Explain to a britfag why trump is being impeached??

Explain to a britfag why trump is being impeached??

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Because the Democrats won't accept the results of the 2016 election and have been bleating about being cheated ever since. Same as they did all through Bush's terms.

They're whiny little faggots who can't stand being away from their mother's tits.

Pointless answer

Using presidential business to further own personal gains including discrediting opposition

Britfag here he is being impeached because he got elected on a republican ticket. The US like the UK is a ZOG state the likes of Trump and Johnson wish to remove the Jewish over representation in the houses of both countries.

Because leftists are becoming the biggest group of cunts on the face of the planet.

Trump is exposing corruption and they hate it because media and left leaning politicians have convinced 50% of America that "orange man bad."

Thanks. So why hasn't this happened before??


Using power of office to invite foreign interference into a domestic election

>Actual answer amidst a growing tide of thinly veiled political propaganda and nonsense

Someone claims they overheard Trump say that he wouldn't provide military aid to Ukraine unless Ukraine investigated Biden (one of the people running against Trump in 2020) and Biden's son's business dealings in Ukraine.

The Ukrainian official that Trump was supposedly talking to said that there was no such demand. The person who claimed to have overheard this has not come forward. Other US officials have said that *they* told Ukrainian officials that they thought Trump would only send financial aid in exchange for the investigation. There's no actual evidence that Trump held up aid in exchange for help with his campaign against Biden, just a bunch of "I heard someone say ___" and "I totally think he would do that".

If he did in fact require the investigation then that's an impeachable offense. But even if he didn't, the average person who doesn't pay much attention to the news thinks he's in a lot of trouble because the news spins all accusations as fact and all denials as probable lies. The purpose of this is to discourage people from openly supporting and/or voting for him in 2020. Convicting someone in the court of public opinion is far easier than convicting someone in actual court.

Cuz orange man bad.

1. Using Federal Office for private gain.
2. Calling a foreign government and asking for dirt on an American. (Is enough)
3. Attempting to bribe/ coerce (quid pro quo) a foreign government official for the purpose of influencing an American election.

Us completely broken down into identity politics. It used to be you might not like people or disagree with their policies but you would still work with them to find some consensus for the good of the country. Now the attitude is that they would rather see the county burn than let the other side get a "win" And it has happened before, back in the 1860s

he is bad
bad at his job and bad at running crimes
fuck lazy shitty bad orange man

He's an outsider and the political establishment can't stand outsiders. The Dems run the house so they start the impeachment process but the senate has the final say so this won't go anywhere except on fake news. All they are doing is insuring Trump gets re-elected and they lose the house in 2020 by wasting time and money doing this. It's really pissing people off everywhere but in the shithole cities that elect democrats no matter how many homeless, illegals, drug addicts and crime they have to put up with.

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Trump is a natural criminal, by which I mean not that he is particularly skilled at crime but that his natural inclination in any situation is to break the law and rules like a natural antisocial criminal type
Whether its simply a lack of development beyond the juvenile mental phase or indicative of brain damage or disease is a different question

Thanks fag

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1. Like Joe Biden using his office to personal family gain for his son?
2. Demanding a foreign gov. Investigate international crimes committed by Biden? What's wrong with that?
3. You mean like Quid Pro Joe bragged about?

This might not be the place to get an unbiased account.

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If you guys have evidence then you could turn it into law enforcement but you just have Rudy Giuliani bullshit which is the opposite of evidence.

1 & 3 are the same based on requesting information on Biden who is guilty of 1). Legally this doesn't stand because it infers intent. 2) is done on a regular basis by administration, intelligence and diplomatic office. Asking for a background check on US citizen foreign resident is essentially this.

Unregulated Social media from 1999-2012 allowed the awaken to over ride the media brainwashing in place since the 1950's even earlier but we will look at the point of television introduction. Look at the names of who are testifying against him and you will see the theme.

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read this and post your thoughts-


Trump is being impeached because-

He armed the police and get waa waa idiots pissed

one democrat hoax after another.

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Just skimmed this for a few seconds, there is some truth here. Mainstream news is designed to keep us from learning that we live in a bubble economy about to burst. Assets are continuously inflating, giving people a false sense of wealth. Government inflation measures such as CPI have been repeatedly changed to understate inflation. Federal Reserve interest rate controls are effectively broken and stuck at or near zero for many years now. Inevitably, the rest of the world will realize we have no choice but to default on our obligations.

