Does Sup Forums like beans in their chili?

Does Sup Forums like beans in their chili?

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yes anyone and i'll rape anyone that doesn't

Yes, its ok.


not even once.

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Traditional Texas red:
get some dried chilies like Ancho, Arbol, Guajillo, cayenne peppers and cumin seeds and toast them in a dry frying pan or the oven for a few min or until they become fragrant (de seed them, if you want more heat get hotter peppers ), boil some water, turn off and add peppers and let soak for 30min or until rehydrated, dump water and put peppers in blender with1 cup beef broths and puree.

that will be the based for chili con carne, braise 1in cubes of stew meat in bacon fat, brown and crumble pork sausage and satuee fresh peppers then deglaze with some beef broth or beer. Add everything together and simmer for 3 hours

>1 bell pepper
>2 habaneros
>3 poblano peppers
>4 jalapeño peppers
>10 serrano peppers
> chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
>1 lbs of pork sausage
>1 lbs of stew meat
>2 cups of beef broth
>1 onion
>2 cloves garlic
i use paprika, little cocoa powder, brown sugar to thicken the base and add complexity but some people just use masa corn flour to thicken it up

Make fun of me, call me a pleb, or an outright faggot, but I've never made chili from scratch.

That said, with canned chili, I like to add cut-up Angus hotdogs or leftover meat to it. It's very good.

Why yes in fact..
Kidney beans and regular canned beans

its not that much harder and you'll get way better tasting chili

Home style chili:
my chili
>1 bell pepper
>2 habanero
>3 poblano peppers
>4 jalapeño peppers
>10 serrano peppers
> chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
>3 table spoons of my chili powder made from dried, and toasted then ground up Ancho, Arbol, Guajillo, cayenne peppers and cumin seeds
>1 lbs of pork sausage
>1 lbs of ground beef made into burgers BBQ'ed and then chopped into cubes
>2 onions
>4 cloves garlic
>1 can of tomato sauce
>2 can of diced tomatoes w/green chilies
>1 can of dark kidney beans
>1 can of pinto beans
>1 can of light kidney beans
>2 cups of beef broth
>and just a little cocoa powder, brown sugar, and coffee

Nigga look like Bin Laden

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why was this ever funny

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The secret additive to any decent chili recipe is
3 Tbsp brown sugar
2 Tbsp cocoa

Have faith

i believe you user

>Kidney beans and regular canned beans
aren't regular canned beans already kidney beans?

>The secret additive to any decent chili recipe is
MSG fify

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Also bourbon and liquid smoke

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in a bowl, yes. on a hot dog, no.

Regular beans are small and light colour.
Like the ones you’d eat for lunch with hot dogs.
Kidneys are the big dark bastards

yes on the bourbon but liquid smoke is meh, sometimes it works but others it not quite right and stands out in a bad way no matter how little i use. idk maybe its just the applewood liquid smoke i bought

this is a acceptable answer, you pass user

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ah-ha, white beans, never seen anyone put then in chili before

They're called chili beans for a reason


I dont like chili


the 2nd American Civil War won't be fought race, politics, or between economic classes. It will start because somebody was served a Texan a bowl of chili with bean in it.

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No. Chili should be chili but without beans, cheese, or sour cream, and with lots of ghost pepper extract, and eaten by scooping it up with nacho chips.

too many steps, too fucking complicated.

the way to make chili is the following:

>get a big fucking pot
>add some water
>threw in raw ground pork, one of them ground chili packets, a stock cube, salt, can of tomatoes, can of beans, can of corn, cumin powder
>then just boil it all together for like a half an hour
bam just like that, makes good stuff. fuck all these other cunts braising, deseeding, what fucking ever how do you have time for that

>and eaten by scooping it up with nacho chips.
Are you fucking retarded?

>ghost pepper extract
you lost you trips for being such a faggot, nobody cooks with ghost peppers, they're a gimmick because they have no flavor. Carolina reapers on the other hand actually add something to the pot

I cooked lunch with ghost peppers nerd. Some of us like them. Carolina reapers are good too, I grow both of them and like both of them, though I prefer ghost peppers. If you want to name a garbage tier super hot, it's trinidad skorpions, they're nothing but heat, 0 flavor whatsoever.

takes me about 3 hours total including cook time, most of that time is just simmering so it doesn't need to be watched. Besides thats just the traditional way for those that want to try it proper.
You should really at least brown the pork first, only takes like 5min and adds a lot of flavor

He should at least use ground beef not pork.

true, i use this and its killer

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oh wait i need to learn to read, 50/50 beef and ground sausage is is really good, straight up pork would be to hammy though, the sausage has a different flavor

i like spicy but you're being a tryhard, anything past Carolina reaper is just a memechallnge to see how can not shit their pants the longest

>can of corn
>no onion
seek help


Ghost pepper isn't as hot as Carolina reaper you fucktard.

