You have 10 seconds to name something worse than American culture

You have 10 seconds to name something worse than American culture.

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jewish culture


The jews that subverted American culture and niggers

there literally is nothing worse

Niggers make it worse

Being a 40 year old virgin but these are pretty bad too

Communism which in reality it's just this

>american culture
i don't see any unhinged shooters

OP for sure. He has no job, no friends, and spends all his time on Sup Forums trying to bait Americans because he’s an obsessed loser.


>having a job
oh no what a slave

Simple the rest of the World. Its such a shit hole. Europe is now a cuck 3 World dump. Asia well better not want freedom or be a woman. Africa enjoy being raped and AIDs. Thats on the lucky side. Middle East get real.

indian culture


Africa's not so bad. Fuck a woman for $20 all night and once you've tasted black there's no going back I'm afraid.

>"American" culture
wrong that is jewish inventions, all that trash was made by and funded by kikes, true American culture has always been based on Biblical Christianity and because we have gotten away from doing what the Bible said, all this evil is come upon us.

Being an American.

Its not so bad being american.

My backyard in fl is pic related and today I had a double cheeseburger for breakfast

Try spending your time not hating other cultures and you may just find happiness.

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This was dinner a couple nights ago.

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Here's me snorkeling with a whore

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Yes, florida.

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Ahh, I guess America isn't that bad.

Im jealous. Im in Iowa and heading into winter.

So no marriage before sex, strict moral guidelines, putting emphasis on raising a family is bad? You sound like a degenerate faggot.

its cold here too bud, was like 59 degrees this morning.

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Are Jews and niggers the reason you're little dicked virgins too?

>Seething samefag

Biblical Christianity is hardly different than Judaism so what exactly are you complaining about loser? It must suck waking up and thinking you're inferior to Jews first thing in the morning.

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Well that was 3 years ago. Maybe you live in a tent now. ;)

See, you have zero evidence to conclude that this responder has any sort of penis.

I think you are projecting your anger towards others. Perhaps because you have a small penis.

Either way.... anger is not the answer. Get off the pc. Go outside. Meet a girl, meet a friend. Enjoy the sunshine. Here's some more pictures of Florida for ya.

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Stay away from those, they killed Steve Irwin

Your mom.

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There are worse places to live than a tent in florida :)

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We have been below 0 already and it has snowed twice

Sounds like a good way to get AIDS.

Any muslim nation

Half of the shit in that picture is pretty good. How can you hate BB King and Coca cola?

Yes, I learned my lesson early about stingrays. I was fucking with one and it got me through my right hand. Had to have it surgically removed because of the barbs.

Key words being, i fucked with a stingray... I'm sure steve was trying to ride the mother fucker like a flying carpet.

Stingrays dont just swim backwards to attack... its a defensive weapon, and you must give the stingray leverage... like standing or sitting or kneeling on top of it..... I'm sure steve was doing something he shouldn't have.

It froze here a few years ago. they had to close down the bridges because people in florida don't know how to drive on ice... only how to drive while high on ice.... hehe, wish i were joking.

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Well you obviously use protection.

Jews have the worst culture
Their religion is literally a claim of racial superiority "God's chosen people"

Jews fuck up everything they touch
Communism and Capitalism
Give a Jew freedom? He will destroy your nation with porn, drugs and usury loans
Give a Jew equality? He will destroy your nation with Communism, egalitarianism, feminism and identity politics

They take everything way too far

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choose one

wrong, when you aren't brainwashed like you are, you can separate your culture from the culture around you. Biblical Christianity is not Judaism, to say so is laughable, Jews hate Jesus Christ unanimously. You are a fool and know nothing

Im all for hating people but I dont know about this extreme jewish shit. The niggers yeah

Any black culture.

Look up E Michael Jones talking about "Tikkun Olam" or his book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

It's literally the Jewish culture
"Tikkun Olam" is a Talmudic ideology and it means to save the world

Jews are always scheming to change the world in radical ways because they can never just be satisfied

Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing.

Not even Swedish rape and grenade culture?

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OP gave up.

Convincing pictures of florida changed his mind.

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muslim culture