The Fed under Greenspan became quite proficient at pushing buttons and pulling levers - manipulating the money supply to an unprecedented extent - successfully preventing the short-term pain of a recession. This manipulation of the natural business cycle has effectively exchanged short-term pain (business closures, loss of jobs, etc) for long-term pain (increased severity of a correction in the future). Combined with misguided attempts to "rescue" failing banks, automakers, etc. we have essentially propped up unproductive businesses, preventing that capital and labor from being freed up and employed elsewhere in the economy.

The government does not have a solution for this. As time passes the distortions created by a centrally planned economy become more apparent, as assets continuously inflate and the country becomes mired in debt, it also becomes less and less competitive with the rest of the world. Additionally, the increased risk from our massively increased national debt calls into question the overall solvency of the currency, and we are already seeing other countries (our lenders) begin to move away from the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. Once the crisis of confidence peaks, and the dollar loses its reserve currency status... it's game over.

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You mean like out of his own fucking mouth?

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because hurt FEE FEES

they know they have Zero chance of defeating him next election

So they are trying to keep him from running
since they cant win

Joe Biden isn't the President, or even in Office, dipshit.
If he committed a crime why doesn't Bill Barr, Trump's hatchet man in the Justice Department investigate and arrest him? Why didn't Mathew Whitaker or Jeff Sessions, Trump's last two AGs not open an investigation and arrest Joe Biden?
Why is Joe Biden a thing close to the election, but not 3 years ago?

He broke the law

but it was 100% OK When Hillary, Obama, Biden and all the top Democrats did it.

yer just dumb

What's the context? Firing someone isn't evidence of corruption unless there's corrupt intent.


I'm not really bothered just wanted to hear it from some Americans

he's a fucking criminal that's why

That mostly in recent news about the Ukraine situation.

At the start they tried also to fish him on any private dealings in the federal office for personal gain, also some bribing and influence under the table. And some other stuff, fishing in shallow waters. The democrats are trying to get any evidence but i bet they wont find something concrete to actually make a real push to kick him out.

But corruption on both sides red and blue, kissing ass, the dems in sour mode since who knows when, both parties getting a vacation while stalling the nation and getting an annual check of 100,000 plus check with bonuses making the nation look like if things are progressing while few hundred millions of dollars wasted on them, i mean billions.

Today is a great day to be a politician.

Flush Washington DC and make America Great Again.

because he exposed the crimes of the opposing party

Haha larouche is insane. I remember those fucktards with their booth in college.

please cite the law that even the witness testifying can not ,,, lol

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Not an argument.

Tits, citation, or GTFO.

Bribing a government to slander a political opponent is not a normal thing in the US. It's kind of funny that you're trying to normalize it.

>larouche is insane
He didn't write the article, genius.
Take your Alinsky tactics elsewhere.


These hearings are the best thing lately.



You won't get an answer because their excuses are superficial. Every talking point is meant to be repeated over and over to muddy the public perception of what's happening. You can't apply critical thinking or the talking points break down.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

>both sides

The unverified Steele dossier opporesearch to grant an illegal FISA warrant when he was a candidate, and continue through president-elect, and president with the Mueller investigation with the help of partisan insiders like Strozk and Paige, which still turned up jack shit.

If trump gets to run again the democrats will have zero chance of winning the next election. They have been a dying party since Bill Clinton's famous quote "It's the economy, stupid." Obama's healthcare plan put the nail in the coffin for the dem party. People finally realize with a country that's worth 20% of the global economy with a population of 320 million we're not the same size as ENTIRE CONTINENTS. So the only way for us to continue to prosper is our economy, and the right people making money. The people who hate hearing that fact that it's not just about money, it's also about the right hands getting it are the same retards that freebase tide pods and preach socialism in any capacity.

>It's just a last ditch effort for democrats to have a shot at winning the next election.

I doubt anything will come of it.

They're a cult. Why do you give them any credit?

Yes. And we need him impeached. Fuck that racist orange idiot.

I'm just impressed that you were able to pack so many conservative lies into such a small space.

too stupid to reply-


Ever thrown a hundred darts at a dart board to try and get a bullseye? That’s what the Dems are doing. Trying to throw everything they can at him to try and make SOMETHING stick... sadly this, “I heard it from someone who told them that they heard it from another party.” Bullshit isn’t going to fly. The whole trial so far is hilarious and garbage. If Hunter Biden was involved with shady Ukrainian business it was Trumps responsibility to figure that out. The only criminals are the ones making up stories.


1.the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation

Asking for information is investigating. Making up information is slander. Being a democrat I can understand why you might be confused.

one democrat hoax after another.

The Ukrainian officials weren't even aware at the time of the phone call that the aid would be held up. The closest thing to evidence that Trump actually intended to make the aid contingent on the investigation is two cases of "Someone told me they overheard something" and one case of "I think he probably won't give the aid unless you investigate." This is nothing but smoke and mirrors.

