining control of the businesses he's set up and was supposed to be putting into a blind trust for his presidency, including on foreign soil, which is also a breach.
Also, not only has what many people considered to be his central promise not been delivered, but also he publically yoyos between "well, of course it's not going to be 100% effective" and "THE WALL IS FUCKING INVINCIBLE".
He also personally interferes in foreign affairs beyond his station, including Bolivia and the United Kingdom. His ties to Russia, and how much they're allowed to interfere with domestic electorial processes, are also alarming.

>Except it's now firsthand, since we have an active investigation going on.
Did you miss the star witness yesterday? A diplomat who heard from a staffer who heard from another game of telephone that something something conjecture hearsay. The transcript of the full fucking conversation was released. The prime minister said there was no quid pro quo. There wasn't because they didn't even know there was aid being withheld, the investigation was ongoing before the prime minister came into office, and the aid was given in the stated timeline which was never altered. I repeat, the transcript of the entire conversation was publicly released for MONTHS. You and I can read it all right now. There's nothing fucking there.

Jesus democrats are fucking stupid. Not to mention that their prime minister ran on quashing corruption, of which this Hunter Biden thing is a very large example of. And that offering favors from executive to executive is not only legal, but the entire way that diplomacy has functioned between nations. Kind of like how there is no legal definition of "collusion," which he was also all but exonerated of.

No this is more bullshit man. Hunter Biden isnt some teenager who just landed a job cause of his dad.

He is a grown as man who previously served on the Board of Directors for AMTRAK. He is on the fucking board of Burisma. He was a partner in the law firm Burisma hired to develop best practices for dealing with the Ukrainian government in the AFTERMATH of corruption. They fucking hired him to the board after.

>getting baited this hard

this guy is being attacked because we transitioned from "Our President" era to "Not My President" era.

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As a Republican voter, I think it's really silly to sacrifice Biden in order to secure a Trump impeachment. Of the democratic candidates, I think he is the best choice for president. Moreover, I'd much rather see Biden occupy the office of President than virtually any woman, let alone Warren.

Women in general are not meant to hold that kind of singular authority, but Warren is just a nut case.

ZZZZZZZ astro turf

As a queer black male U like buttery males to much I died myself orange and voted for Trump because he is the most stable genius compared to Crooked Hillary emails server.

Is this a bot? If so, bad bot.

Is bad a this? If so, bot bot.

ok, but wasn't he going to make washington wake up and get to work, drain the swamp of exactly that sort of thing?
you're basically saying trump is just corrupt business as usual and sounds like an affirmative defense

We don't do "catch and release" with human beings user
and then you wonder why they call them concentration camps.

I wish there were a bot like this.

I wish bot bot a bot like bot.

quid pro quo isn't a crime u newsfag

This hearing is going to be a larger hoax than the Kavenaugh hearing. After polling this mess, I would guess they will shut this down.

At this point, somebody with SECOND hand information would be exciting.

After all that build up. OMG.

Neither is getting a BJ from your secretary but that didn't stop the Republicans from impeaching ole billy bob clinton.

hurdur womanbad

orange man ____

No one wonders why "they" call them concentration camps.
"They" call them concentration camps in a naked attempt to paint the detainment of criminal fugitives and irresponsible parents as some horrendous crime against humanity. It simply isn't.

Clinton lied under oath, that IS a crime

he's too stupid to break the law covertly like everyone else. same amount of corruption with none of the necessary competence to pull it off

Did not say women are bad. Said women aren't meant to have that kind of authority.


Good to know. I'm immune to prosecution by the judicial system when I run for office.

So when DT is called to testify, under oath, and lies, will all republicans then go "welp, guess we need to indict him"?

+ obstruction-

that has never happened-

>pretending corporatist prime or corporatist lite are the two main democratic candidates
>ignoring the most popular politician in the country who doesn't waffle or backtrack on doing what the american people want
anyone who waffles on medicare for all is instantly disqualified. only one candidate left

You think that doing "what the American people want" is the right way to govern the country?
The IQ of the average American is 98 and falling. That person has no idea how are system of government works or what it is meant to achieve.

