Alone on a friday night drinking myself into a frenzy

alone on a friday night drinking myself into a frenzy
come share your troubles with me

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If you think about it, the whole point of life is sex. But what about do you can’t have sex? How the fuck are you supposed to enjoy life?

I'm suicidal and want to self harm but I'm sick of making people worry for me. Ppl say those that kill themselves are selfish. How selfish is it to force me to live just so others aren't sad. Legit, I see no upsides to this rodeo. I feel like I'm waiting in a line that never moves. There's nowhere to be, nothing to attain, no one to meet, nothing to do. Shit, just eating feels pointless. I'm just gonna have to eat again :/ lol, I wish the curtains would be pulled and it's announced this was all a prank. A prank that didn't land and I'm most relieved to be relinquished from my duties.

I feel your pain

Theres just so much to do and i dont want to do any of it

I hate women!

ITT: pathetic virgins

women are gay as fuck
you put your dick in them and then they disappear

Do you like chicken beer sex weed the ocean dogs killing raping arson .
pick something

you don’t belong on Sup Forums nigger loving queer

not same user but i like

Chicken, beer, sex

What do i win?

vagina stinks i hate that too.
and i hate walking past people on the sidewalk.
what gives another human being the right to walk past me?

A traci lords poster

Im in a drug psychosis from a bad lsd trip. The only thing stopping me from commiting suicide is my loved ones.

i dont know what that is im 31 years old
Fuck this night it sucks

Yesterday going in my elevator a family of niggers didnt hold the door for me when they saw me coming and stared at me the whole time.

pay for a bj.
it can be man or woman.
a mouth is a mouth.

Whatcha drinking tonight?

Weed I suppose, but now it doesn't make me joyful. I just feel normal. Worlds too big for me not to find something I dig no? Suppose just gotta drift a little more till I uncover it.

Me too, bruh. My partner is passed out drunk in bed. And here I sit chugging rum and listening to music.

just shitty yank beer and canadian whiskey
typical friday night for us nova scotian boys

What are you listening to? Suggest something for me
Too fuckin real, listening to music with headphones blasting in the dark drinking

Fuck how expensive alcohol is in Canada. I go there for business and goddamn.

What sort of music do you like? I listen to it all. Some old school country right now. Dwight Yoakm at the present time.

Its fucking retarded man
$25.99 tax incl for a case of beer and you know us boys up north drink a lot. 12 cans aint too much. I was in Maine for work a few months ago and they had our beer on special for $8.99 USD a case.

Damn its friday? I told myself earlier i wasn't going to drink tonight, but now that i know everybody else going to go out, hang with friends, and get laid... i guess ill have to drown myself.

I buy 30 racks of Hamm’s for $13. God bless America.

Got damn man
He’s on my playlist. Listening to Hank Williams Jr atm.
Whiskey Bent and Hell Bound is fitting.

Have been hanging out with rich men for expensive things because I am poor and very incompetent for getting a job.
9/10 male here, 19, but I don't like to fuck these asses, I like when rich women likes me, I am fucking this MILF for around 2 months.
But with new plans to fuck with this nigger recruiter of a TV show to gtfo of this life.

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All memes aside I want to be an American citizen. Canada fucking sucks. Everywhere I go I see Trudeau’s finest living off my tax $

Jamming to “Drinking my baby goodbye” by Charlie Daniels!

I feel this. I don't want to be here. I didn't ask for this (i dont think). I'm almost truly content with the idea of ending my life. It's what i want. But there are some family members whom i dont want to burden with sadness/depression etc over my death.

Explain. What’s got you down?

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I'd rather repress my problems and become neurotic...

Not everyone has troubles fucking nerd

um its friday no work for 2 days and i have a ton of booze and beer lifes great wanna drink and talk on discord user im a happy alcoholic

on my friday nights I like to drink while i listen to music and play titanfall 2. y'all should try it

um no he should not try bf5

on xbox