I still will provide them however, because some poor sap relying on Sup Forums for info might get a little un-muddied. Trumpanzees are luddites and anarchists, in the religio-profiteer sense, they are lost to time.

Impeachment has been attempted against 5 or the last 6 Republican presidents. Nothing new, nothing has changed, Democrats are still the racists too.

If it was just an investigation then why did trump threaten to withhold money that had already been allocated?

You mean like the 'Fetus Rights Neo-Christian Kingdom Republican' cult?

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I didn't know that, why aren't the democrats getting the same treatment?

Buttblast 2016 still rolling. Next why you concerned hes our GOAT. You worry about your fucked up country trying to push jazz hands on normal God fearing people. No freedom of speech, no freedom of guns, nazis controling your internet. Thats what you need to worry about.

This is a 3 year attempt to separate Trump from his supporters.

The left + the MSM have always be able to destroy anybody. They are unable to destroy Trump and are losing. Losing their minds.

Ancient Chinese toast-"may you live in interesting times"


>Democrats are still the racists too
So that's why most officials that are minorities are Democrats? And the klan is all Republicans?
Also, are you aware that obama had impeachment investigations opened on him, and Clinton was actually impeached

Because, in general, republicans care about the process of law whereas the democrats are willing to play dirty to get what they want.

They do

The Democrats have attempted to impeach every Republican president in the past 70 years except for Eisenhower.

That talking point died a long time ago. Ukraine knew in August. I'm not surprised you don't know. Right wing blogs leave that inconvenient stuff out.


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Because he's acted in very specific ways that were laid down in black and white by our founding fathers as "impeachable offenses".

so you MAGA fags can bitch all you want, but this is the exact thing our founding fathers wrote the constitution to avoid happening in the future. this is the specific circumstance they founded this country to get away from. let that sink in, and stop calling yourselves "patriots". its an insult to the people who lay down their lives everyday to protect your right to.....bring guns to schools and shoot their fucking children.

>citation needed

That's not true, ford had no impeachment attempts

It's public record and easily verifiable. Denying it doesn't make it any less.

>Ukraine knew in August
Yeah, and the phone call was in July
Do you even calendar?

hey, I am all about more hearings. you zero's should impeach Kavenaugh next.

What part of your insane rambling are you talking about?

Alright, what were his actions? The transcript was made public months ago, and the Ukrainian prime minister said the conjecture was just that, and the star witnesses are testifying 3rd hand hearsay. C'mon, you're a smart guy. Lay it out for us.

Your argument was that they didn't know they were being bribed. As stupid as that argument is, it's also wrong because they did know.

Democrat aligned fusion GPS bankrolling the unverifiable Steele dossier used as a basis to start a FISA warrant against the Trump campaign with help of partisan deep state operatives like Comey, Strozk, and Paige amalgamating into the Mueller report, which turned up nothing on "Russian Collusion."

I don't know how I could be any more succinct than that.

one democrat hoax after another.

The thing Republicans don't understand about cult ideology is that it forces you to accept an alternate view of reality, that is NOT your own, in order to cope with and accept its doctrine. If you have to get your news from specific sources, for example, you're buying into THEIR version of events rather than forming a conclusion of your own. The danger is when the leader of that cult keeps ramping up the abuse until you're so de-sensitized to the small crimes that the big ones seem like just another day at the office.

Really, what's happening is an abusive relationship. The GOP is gaslighting you, making you feel like a victim (learned helplessness), making you feel like you can't survive without their specific form of intervention (a wall specifically designed to address a paranoia they themselves started in you when you were 11 years old), and many many other forms of control.

The most important of which is.....complete isolation. They want you to feel like you have no where to turn to, so that you'll think the only person you have is them. Which lets them continue the cycle of abuse over and over again.

This is a cult. A leader who is never wrong, who calls your personal experiences lies perpetrated by the many enemies you'll now notice you have an ABUNDANCE of, because you've been taught to accept a black and white view of reality. "Us vs them", the them being everyone else trying to protect you from the rest of your "us".

Read this in its full entirety before you reply to me or my son ever again.

and the pot calls the kettle black-


And Democrats dont do the same thing?

I'm not even sure how that even addresses a single fact that I stated.

He knows.

Bidens kid was doing some shady shit. Trump wants an investigation.


I think you're holding your calendar upside-down.
I said they didn't know at the time the money was being withheld. Your retort was that they knew in August. That's a month *after* the phone call, not before.

You might be able to form a convincing argument that he withheld the money out of spite for them not investigating Biden, but that's as close as the facts will get you. And that's not bribery.