Hand the reins of control to the American public and they will attempt to vote themselves into individual prosperity without any regard for the consequences of that behavior.

Now I understand everyone's shit's emotional right now. But I've got a 3 point plan that's going to fix EVERYTHING.

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>orange man bad fallacy
Because obviously orange man good!

>delusional bot

We could all learn a thing or two about leadership from Duane Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho.

That's cool. You have anything of actual substance to say?

one democrat hoax after another.

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>hurrdurr hurrdurrr

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There is a simple question to ask yourself. "If another President whom I didn't vote for/didn't agree with did this same thing, would my position change?" If yes, then you lack any sort of critical thinking skills and you're a loyalist shill who can't think for themselves. Or just a troll.

>pretending social democracy isn't provably the most effective economic system
yeah, tard, this isn't theoretical. your opinions are demonstrably wrong

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Nice strawman argument you have there. Fucking retard.

>americans don't know what the best means of running a country are
>pretending it takes a genius to look at the best functioning societies and emulate their success
look, it's fine if you're a fascist who hates democracy and objective verification of your ideology, but don't back away from your retardation. that's cowardly

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those are your opinions, stud duck. Nothing more.

Socialism has never worked.

Demand side economics have never worked, except to treat symptoms short term.

No true democracy has lasted 200 years, in world history.

stop posting politics on Sup Forums, you have a shit posting board specifically for this and there are other shit posting tramp thread on Sup Forums right now. Next time you want to make a shit thread like this, look for other shit thread by like minded shit posters and toil away in there.

Trump isn't taking a paycheck for his time as pres.
Taxpayer ain't payin' for nuffin, fam.

>Honesty believes that

one democrat hoax after another.

>Socialism has never worked.
who's talking about socialism? i'm talking about the demonstrably most effective economic system ever devised. highly regulated capitalism with strong social welfare programs, aka social democracy. i know it's easier to parrot mouth noises that make you feel good, rather than to think and learn about actual factual reality

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I gave up on trying to explaining reality to trumpcucks

Lol user you silly goose he doesn't want sjw bs that cries about trump being "Racist and a big meanie"

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Fossil fools

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>Trump isn't taking a paycheck for his time as pres.
the allegation is that he's using taxpayer funds to win reelection retard, not taking home extra cash. you tried to pretend you didn't know he's guilty of exactly that. for take home cash he gives weapons deals to saudi arabia (to massacre yemeni children) and they rent out shitloads of rooms at his hotels, overpay, and don't even stay. trump said saudi arabia attacked us on 911 and now he's taking their blood money. that's unconstitutional btw

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>it's easier to parrot mouth noises that make you feel good
well, you are leading by example.

another fucking zero-


I'm not American, I do consider myself right wing, overall I support Trump, but I do love this meme.

>can't respond to any points
>no u
i accept your surrender, child.

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too stupid to reply.


one democrat hoax after another.

before trump was president he went to canada and marveled at how superior their healthcare system is. now that he's getting paid by health insurance and pharmaceutical companies, single payer healthcare is suddenly socialism that will destroy our country. he stabbed the american people in the back and has the blood of tens of thousands who die every year from preventable health problems on his hands. he's a warmongering corporatist conservative just like obama, but worse and dumber

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This is my opinion, roast me if I'm baiting or newfagging.

1. Something is fucked. We don't know exactly what. It is so convoluted it's impossible to know exactly what.
2. Anyone who pretends to know what is going on is either Edward Snowden 2.0 or a coffee sipping times reading wannabe politician who thinks they are smart and are has goond opinon.
3. This indicates the miserable political and intellectual state of our country atm.
4. Kys fag

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In the bible belt liberals cannot survive being in constant need of the blood of children and salty air leftover from abduction chem trails.

you people are as bad as MSM. I, for one, no longer believe a thing you people say.

watch the hearing...take tissues. Don't hurt yourself.


