To be a black man is to never know what it is to be an incel or a cuckold or a beta male

To be a black man is to never know what it is to be an incel or a cuckold or a beta male.

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or a father


My roommate is black and he is all of those things.

No it means every bitch you meet expects you to be a chad with a massive dick but are disappointed when you’re not. I had a black friend who told me girls would always ghost him after they hooked up cause they didn’t care for his average dick. Women don’t care about skin color faggot, they just like to be whores.

you say that as if Black men care lmao.

whitebois: N-niggers just get women p-pregnant and dont even f-father the child!
Black men: Yes.

>jewish nose on topleft

imagine looking like shit

i'm actually half black myself, just stated a fact really. stop getting upset on Sup Forums

imagine being so frustrated that Black men are fucking all your women that you can do anything but complain on an anonymous imageboard about it. topkek

no you arent lmao

That's right

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KEK, as if anyone actually wishes they were black, that's the best thing to ever come from a bait thread

Or a productive member of society.
Or a useful human being.

or a well mannered citizen


All of these threads are made by trannies, sissies and gay men. Its fine to be gay, but OP and his discord trannies are spamming the catalog daily with hundreds of threads. Archives shows thousands of threads with the same copypasta and filenames.

He should be range blocked at this point for flooding the catalog daily and breaking the posting rules.

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Imagine thinking black on white porn represents reality. Fuck off faggot.


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The middle one has the perfect amount of hang on her tits


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You're probably both a racist and a cuck. Go kill yourself.


can you cuck faggots learn to sage or not respond?

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