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I'm not a fan


was in W.Virginia awhile back. #1 state with meth and heroin addiction. its bigtime. everyone from teens to adults. everywhere you go. pretty dam sad. beautiful state with a lot of fucked up people.

I'd keep her chained to a radiator for convenient blowjobs.

ide be willing to bet, this pic is from there.. lol....

Free assault with no witnesses. Lets do this.

How much OP paid for her services.

Here's a fact about this girl 30yrs old mother of 9 kids
1 died due of meth
Other 8 kids got adopted out by the state.
I used to fuck this girl last year, while her husband was alive at the time was either gone or sleep.
Fact: we were neighbors.
I gave her food and money, she gave me pussy.

About 4 months ago her husband died due of meth.


how many stds did you get?

Lucky I didn't get no STDS BUT I did got some pussy. The good thing about junkies you get to take avenge of them. They'll do anything just for a line of dope


sounds like W.Virginia to me???

Welcome to TENNESSEE


“Ray” sounds like a white trash hillbilly nigger.

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ok, well..right next door. lotta southern states affected by this shit. and 30? she looks 50

Yeah she just turn 30. She doesn't have tits she's flat chest

I honestly didn't care because she was wanting money and food from me everyday so one day, I lay her down and start kissing her
She didn't say anything so I kelp going.......
After the first tone I fuck her, I kelp doing it.
I fuck her about 20 times



We sleep together one time only, while her husband was at her place. Lol

I once fucked a dog while she watched

She's only good for a fucking or two and then murder when you're satisfied

I am a gay faggot who loves black men


I didn't fuck a dog u dumb mother fucker.

U sick bastard you're being reported


I also let the dog fuck me

I ain’t gay bish. I only let one nigga up my booty hole in the pen an dat was fo cigarettes!


I can only get off to midget rape porn


1 buck blowjob

My mom used to take me to see men who where all my uncles, they really enjoyed me sitting on their laps. We used to get McDonalds after.


i want to see her naked, and i never want to smoke meth

Any nudes of this bitch? I wanna see her pussy

Epstein didn't kill himself

- Ray

The holocaust didn't happen


thanks for the run down ray

I have a feeling that this actually happened to you

I want the brown lesbian to take my guns


Way of the road Rick.


Meth head pussy

A person created in the image of God being ruined by temptation, unlucky circumstance and a bad community with a bad culture.

I wish the Nazis won

The Germans invented meth dipshit

Yeahh, Elon Musky...you was all time

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She was probably abused sometime in her life, would like to see that.