Money, it's been money for decades.
Edward did know a lot so I don't know what you're trying to say here
Can't argue against these.

Aaaand this is related to what I wrote how?

I am not saying this guy is 100% right, but quite a bit of this is right.
I have no way of knowing about all of it,

>i can't hear you lah lah lah lah arguments and evidence are for fags lah lah lah lah
if grownup conversations are too much for you, there's the door.

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its all a cover to democrat crimes.


Yeah, women are vaginas only and not for the thinking or any thoughts or authority over for the people without vaginas that are men

you said that you support trump, and i pointed out just one out of many reasons why you shouldn't. i know trump supporters have a hard time comprehending that trumps words and actions should effect how you view him and that support for someone shouldn't be for no good reason whatsoever

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What about Obama arming factions within the Ukraine so they would fight against those who wanted to ally with the russians? I guess if dems interfere it's ok. I'm against most foreign fuckery but the double standard is pretty obvious.

All of what you said is incorrect and false

He's saying the only people who truly know anything have inside info they can verify. All I know is our government does not work for us. They see us as their subjects.

Another day another series of 1% of Americans who think they represent the 50% of voters getting upset because both sides are paranoid window lickers who just listen to media for their information.

Then they cry about how we are supposedly Jealous for not being American and telling them what the reality is, as the salty tears food down their chubby cheeks.

This 1% will never understand politics, they are rule by buzz words, they stuff low quality foods and fake meat into their faces thinking they are paying great prices for premium cuts, and somehow paying premium prices on healthcare supposedly gets them healthcare that is light speed ahead of the rest of the world.

It's a brand new comedy show daily.

Shame about the other 99% of voters who constantly facepalm themselves when the boifats come out of hiding.

Yes, yes, welcome to the 60s

obama didn't blackmail/bribe a foreign leader to dig up dirt on his political opponents. that's the charge. the establishment dems are not against trump's foreign warmongering, in fact they pressure him to be MORE hawkish

What do you think happens to that money, just curious?

Literally everything in this post is incorrect, some of it was true a few months ago but the real truth has come out

Nothing new there, they did it with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan from the 70s to fight the Russians, which backfired when a new power took hold of Iran, and the US were forced to push Saddam Hussein into power in Iraq, pay $1 trn in goods, arms, money for them to try and topple the Iranian government that was placed. All because the new Iranian government wouldn't give the US cheap oil.

That is how Al'Qaeda started and you can find the information on declassified 2004 CIA documents about it.


It's much worse now. Bribery wasn't legalized back then, now it's just called lobbying. Everyone is bought and paid for. Military industrial complex has us in an endless war we didn't have back then. Amazon more or less owns the government at this point and people don't even realize it. What private company had all of the governments top secret data in the past?

Using the power of office to aid personal gain is though, give me one reason that withheld the military aid, I know it was released in the end but why was it withheld. No one is answering that questions

Well the muslims attacked us on 9-11 simply because Saudi Arabia allowed us to have bases there and they didn't agree with it. Not a great reason. People will always be shitty to each other, it will never end. Jews also obviously had something to do with 911, as evidenced by 'the call' and that they took out insurance right before the attacks.

Propaganda on, you losers-

Can you feel it?


>Using the power of office to aid personal gain is a crime

o rly
wat crime is called?


Actually that isn't true, during the Saddam Push by the US in Iraq to go to war with Iran, Trade agreements that involved both Bush's Sr and Jr and their trade partners back in the US, were in trade deals with the Bin Ladens. Osama was not amused because the US were fucking about with both Iraq and Iran after being seen as a good nation with help in Afghanistan. His family disowned him and he fled to Afghanistan where he picked up the trainer Mujahideen.

It was quiet until the US stupidly sailed a cruiser into Iranian waters and shot down a passenger jet heading out from Iran to Saudi Arabia.

That started the ball rolling for Al'Qaeda to strike at targets, it took until 2001 for Bin Laden to hit the US where it hurts because of his hate of the US trade agreements etc that separated his family up, the WTC was a perfect choice.

He always said that is why he hit it.