ITT: We list the known and alleged crimes of Donald Trump

ITT: We list the known and alleged crimes of Donald Trump

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1) improving the economy/DOW

2) fucked up Abu

stole the spotlight

Stole my heart too

4) he cared too much

Crime: Trump is alleged to have extorted and/or bribed the head of a foreign country.

Evidence: the evidence of this crime first came from the White House itself in a memo describing a phone to Pres. Zelensky. Since then, various witness have testified under oath that this incidence of extortion/bribery occurred.

Outcome: possible impeachment.

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lol, over 1000 days of bargaining now.
Any day now, surely this time will be the one.

5) I hear he’s got a big dick

Beating leftist cunts and exposing their vile corruption and the phoney and sanctimonious platitudes that hide it. Its a crime to them.

Except the transcripts of these calls do not corroborate the allegations by those who reported wrong doing.

Crime: Trump has sought to use foreign countries to undermine US Intelligence services.

Evidence: the evidence for this crime comes from Trump's personal lawyer who reported that he asked a foreign country to come up with a story that would counter the findings of US Intelligence services. Since then: a number of witnesses have testified under oath that Trump and his assistants worked on this effort.

Notes: in 2017, every single US Intelligence agency (CIA, NSA, DIA, etc.) reported publicly that Russia had meddled in the 2016 presidential election in an effort to get Trump elected. Subsequently, most of the western allied intelligence services (England, France, Germany, Israel, and others) confirmed these findings. Because this intelligence confirms the fraudulent nature of Trump's election as POTUS, Trump is eager to have some other story to tell, and has asked foreign governments to undermine the findings of the US Intelligence services.

Outcome: possible impeachment.

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>muh russia

nice b8

tax evasion
money laundering
fucking kids
witness intimidation

what transcripts?

please provide these transcripts.

Crime: illegal use of campaign funds

Evidence: the evidence for illegal use of campaign funds comes from Micheal Cohen, former personal lawyer to Trump, who testified that he and Trump used campaign funds to pay for the silence of Trump's mistress.

Outcome: currently under investigation by the state of NY.

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>extorted and/or bribed the head of a foreign country

That's called politics. When US initiates a trade embargo to force a country to do something the US wants that is essentially extortion.


>evidence of this crime

Crime: Obstruction of Justice.

Evidence: the Mueller reported detailed nine separate instances where Trump sought to obstruct the Mueller investigation. Since then, Trump and members of his administration have refused to comply with legally-valid subpoenas from a congressional investigation.

Outcome: possible impeachment.

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dont cops arrest people who commit crimes?

crime: Donald is known to not use proper gender pronouns

Crime: Fraud.

Evidence: Trump has previously admitted to fraud in two separate court cases. Recently, Trump agreed to pay a $2million fine to the state of NY after admitting to running a "charity" foundation and misusing the funds from that charity.

Outcome: adjudicated; guilty verdict returned.

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Crime: violating federal housing statutes.

Evidence: Trump has twice been found guilty in US courts of violating federal fair housing regulations.

Outcome; adjudicated; guilty verdict returned.

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can you feel it-

The WH has not yet released a true transcript of this call. (The WH did release a partially redacted "memo" describing the call.) Furthermore, the WH has admitted to moving the recording of the call to a special high security server - something that makes the WH look guilty of a cover-up.

one democrat hoax after another.

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pissed, nobody could alter it, huh?

Not even Trump.


Wonderful you watched Nancy pelosi move the goalposts once again.

Enjoy your frustration libcuck for 5 more years

3 witnesses, none of which have any information about the call.


>The WH has not yet released a true transcript of this call. (The WH did release a partially redacted "memo" describing the call.) Furthermore, the WH has admitted to moving the recording of the call to a special high security server - something that makes the WH look guilty of a cover-up.
Covering up a non-crime is the important thing now? It's so goddamn fun to watch people move the goalposts.

moving goal posts
> ProJecTiOn

These hearings are the best thing lately.