Duh? Who the fuck doesn’t have beans in their chili?

but its fucking flavorless, also depends how you cook it can kill a lot of the heat and boost the flavor which is the point of using Carolina reaper

If you're saying it's flavorless you've never used an extract of it. An extract is more than just the pepper. Also, get some white cheddar, not american shit (and yes, I'm american, and I'm still saying our cheese is shit) get some nice white cheddar imported from wales / england / ireland, get a slice of that, put on a cracker, and cut a tiny tiny piece of a ghost pepper off and put it on top and try it. Even if the extract has more stuff added to it, the pepper is still good if you aren't an idiot that eats the whole damn thing in one bite and you put it on something not just eating it by itself.

>ghost pepper extract
just spray yourself in the mouth with bear mace
also Kraft singles are not real American cheese like you'd get from a deli and Wisconsin has been producing award winning sharp cheddars for the century


>An extract is more than just the pepper
that is the opposite of a extract

do you like goulash?

If it didn't have other things in it, it'd be a powder not a liquid.

>2 : a product (such as an essence or concentrate) prepared by extracting especially : a solution (as in alcohol) of essential constituents of a complex material (such as meat or an aromatic plant)
a pepper extrace is just pepper oils, you a talking about hot sauce made with other ingredients. But im taking about making chili which already has other ingredients so all a ghost pepper is going to add is heatv which is redundant since i can use more flavorful peppers like habaneros or a Carolina reaper if i really want to kick it up while adding more favors to my chili

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How can you complain about heat when you add reapers that are way hotter than ghost peppers? And really, if you're seasoning it right, you shouldn't need more "flavor" from what you add to give it heat.

cooking them over a long period kills the heat down, and i like heat but i also like my food to taste like something other then just mouth burn and when you have something really spicy you need powerful flavors that can compete

French fag here
First chili attempt, what do you think?
Too thick?

In use corn flour what would cocoa powder change as advised before?

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Looks fine to me, but I like my chili to be eaten by scooping it up with nachos, so mine has to be thick. More important question than how it looks, is does it taste good?

like mine that think because i dip corn chips in it but some people like it a little thinner if you're eating like a soup/stew. The coaco powder adds a slight bitterness and balances out the acidity of the other ingredients, you only add a tiny amount like a tea spoon, you shouldn't actually taste it. It sounds odd but people also use coffee or beer to get the same effect

needs beans

It did taste good!
I use bitter beer like ale

Yeah, it was good honestly
I used bitter beer, a whole bottle of ale
No it doesn't, I only use fresh ingredients and red beans are a pain to cook honestly for what they bring

that works great. i usually add a orange or yellow bell pepper just to give it some color variation for presentation

It's not chili if there's no beans!

did you put tomatoes in it?

Hunt's ketchup is close enough to tomatoes right?

Yes I did but maybe not enough

How else are you supposed to make it chili requires red beans.

that just comes down to personal preference, i tend to dice mine on the larger side so my chili doesn't come out like a spicy Italian meat sauce. Also a big part of chilis flavor comes from cumin, not sure if that spice is commonly used over there?

>beans aka filler for the poor

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Beans in chili is a Texan thing. In fact it's a southern thing in general.


nice b8 m8

>adding more ingredients for better variation means you're poor

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Yes it's common, I used chilli powder, cumin, paprika and as dry spices and some bay leaves


no, especially if it's going on a chili dog

beans in is ok some times

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try adding a can of chipotle in adobo sauce, some people consider them spicy, they are about equal to a jalapeno because they are jalapenos but roasted and smoked then put in a amazing sauce thats kinda sweet but not to sweet, ichop them up and toss them in but some people take the time to de seed them.

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beans in Texas chili will get you shot

Thanks for the advice, I will to find that

Being in Texas will get you shot

I prefer to wash with beans

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Nigger I literally live in Texas and not having the proper shit in your food like red beans in chili means you don't know how to even make it

only if you don't shoot them first

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ya'ok buddy. Whats your competition recipe then

Yes. However, do i want them in my country? Thats a whole different discussion.

check quads, that has to feel amazing

Chili without beans is a condiment.

Chili with beans is an entrée.

Quads of the beaniebath.

Lean ground beef, red beans, store bought chili mix with cheese and saltine crackers. I can't do a competition chili, but I can make better gumbo and etouffee then most places in New Orleans.

nothing wrong with home style chili with ground beef and bean but a lot of texasfags get real uppity if chili is cube steak and beanless

If it has beans in it then it's not chili. Its a hearty beef and bean stew.

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that is a good way to look at it, i eat mine bean dip style with chips, cheese and sour cream

What beef stew has ground beef in it?

Honestly I love both, but "Texas Chili" is great on stuff, and proper beanie chili is generally gross on stuff. Its texture just isn't conducive to being used that way.

Most doesn't. I'm just pointing out that once you add beans it stops being chili and becomes something else.

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Chili has beans in it. Chili without beans is just Sloppy Joe mix.

>adding the cheapest thing around to a bunch of ingredients to liven it up is bad

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Motherfucker sloppy joe mix has ketchup in it. The proper use of spices is what makes it chili. Putting beans in your soup (because it's not chili) will get you disqualified from most chili competitions (because it's not chili).

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most competition chilis don't even have onions or garlic, but most authentic Texas chilis do. competition chili is just peppers and beef, at that point just cook a steak and put some hot sauce on it

>hot sauce on a steak
Blasphemer repent for your wrongdoing. Ketchup mixed with mayo is the only thing that should ever go on steak.